Fire Emblem Echoes

Who else is hype for this game? I don't have anything against the last couple FEs but this might be the most appealing to me in a while.

>remake of old Fire Emblem game
>cool new artist, closer to the old FE style
>more serious plot, no more facerubbing and marriage nonsense
>unique features like dungeon crawling
>fully voice acted story

I never played FE2 but it must have been ambitious as hell to have dungeon crawling and shit in a NES SRPG.

Best part is they announced it pretty close to release. It comes out in May.

Also dual protagonists like Sacred Stones which is always pretty cool.

I'm interested in how this game will be received by the new crowd. Hopefully, if it's actually a quality remake, and people enjoy it without waifufaggotry and children bullshit, IS can take some pointers for the next FE.

It would be cool if it does just as well and sends them a message that FE doesn't need that stuff to sell. I have confidence the game itself will be good, so the question is whether people will like it.

I'm just happy they're actually willing to try something different instead of continuing to repeat the same thing just because it works. I figured there would be one more Awakening/Fates style FE on 3DS instead. Maybe there still will be if the 3DS lasts that long, who knows.

> sends them a message that FE doesn't need that stuff to sell

Exactly, crossing my fingers it happens, i know i'll buy a copy to support the cause when the time comes

My favorite part of the Nu-FE games is the skill system. I love reclassing and building my units up into supersoldiers. Are any of the old FEs like that?

RD endgame is fun to stack skills

FE4 doesn't let you reclass, but you can make some of your child units into monsters if you make the right pairings and hand down the kids good items.

Hopefully there's no censorship drama this time like there was with Fates, but I can't imagine what they would even need to censor in this one.

If I can't make a self-insert and make babies with a Lucina DLC then I'm not buying.

I've been wanting to play Fates and have a modded 3ds.The demo for Awakening was fun, but at the time I hung out a lot on Sup Forums and had most of Awakening spoiled for me.

How bad is the censorship in Fates and does it warrant playing a fan-patch? Thanks.

Making Shove and occult skills mandatory was dumb.

Then go ahead and fuck off from the series, we could use less of you faggots

So say Echoes is successful, and IS is allowed to keep it as a revival brand for other FEs.

What do you think happens to stuff like this?

Wasn't that particular instance a glitch anyway

You can download an uncensored version of the special edition and then patch the language from 3diso

someone made a new patch to call him Seliph?

>muh old FE
you have no idea what you're getting into with gaiden and i'm looking forward to laughing at you retards come may.

>cool new artist
>Atelier series

I only respect them because of Remembuh 11

Honestly it'd be hard to screw it up because Gaiden was not very good. There's a reason you never heard about it. I just worry that they will leave it with too many wide open maps of nothing because that's what Awakening and Birthright had, instead of changing them to be more interesting.

That, and they keep going full otome mode. People complaining about waifus don't' realize that since Fates they've been more after the female fanbase.

What's wrong with Atelier?

The art looks fine, who cares if you dislike some other series they worked on.

It's better than the usual 3ds style.

I hope there are no children making

My only real issue is that his/her female characters tend to look very generically cutesy and bland.

They changed or cut dialogue pretty significantly. Important stuff in favor of jokes. Someone should post images. It's bad enough that you really may as well use the patch.

any trailer or gameplay? Ive been out for 2 weeks...

I can only hope Echoes does well do we can get:
FEE: Genealogies of Jugdral
FEE: Legends of Elibe
FEE: The Radiance of Tellius
A man can dream.

Th-that's a guy?

>That, and they keep going full otome mode. People complaining about waifus don't' realize that since Fates they've been more after the female fanbase.
This, you niggas don't even know

My soul anguishes in disgust at the mere thought of FE4 in Treehouse's hands.

>Echoes removes romance
>game bombs and series dies
l m a o reminder that this series has only continued thanks to us waifufags

>one bomb killing the series when there's two other games already in the works

>That, and they keep going full otome mode
But I want wafius.

>implying Echos isn't just a side series being made by a side team to pander to old series fans and people that don't want to emulate and translate old Japanese roms and is totally inconsequential to the overall plans for the franchise
Dumb Nahposter

It doesn't need children but it does need waifu faggotry

Looks exactly like his mother.

what's the point of waifufaggotry without an avatar? Unless you'd suggest that all future games include an avatar, but that'd just get stale fast.

Yeah, to some degree waifu faggotry has always been a part of the series.

I used to beat off to the in game art of Lyndis in FE7 back when it came out.

dat exposed leg...

That was an oversight with the Jealousy system. It probably gets removed.

You literally cannot dance around the whole Arvis and Deidre situation or rewrite it, and it's not like it's framed as a good thing so there's no need to rewrite it anyway.


stop pretending to be an oldfag

it fills me with hope that we might get remakes of genealogy and thracia

they should release a switch version

this ^
I need something to play on this shit. All I'll have is Zelda and Mario Kart within a month.