City-building thread?

City-building thread?

>tfw dead genre completely bereft of innovations

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Yeah, what are you gonna do when Bane will blow up yours bridges huh? Didn't think about it did you?

Oblivion reference?

This looks like something Saudis would plaster into the ocean

is there a city builder that's like Banished that's any good?

>perfect water lanes
>no ports/terminals

i'd live there desu




>I come from cities, peoples, to this place - Mainframe.

Is it just me who thinks Cities Skyline doesnt feel remotely like a game?

Your city grows and you unlock more stuff. A fun city designer but not a game.


>no train lines
>no airport
>no ship routes

how do you expect to succeed

I still prefer Sim city 4 tho


That's all i do desu. I love it. Have too many mods though.


Let it go, Jim.

Citizens travel to other cities by rapidly going around the cities' highways until the centrifugal force catapults them out of orbit.


with a city that sexy, who needs to travel?

What's your format?
That's not how it goes. "I come from the net, through systems, peoples and cities"

You still have to properly manage stuff and design you city's layout. But yeah the game is 90% for the comfy.

What went wrong, bros?

Also Pharaoh 2 when? Sierra will certainly finis...oh wait.



what the fuck am I looking at


never played this genre but this looks like it could be a good lazy sunday thing to do.

what's the best there is?


Nice park you got there, I think I will steal it, if you don't mind

Cities Skyline is the most recent well-made addition to the genre.

>tfw can barely run it

At least my cities look good from afar.


I thought it was Midgard

A Grid.
A digital frontier, usually ignored.

I tried to picture clusters of information as they moved beyond the barriers.

What would they look like?
Shit, toilet paper? Were the circuits like pipe ways?

I kept dreaming of a world I hoped I'd never see.

And then one day, it was posted on Sup Forums.

I'm too dumb for city builders.

>can barely run it
what the hell are your specs, nigga. I can run it fine on my toaster.

GT 620 :^)

It works fine on my GT 730.

How good is Tropico 4 for comfy city building? Picked it up during a humble giveaway but never touched it.

Please don't go into a civil engineering job.

make me

Meet me outside Staples Center @ 4pm if you want this fade.

It's pretty fun to be honest.

the fuck is staples

my town always goes into debt and shit and i can't upgrade fast enough

i want to enjoy these games but figuring out the way to 'win' just sucks.

Remember me?

>what is google

>dead genre completely bereft of innovations
None of these games survived the transition into the era of 3D and CD-ROM games.
The FMV games hype starting with 1994 killed dozens of genres. Ask /vr/.

too many fucking bridges

banished with mods

Who are you?

>build a city
>have to place super ugly landfills and inceneration plants
>they turn the entire surroundings into ugly brown shit
>centralising them mean the garbage trucks can't reach every house
>spreading them means more ugly brown shitstains on the map
Just let me build a neighbouring city and sell them my entire fucking trash goddamit

Sim City 4 is the best

Go slower and get the basics right, like attracting more people to your city, helping trade, raising taxes first.

>my town always goes into debt and shit
Just like any town with a liberal major. It's pretty realistic.
>figuring out the way to 'win' just sucks.
You can't win, that's the point.

i raise the taxes and people leave.

idk maybe i need to take things slower.

Is that motherfucking St. Canard?

Don't try to build huge city right away, take it slow and neer go back to default game speed.


>neer go back
I really need to clean my keyboard.

Sorry OP but you have shit taste in pizzas, I'm gonna need to stage an intervention at this rate


Call that a solution?
THIS is a solution

I know it's the least efficent way possible, but I really like the way how the roads cross over and under each other

thanks for the tips

great screenshots too btw, love these threads

Only the poor people who can't pay more in taxes leave. Think of it as making room for other people who can pay taxes.
More taxes pays for more emergency services and other things that attract wealthier people that can pay higher taxes.

This is a district I started later. Still not perfectly efficent but also looking good imo, especially once the other houses get bigger

I think any civil engineer would get an aneurysm from looking at these road screenshots


that actually looks pretty slick, slick.

this thread makes me want to start up skylines so bad, but I know I'll fuck everything up within the first hour or two like I have for the past 20.

Just go slow till you can get your first loan (around 500 population I think). After that I never went into negative balance again.

I've buried my roundabouts and connect them with one-ways

>el persaukila

finns pls leave

>my town always goes into debt

jesus i hope youre talking about sim city and not skylines

One big thing that helps is playing with the unlock all mod that you get by default
I haven't played with it before, and that always lead to having to use the worse versions of buildings(like the garbage dumps and the cemetaries instead of the incineration plant and crematorium)

That and you'll have enough money to do somewhat futureproof city layouts at the start, instead of having to completely tear down the first parts

>restaurant pier next to sewage waste pipes

what are you doing?


what mod?

They're Italian so they should feel right at home


cities skylines is great, very fun, and reasonably priced. Simcity 4 is good as well but is very different, more strategy, personally i prefer the C O M F Y of cities

It's like the city hired a guy with Parkison's to design their roads.

Modded SC4 will always be the best city builder

looks a Cities ripoff



Milwaukee runs you through this maze when you try to get to Miller park from Chicago.

I got this guys

Creating India. Couldn't find designated shiting street mod so I did the next best thing.

So how do you get commercial my man,when I make zones the people don't even build them.

I wish I knew how to play this game. I just don't know how roads and highways work.

>that UI


Nobody beats motherfucking Caesar III


>Early time on skylines
>Everything is good
>Water bug happened
>Last manual save : 3 hours ago
Fuck me



Simcity 4 so sensitive, even slight things you change, everything is good or to hell if you really dont know