Why are we not talking about this?

Why are we not talking about this?
>Fucking 60 dollar game with pay to win micro transactions?

Gear only works in one mode, and even then it doesn't change much at all. It's paying to look pretty.

Also keep in mind that all maps and game mode updates will be free post-release.

The rationalizing

Better to let other nerds pay for my maps and modes rather than have the community split, you tard.

I've been talking about this for a minute

Daily reminder that there's never been a successful third person competitive game outside of driving games

Daily reminder this game has been simplified for console players

Daily reminder there's a mechanic that literally boosts your health whenever you're out numbered because lock on is so bad in melee games there's no way to actually 1vX without adding a gimmicky health boost

Daily reminder this game is P2P which means any weeb roleplayer can grab your IP and DDOS you for the next week

Daily reminder this game is P2P which means laggy game

Daily reminder you can pay for cosmetics that also give you stat boosts

Daily reminder that the parrying system in this game is a series of quick-time events

Daily reminder a full priced game is also pushing a (((season pass))) on its players

Daily reminder Ubisoft are a terrible company

Daily reminder Siege still doesn't have functioning lighting

Daily reminder shills post For Honour threads every day on Sup Forums

Daily reminder Mordhau will blow this game out the god damn water.

Thats not the fucking problem dumbass. Maps should never cost money in any multiplayer game period.

>Buying anything from Ubi after the Division

And they fucking don't in For Honor. That's literally what I'm saying.

Why are we not talking about this?
>fucking 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + $15/month game with pay to win microtransactions?

Also has a season pass doesn't it?

Don't you get the coins for free after finishing fights?

can you buy the steel?

What are you talking about? You earn those coins in matches.

It's actually

Season pass gets you new characters for free and early. Otherwise they cost steel.

You an buy it but 500 steel is piss easy to get in game, and that's how much heroes cost.


Not if you started in the beginning, everyone that isn't a child has payed at least 250 dollars just to own it.

>Pay 2 Win
>I never played the game but i still want to shit post xD

The promise of the PS4 and XB1 for the major publishers was that games would switch from being a product to a service, that the base game would be a platform for the piecemeal dlc and microtransaction model, to turn $60 into $160 or more.

welcome to 2017
SFV did the same shit

its going to bomb. don't worry

If this was like R6 Siege beta was, the heroes are cheap now, but when full game comes out, they hike the price per hero up so it actually requires grinding.


>Why are we not talking about this
Because most people already realize how broken and one-dimensional the game is, and got bored of it.

>Uhh HELLO! I literally like ALREADY PAID for the game, why should I get to choose to spend more money for EXTRA content!?
>Can "they" please stop I can't even

times change cuck, feel free to head to Cuba if you can't hack it in this brave new world of using money to get things

i got all heroes in R6 siege naturally by just playing after launch.

i was so busy playing that I got more than enough to unlock everything.

I think the biggest problem is people keeping themselves from playing the game because of stuff like this

Which is natural were living in a world where people want everything instantly without effort

not tryna hate on ur or anything mind

Holy shit OP you are a fucking retard

There are a hundred different things wrong with this game and you choose the non-issue one.

Those packs are bought with in-game currency which you can obtain very easily while playing.

Some actual problems:
>Tons of content locked behind season pass
>100 dollarydoos to get full game (as of now, who knows what they will add)
>Low on content
>1vs1 and 2vs2 are the only fun modes, Dominion is absolutely bullshit and not fun at high levels
>meta looks like it will be kind of broken when people get the hang of it, since every action has a counter it encourages waiting for your opponent to attack.
>Tons of connection problems in the beta, and being Ubi I doubt they will fix it anytime soon
>It's not a very popular genre, will likely be dead in a month or two
>fucking peacekeepers

Because I'd have to run Uplay through Steam to play a ubishit game that is rock paper scissors imitating melee combat with female knights and no campaign.

Its a red flag overload, who gives a shit bar consolefags?

Take a hike, kike. We're not buying your product

You got a point. I don't care either way, I can't fathom why people pay real dollaroos for shit like cosmetics anyway

They need to put the Elimination mode back in, that stuff was great. And what content IS locked behind the season pass? Maps and shit will be free, and afaik the Pass is for cosmetics and early access

>Rock Paper Scissors combat

Yet you support Steam

>Female Knights
Come the fuck on m8.

>No campaign
Literally wrong.

>Which is natural were living in a world where people want everything instantly without effort

Theres a difference between wanting to start on fair grounds, and instant gratification.
But nice anecdotal evidence, I'm sorry your simplistic camping game is not good enough to suck me in for 200 hours like your childish ass.

OP here. Im actually in the game right now, Nice try faggot.

Then why are you saying it's P2W? That's wrong.

How did Elimination work?

If youre starting on a fair ground or not is up to you and your skill not 2 heroes more or less.

But thanks for being a prime example for what is meant by instant gratification

who cares, game is only going to be slightly less of a flop than steep

60 bucks for this is just absurd, it's gonna get boring in a week or less

oh don't worry OP. if for honor was ikea, then dominion would be the ballpit where you drop the kids off. you get this stuff in game already and its essentially minor cosmetics; completely pointless. if people would actually pay for it, they are uberwhales and deserve to have their money taken.

You mean content they've already finished and purposely leave out of the release so they can add it later? It's standard practice at this point that files for existing content sit there for months before they are finally activated and you're given the "privilege" of buying it as DLC. See: Virtually every modern game that has been datamined, sometimes it goes as far back as a year with weapons and cosmetic shit sitting there fully modeled.

>60 bucks for this is just absurd, it's gonna get boring in a week or less

nope.. it has as much if not even more depth than Street Fighter. You just wait and see...

because it is.

It was Brawl but 4v4 on the entirety of the map. Made reviving and executions a much more important roles, since it was possible for one person to win their fight but grab their teammates up if they played smart.

micro transactions are the most logical thing to gaming. Nothing to complain about. P2W is another.

Are the things you buy purely cosmetic or do they have any actual in-game effect?

They change some stats in one mode, but in everything else they're cosmetic.

The stat changes are generally balanced, with adding to one stat but detracting from another.

>Tons of content locked behind season pass
>100 dollarydoos to get full game (as of now, who knows what they will add)
>Low on content

wat? are you retarded?

T. aspie who doesn't have any friends so he couldn't get into the beta

Eh, that shit isn't OK as far as I'm concerned. I fully understand pure cosmetic items, I mean as a dev there's no reason not to let people give you more money if they want to, but as soon as that shit touches the gameplay at all they can fuck off, especially considering the game is full price too.

The effects are minimal though, I never fought someone and thought "this guy must be using this kind of item" or something, and it's only in the casual 4v4 "I don't want to fight alone" mode anyway.

I'd much rather comment on how bad the game itself is.

Someone else said it best. If War of the Roses is a dumbed down Mount & Blade, then this game is a dumbed down War of the Roses.

I know a guy who works for Ubisoft who has been playing this for a while and the exact quote from him when I asked him why on earth they were charging $99 for the full version of the game was, "I have no idea, I thought this was going to be free to play."

I know for a fact that their marketing budget includes social media postings, which includes here, btw.

The base game is low content

You spend your money the way you want to and let other people spend theirs how they like to.
Unless you're a SJW gumbergayter?

heh heh, "unless"...

i have 2000 steel and i played twice

So was Splatoon and Overwatch, they ended up getting a lot of new content added over time

> talking about it will solve everything

I don't believe someone who claims he knows all about the marketing practices of his company when he doesn't know the price of the stuff they sell.

It's a triple A game what did you expect.

From Ubisoft iirc. You deserve rape.

>The promise of the PS4 and XB1 for the major publishers was that games would switch from being a product to a service

Actually Valve started this experiment on PC years back. Games/software as a service is now championed by everyone and I FUCKING HATE IT.