It only gets good 5 hours in

>it only gets good 5 hours in

>"you wouldn't understand, user"

>"it's just not your kind of game"

>"It's a good game, just not a good X game"

>"it's more fun with friends!"

>Talking about last guardian with a pal
>Say it was cool but the monster's AI is kind of annoying
>Gets really mad at me saying that it's trying to be art and not a video game, and to look over it's faults.

I dislike this. Even if a game is good you should acknowledge it's faults. I like Danganronpa and it has all sorts of shit down sides.

>Play a game for 3 hours
"Wow this game is shit."
>Continue playing bad game and beat it
"I beat it and the game is still shit."

>game has poor design when it comes to difficulty
>"lol get gud"

>play 5 hours
>wow I must have been playing for like an hour
>see the time played on save screen

>game is tedious
>people say its "hardcore" because they don't actually know the difference

This one really pisses me off. Either make a game entirely multiplayer with no single player, or make it single player. Don't trick me into buying it thinking I'll be able to play it like a single player game and not have a shitty experience because the game was built around having a second human player.

Looking at you RE5 and 6

>pick hard difficulty
>only makes the game more tedious

>Game too easy on Normal
>Game too hard on hard

Fucking everything is fun with friends, this is such a fucking non-argument I cant believe it

>The Last of Us

>first game is way too hard
>second game is way too easy

>you cant say food is bad until you finish it
>why did you keep eating it if you didnt like it?

>Patch removes a useful mechanic and makes the game no longer fun

>game stupid easy on easy
>game is significantly more difficult on normal with enemies having large health pools

What the fuck Dantes inferno? Not that the game was causing me to die more but did it get boring killing grunts with large health pools.

>food analogy

>hard difficulty is easier than normal

>complaining about food analogies on Sup Forums

>The hardest difficulty makes the game completely different

>only able to finish the game on hard mode

>bosses aren't difficult but they're tanky as hell

>hard mode is locked until you beat normal
>normal is locked until you beat easy

>can't get all of the items until NG+3

>Game has a NG+
>There's no alternative content like a different ending to justify replaying it

>It does

>final game in the series is super hyped up
>ends up being the worst of the series

This is me when I played Nier. Fucking hated that game and my friends were like you have to see all four ending.


>It does
>game is 6 hours long

>it gets really bad 5 hours in

>Game gets easier as you progress with more skills
>Have to severally handicap yourself to not be bored

>game is the best of the entire series
>the expansion pack makes it the worst of the series

>game starts out extremely hard
>becomes piss easy later on

>There's no sequel or chance for a sequel

When has that ever happened? How would an expansion ruin the integrity of the base game?

I fucking wish op but there actually exist
>It only gets better 20 hours in

>game has a major sequel hook
>game will never get a sequel

Afterbirth + maybe?

ITT: things that never actually happen

An expansion could enforce a new rule set/patch/additional unit that makes the base game no longer fun

But I'm not sure what game and what expack he could be talking about

>gameplay is bad
>"That's what the developers intended."

Then delete the expansion?

>game has weapons and abilities that make it a breeze
>complain about game being too easy
>"LOL just don't use them then"

Spec Ops The Line

beat me to it

>game's characters are complete retards at times
>"it's supposed to be that way, it's realistic"

>It gets okay-ish 20 hours in

>the port that's completely different is the only good version

>Companies always port the worst version to modern systems

>characters should have no flaws

>pokemon is a hardcore game
>you just have to turn of exp share and level each pokemon individually

>Characters have no survival instincts and that's "realistic writing"

>it gets good 5 hours in
>still shit
>no really, 10-15 hours in and it's great
>still shit
>seriously, 50 hours in and it gets fucking fantastic!

Falcomfags are the worst of the worst.

>You also have to get rid of your pokemon if they lose all their health in a fight - because more grinding=more fun/harder game somehow

>the portable version of the game is better than the console version

>play game on hard because you've played it a million times
>QTE's become impossible to complete
>remember why you always play on normal

>Devs are jews
>game literally sucks
>"I don't know about you but I'm having fun."

I fucking hate this shit. There's a difference between being a giant retard and not being omniscient.

>why do you like this game?
>"it's comfy"


That argument is literally the worst argument anyone has ever given.
Most of the time, the developers are way worse at their game than a surprising amount of their player base. It doesn't matter what their intention was if the outcome is cancer.

That's fine though, wouldn't be fine if he said the game was good because it was comfy.


>game becomes increasingly cinematic with each entry

>beat game on hardest difficulty
>don't get the achievements for beating the game on all of the lower difficulties too

>people go ahead and give the game a 10/10
>right after playing the intro part

can someone please explain to me what makes a game "comfy"

>first game in the series is completely different than the rest
>and much better too

Mario vs DK

>Friend tries to get me to buy a game
>I look it up and a still in alpha stage

>A robot so sneaky no one in the modern generation knows him

>the entire movie/series sucks but that ending tho bro you gotta watch it solely for that ending I swear dawg

>you have to buy DLC for the true ending

>its good for 90% of the game
>goes to absolute shit the last hour

Comfy is an incredibly subjective sentiment that posters on Sup Forums fail to realize isn't a descriptor of a game, but rather of their experience playing the game. Often, comfy results from games with minimal narrative- or gameplay-induced stress, so likely a lack of time limits, a forgiving difficulty/ample room for error in the game's challenges, and warm, welcoming aesthetics. Especially common is games that afford a great level of simple freedom to players, like being able to move around a large map with minimal/no unwanted interruption or challenge. Things like 3d platformers and classic 2d top down jrpgs frequently come up in these discussions because of this.

The main thing to keep in mind is that comfy is NOT a quality of a game, but is the relationship/experience/emotion that players may take away from it. Posters on Sup Forums, however, are fucking mongoloids with no capacity for critical thinking and so they claim comfy is an objective, inherent quality of games, even going so foolishly far as to cite this misperceived attribute as a (or, God forbid, THE) example of the supposed high quality of a game.

Hope that clears things up.

>game is released in early access
>game is never finished because the devs already got people's money

>Game is progressing wonderfully
>What if we change the last level to a new style of play that is fucking horrible
>Something like a turret section
Why do this?

>mfw I thought I was on Sup Forums

Is bashing your skull on solid concrete fun with friends?

Well you were half right at least

Fucking Disgaea

So the game is 10 hours long?


Fucking Dishonored


Much appreciated.

well, it isn't. quoting an argument doesn't automatically prove it wrong

>game comes out of early access
>get full refund with 70 hours on the game

>why do you like this game?
>"it's fun"

>game very slowly introduces features and mechanics
>you think it was only the beginning and the game is about to really start and pick up now that you have all the features available
>you're actually at the end of the game now and the tutorial was just stretched out over the length of the game

>game teaches you new moves as you progress
>you actually have access to them from the beginning

If you have the right drugs it is.

>it's five hours long


name 3 games that does this

>not bashing your skull on solid concrete with your best friends

It's almost as if you never had true friends before.

>you need a account in another 2-3 sites for play
>return 1 month later to play
>you canĀ“t