Is your main in yet?If not,tell us about her.

Also,EU lobby up suckers.
Comment:Begginers welcome!
We also have a Steam group.If you want to be notified of any lobbies or events we may have in the future,just join it.

I'll join in a minute

Is that lobby just for EU or other places too?

Technically you can join from anywhere but the connection will be shit.

Still waiting for best girl.

Sorry, I meant the Steam group, not the lobby.

You can join but you have to start hosting then,conisdering we don't have someone hosting US lobbies often.

Did something happen?My game froze.Gonna try to join again.

Don't know what happened, lobby is still open. CFN is Paprika this time.

I'll just leave after this one since everyone is lagging against me.

why does it always have to be a retarded britbong lobby


RedPyro, if I can give you an advice, you should block more on wakeup, I'm pretty much always going to hit you with a meaty so there's no way you can counter it, Alex doesn't have an invulnerable move like EX DP.

Also try to use your pokes more.

Yeah I know,it's just that the connection is rather bad today.Maybe it's a server issue,which would explain Paprika's problem.

You're lagging with me too? That's weird. I'm having less lag with you than Paprika.

Yeah it's less with you,but still there.

shut up you filthy European

Someone was watching TV, that's why it was lagging. Sorry bros

I can't wait for the day I get fiber internet

You're right RedPyro, I'm having some lag too. Maybe that's on Capcom's side.

Wanna go on or try again some other day?
I should try alex's trials,I still don't know any combos.Good thing he doesn't need them that much.

let's have a last one

Times in SFV where you act just like the Joker

>play my main in casual matches
>people think they are getting a guy trying out combos or characters
>mfw i wreck their assholes

xx_xxC R I M I N A L L Y I N S A N Exx_xx

>learn a character in ranked instead of casual matches

One time I let a friend of mine play online for one round every match. He was getting bodied since he never played a Street Fighter. Then I'd pick up the stick for the 2nd round and proceeded to body the opponents. I could only imagine their frustration and confusion but that was hilarious.


lobby still up?


and make her look this cute i beg you

Nope,sorry.Connection was terrible for all of us today for some reason,probably from capcom's side.

first character is gouken, don't get your hopes up waifufag.

>mfw it`s just a new russian char

>tfw at work on a sunday evening

Found a Main yet, pyro?

according to the same leaker that leaked MVCI

no. all the characters will be new never played before characters in sf

Thinking about alex,balrog and ken.Hopefully I'll end up deciding.And how's Necalli practice going?

>Based retards still think itll be that was in a previous SF

I hope it will, I don't want to have the same SFIV cast.

is that last character strider?

do you guys know what mod is this? it looks great

Finally learned to hit bis b&b punish combo consistently. Made it to 1000 points mainly by anti airing and blocking fullscreen tatsus.

>tfw none of them look like Ed

They have to be, or else Capcom would have done on stage at their biggest tournament and lied to everyone

It looks a lot like Garuda

I'm taking a break from this game until more new characters drop. When's Marvel?