We’ve already reported on how the Nintendo Switch is basically sold out in every major store in Japan– today...

>We’ve already reported on how the Nintendo Switch is basically sold out in every major store in Japan– today, we got to learn the extent to which this console has been pre-ordered in the Land of the Rising Sun. In a new report that Japanese tracing firm Media Create released on the state of the Japanese market (via DualShockers), it was revealed that 80% of the initial allocations of the Nintendo Switch for Japan are already pre-ordered.

This is, of course, in line with with the Switch basically being sold out (already) worldwide– the Switch is out of stock everywhere already, with some places going as far as to report that its sales are even outpacing day one sales of the PS4. Which would be an impressive feat if those numbers are duplicated worldwide.

>As for Japan- exactly how well the Switch performs remains to be seen, but as it stands right now, it looks like the country is preparing itself for a Nintendo onslaught come March 3, which is when the system releases at last.

>Read more at gamingbolt.com/80-of-nintendo-switch-shipments-for-japan-have-been-sold-out#5WsHZ3ZmZAs6JzT2.99


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should have preorder senpai

your fucked till the end of the year

tfw gonna play my preorder switch at work and get payed

80% of X when we don't know what X is is meaningless


I HATE JAPAN (except sony) I HATE THEM!

Okay, that's cool for Nintendo and all, but where are the games? Big numbers don't impress me.

Who /midnight pickup/ here

And this will be the Japaneses reaction after testing the Scorpio


well here's an indication:
>with some places going as far as to report that its sales are even outpacing day one sales of the PS4.
although i doubt it

Most stores only let people pre-order a certain amount of their stock. They will probably have some left to those that didn't pre-order.

Is it really surprising? A consoles always sells a lot at launch, even PS4 sold over 1 million in USA/Canada day one.

>get payed
How's McDonald's treating you these days?

At the cost of paying for it already, I managed to get a pre-order in a few weeks ago.

Well the PS4 didn't even outsell the Wii U until very recently so that's not a good indication at all.


Sure my boy, Xbox is totally fine in Japan. The place that hits double digits in monthly console sales.

>of some number they're not telling us
How convenient, this doesn't sound like bullshit PR spinning at all

>Pre order switch and zelda
>Play it and finish it within the first month
>Get bored and sell it off
>You're competing with scalpers in a season when the thing is sold out
>Make all your money back
>Buy it again later when you can be fucked to want to play a new mario

The attach rate is something you can hardly predict, but the higher it is, the longer the resell value will hold thats for certain

And a lot of those pre-orders will be canceled just before release because people are pre-ordering from multiple retailers.

You never learn, do you?

>Waste money producing too many consoles
>Piss off people for not making enough

Which would you prefer?
While we're talking spin, what you can do on this board with an image of a warehouse's left over stock would be phenomenal

it goes both ways, usually how ever you want it to

I had a dream about the Switch last night.
Daikatana got confirmed for a Switch port and would be available on launch day.
Miiverse was replaced with an Animal Crossing game with different billboards for each game you played. It also had virtual trading cards like Steam Trading Cards and all of them were at least a dollar for one of them.

Also, I work in tech support, so I'll be doing the same

I think we're talking about two separate things.

Usually we hear pre-order numbers by now. We know that Gamestop sold 500k Wii U's in 3 days, for instance. What do we know this time? Well, they're quiet on that. We know that their allotment sold out, but they are staying mum on what that number actually is, and I wonder why. The only sensible conclusion is that it's not an impressive number, and why would it be? March isn't November, just for starters, and that's pretending the Switch's other glaring faults don't exist.

I think this type of article is incredibly deceptive, and I think that's exactly what Nintendo wanted. They knew their launch numbers wouldn't be impressive, so what did they do? They set available quantities very low so they could be sure they'd sell out. This way, they're controlling the narrative. Switch is SOLD OUT. This is factual, but when you start to break it down, you realize it doesn't tell you anything. And the things you'd want to know, like how many it means, are sorely absent.

If the Switch was pre-ordering at impressive amounts, isn't that something they'd be bragging about right now? Instead, they're just letting the media lie for them.

Who /NEON/ here, boys?

FUCK YOUUU! Nintendo better rev up those factories. FUCK.

>tfw you don't give a fuck because Zelda is not enough for you to buy the console at launch


>ship 2 units to each retailer
>proudly proclaim you sold through all your shipments

every time with this company.

99% of Sonyggers saw this thread, did the same thing and ran away crying. The one 1% will stay and post "bu-bu-bu Wii U" with tears in their eyes. user is spot on.

I didn't even see the neon go on sell at amazon. Was at the damn page refreshing all night long after the presentation

Dunno, in UK they were put up about an hour after the grey one was for sale.

Why would anyone actually buy this at launch? There's what 2 games?

The Wiiu did the same.
Why do people keep forgetting this?
Selling well at launch means nothing if all the sales dry up after 4 months.

We just might be
I haven't gone to sleep before 9am in a few days now

In the cases of "Usually" this consoles an oddball
Considering we only knew what it looked like for the first time less than 3 months before its even available.

Are we questioning motives or style of figures presented?
Because usually the numbers game articles aren't really even meant for us as a consumer, but for investors to keep the confidence high.

I don't like these sorts of articles either
all I can think is I can't help but think of this in terms of strategy and not just them being lazy.
Like a good way to get people to talk to eachother about a console is to make the conversation topic about how they don't have one.

I remember some seemingly fudged figures when 3DS got the price drop
every article "3DS sales up 380% since price drop"
Which is a nice number, until you ask for the rest.

I still don't know if they meant 2 million units shipped worldwide or just North America

To be immediately snatched up by people who missed out originally.

...and then........................fail.

This is correct
This begs the question in terms of the rest of the year, how many other games are to come out before the years end that HAVEN'T been announced?

If its just Arms, mario kart and splatoon till Mario Odyssey I say good LUCK

Absolute total and utter delusion. Scorpio will do WORSE than Xbone in Japan. They have different tastes. Using music as an example, look at this...


Now which one of those songs will you buy? Now you have a mild understanding of the flip side of how the Japanese see Xbox.

Nintendo definitely has several unannounced games for Switch

If i remember correctly, apparently many games developed for Wii U are now for Switch

Nintendo has stated that they will have constant first party games from now on, i guess we will see this 2017

>If the Switch was pre-ordering at impressive amounts

But it's sold out. That means there is currently more demand than supply. It's not possible to say how large that demand is until Nintendo makes more units available, which I can't imagine why they wouldn't if they had the capability.

I phoned my Walmart (in Canada) the other day, and they said they don't take preorders. So if you just line up before they open you should be able to get one.

I don't think I've ever seen Sup Forums so desperate for a console to fail as tney are the Switch rignt now, what's up with that?

I think you missed the two + years of THERE WON'T EVEN BE A PS4 that was going on, here.

>Sonygger damage control
>bu-bu-bu *sniff* teh Wii U


Ok, real talk.

I travelled to Japan last Summer, and that LEGIT happened to me. Like, dozens of times too. Japanese girls are SUPER thirsty for white dick.

One girl ran into a wall at the underground while looking back at me.

I also recall this cute girl in the 109 Building in Shibuya folding Pikachu shirts of whatever, and I was asking her about places to go out at night, she knew fuck all of English, but she kept staring at me, and licking her lips (she had a tongue piercing).

List goes on.

If you're an attractive white dude, and you go to Japan, you'll turn a lot of heads, no lie. Like, if you can't get laid in Tokyo, you're SoL, you'll never get laid at all period.

I remember talking to this Japanese dude outside the club at like 5am while having a smoke, and he was like "nah man, you white dudes have it so easy here, like every Japanese girl wants to be with a white guy at least once." He was cool. Japanese people in general are super friendly. Dunno where people get the Xenophobia shit from, cause they only hate the Chinese. But Europeans and Americans? They love that shit.

Fuck well, cant wait for them to break that promise

1 Nintendo game a month would seem like their close to ideal scenario, any more an they run the risk of being so good at selling their own shit that Indies and 3rd parties get left out.

I hope that only the best come to Switch
I'm glad I can sell my Limited Edition of MK8 for roughly the price it would cost to buy Deluxe on switch

its almost like zelda is some sort of popular franchise and is only available on either this new console or a failed dead console that is literally never getting another game for it


80% of what?

They might as well have just said something even more vague like "most of" or "a lot".

Are they seriously unable to even make up a number?

I remember when the Wii U was selling out like crazy, too.

People want what they can't have

I wish everyone were xenophobic and isolationist in everything but trade so we could all learn to miss eachother
Then we can TRULY start power ranking who has the best dicks

Gaming is a Zero sum game. If one console succeeds the other two will struggle. If the Switch takes off, the PS4 will be shitcanned (like the PS2 shitcanned the Dreamcast) and Sony will literally die overnight because only PS4 is keeping it afloat.

Personally, i don't understand why are people pre-ordering Switch when so many games are coming out

God of War
Uncharted The Lost Legacy
Horizon Zero Dawn
Detroit Become Human
Days Gone
Death Stranding
Nier Automata
Yakuza 0
Persona 5
Ni No Kuni II
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Nex Machina
Mass Effect Andromeda
Red Dead Redemption II
Dragon Quest XI (best version)

Granted, some of these are on PC too but i mainly play on my PS4 just like many millions of people do.

What does the Switch have?

Splatoon? Mario Kart? Last gen ports?

So yeah, it's kinda difficult for me to understand why are people excited for a tablet with attached controllers.

I will certainly get a Switch but not this year, it's not worth it.

>I remember some seemingly fudged figures when 3DS got the price drop
>every article "3DS sales up 380% since price drop"
>Which is a nice number, until you ask for the rest.
No, we knew the numbers those percentages were based on. Since we had weekly hardware sales every week after launch.

This 80% number is based on..what? We just don't know

> That means there is currently more demand than supply
First of all, the supply is arbitrary. 0 are available even when pre-orders were up because we're talking about pre-orders, not actual sales. No one has bought a Switch yet, period

The quantity available for pre-order is arbitrary. Maybe 2 million were available, maybe 200k were available. That's a 10 fold difference, aren't you concerned that we don't know which it is? We don't know what it is at all

What we do know is that they're shipping 2 million units throughout March, which means the portion dedicated to pre-orders will not be the entire 2 million because they plan on shipping that more than just at launch, but for the entire first month.

>I can't imagine why they wouldn't if they had the capability.
BECAUSE they're pre-orders. It doesn't matter that people can't get them right now because they couldn't get them right now *anyway*. It's not available yet. So, "sold out" looks better than "accepting pre-orders", and it doesn't actually cost them sales.

Mean to quote this post too:

>Personally, i don't understand why are people pre-ordering Switch

Its the Game Boy 2 that you can plug into your TV.

UK peeps. doesn't Argos have copies? What about GAME?

Yet another shitty Zelda game isn't worth 400 dollars
I'd rather wait and emulate it on the wii u version which will still be a better experience than the switch lol

2 million for the entire month of March. Probably something like 1.2 million at launch.

I had a PS4 but sold it because I hated its games. Now, the Japanese devs finally come out with games that I like. Fuck me.

Of course they get the most fag looking dude they can find.

I doubt the available pre-order quantity was even half of the 2million figure. Nintendo wanted it to sell out. They set it low so that it would.

PS4 is redundant because I have a PC.
Sony has been garbage for two gens now and I see no reason to go back to them.

can anyone give me the adress to a store in the united states of america that still sells ps4's. seems like they're sold out everywhere since everyone is preparing for the launch of horizon zero dawn.

It's quite obvious that Nintendo doesn't want to sell many Switch at launch, after all, they have to support the 3DS too and there are several games coming for it

Ok PCuck

Switch is a huge success

Sup Forums BTFO

Took exactly one post to expose the Sonygger.

Ok PCuck

Posts like these will make an excellent collage when it's trending under the Wii U

Why does Nintendo always pull this retarded fake demand bullshit. I had to wait a while for a Wii U and would have to do the same with the switch. You know what Nintendo can just fuck off. I'm tired of their bullshit

>preordered my switch day 1
>its sold out everywhere in my city next day
>Sup Forums still trying to convince themselves the switch is a meme
>it sells out everywhere
While you whiney faggots are trying to get cemu running at playable fps on your toasters. I'll be enjoying botw while I take a dump. Feels good to be a nintenbabby.

>Zelda fucking sucks I can't wait to emulate this piece of shit on my PC, I hope soon Nintendo will go third party so they will put their horrible games on my console...

>tfw probably going to spend an extra $80 to get color option I want because I'm a good lil cucked Nintendrone

I can also play BoTW with my Wii U on the shitter, my bathroom is close to my room.

wii u was sold out too
fanboys always buy it at release


>you'll finally be able to play on a console while being rolled up like a taco in your blanket
Feels good man.

>spending all that money on a switch and shitty Zelda game when you could use it towards a license and a car instead so you can get out of your parents basement

That's because Nintendo ships a small amount in order to make it look like their consoles are wanted

Only excited for WiLD, Spiderman, and Red Dead Redemption 2, although I'll be getting that one on my Xbox One

If you're going down that route, I'd wait to see what other colours they release if I were you.

This isn't true. If they wanted to control the narrative, they would have made it sell out, but not at night before people wake up like it did in the US. Thankfully I preordered one so it doesn't affect me.

Do you even know how much a car costs?

I don't have any consoles, Nintendo or otherwise, so on a subjective level it doesn't really matter to me which of them is going to be successful and which is going to fade away. Still, I have reason to believe that the Switch will be successful. Very successful in fact.

I don't believe the Scorpio will be particularly successful. It's less boring than the PS4 Pro, but that's all that can be said about it. PS4 has a way better library of games while you might as well just cuck yourself with Windows 10 if you want Xbox Scorpio games.

Except Dreamcast had a shit install base, unlike PS4, the holiday it needed to sell it was completely overshadowed, it never got off the ground in the first place. The PS2 survived well into the next generation because everyone owned one, the releases of the 360, Wii, and PS3 weren't enough to kill it right away. PS4 will go for a while, and I'm sure we'll be hearing about a PS5 releasing shortly after Scorpio.

Worst thing that will happen to Sony is the game division will jump ship.

>but not at night before people wake up like it did in the US
The fact that it sold out at 3am should clue you in at how ridiculous few units retailers got. Amazon.com sold out in 5 minutes so they probably had less than 1k units.


If trial production began in september, real production could have started in october ot november. Meaning they had 5-6 months to get everything in a box. I doubt everything is done at Foxconn.

If production is 10 mil a year, thats 833,000 a month. Though these things take time to ramp up as well. Under the best conditions just assuming everything was ready and perfectly efficient on a 6 month timeline they'd have 5 million ready and waiting at launch. Though i think that number is probably closer to 3 million.

That's blatantly wrong and retarded. Amazon got 1k units? Yeah, okay.

>use it towards
Do you even know how to read?
And you can get a beater car for under 2k easily

Here's hoping that PS5 and Scorpio won't feel as generic ass the PS4 and Xbone.

>tfw so cynical I only need three good games for a console to buy
PS4 has purse owner and bloodborn, new neir looks dope too but we'll see, need to finish the ps4 neir. Nothing else looks good that isn't a multiplat.
Xbone has literally nothing, only scale bound and that is gone.
Switch is going to have zelda, mario, and supposedly xenoblade, 3 good games in only it's first year.
This isn't a console war shitpost, it's just me thinking aloud how games aren't made for me anymore. I can't sit through hours of shitty written movie scenes and I will blow my brains out if I ever play another FPS.
Just disappointing m8s, I wasn't here for a few years and decided to come back with the Witcher 3 launch, expected it to be torn apart since it's such a shitty rpg. Was welcomed with a different user base with different priorities in gaming

>falling for the Switch after the disaster that was the Wii U
>same exact headlines as last time

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Nintenyearolds.

Welp, my bad. I guess it's time for bed.

Digitimes is complete bullshit dude. They have zero credibility, especially when it comes to the Switch.

You did good babe.

No, I'm sure the real answer is that half the country was up at 3am desperately F5ing to get a $300 tablet.

>got a pre-order on Amazon by randomly checking the page after the event
>swept up in the hype but now not even sure how much I want it
>might cancel it

Feels okay I guess?


I'm skeptic about Switch but i dunno, seems like Nintendo is doing some things right

a)It doesn't have a stupid shit ass name, it's name is simple: Nintendo Switch

b)A far better marketing than the disastrous marketing for Wii U, aimed for young adults or core gamers.

c)Even if third party support might be weak as shit compared to PS4, it looks like Nintendo have been talking with several devs and lots of them are bringing their games to Switch (over 80 third party games are coming to Switch apparently)

It won't be a big failure as the Wii U, but the console has potential.

>swept up in the hype
>not sure you want it

You are the worst kind of person. Mindless materialistic drones.

Nintendo is shipping 2 million units in March.

Wii U sold 3 million units in its first month

It is mathematically impossible for the Switch to outsell the Wii U, at least in its first month.

The Wii U's problem wasn't initial sales, it's the fact that it dropped off the face of the planet shortly after, whereas the Wii kept selling millions.

>It won't be a big failure as the Wii U
Yeah it will