Pewds says there is more to life than money.... like what?

pewds says there is more to life than money.... like what?

like posting on Sup Forums

gassing all the kikes

it's just something rich people say

Then why doesn't he donate all his money to charity to prove his point?

I rest my case.

That doesn't make sense like you think it does.

he's not saying money isn't important you literate

Why don't you?

I find it amusing how good this guy is at following his audience.
They grew up with him so of course he has to change his content to something edgier.
But having himself realized this fact and change his persona that fast makes him really smart guy.

aww boo hoo a millionaire is feeling sad. We should feel sorry for him :(

You didn't have a case to begin with.

>there is more to life than money
The only people who say that are the ones who can buy whatever they want

Pussy, weed, rock n roll the use

Banging his Italian girlfriend, of course.

>he's a millionaire, that means he doesn't have feelings
I know you're jealous but come on now

she's hideous

>the people who don't have to worry about money are the only ones that can live for other things
well yeah. not sure what your point is.

This is like a man who gets ton of pussy says there's more to life than pussy.

Yeah sure, the same reason I think there's more to life than drinking water. Doesn't stop the thirsty man from desiring water above all else.

Post your 2d non-existent girlfriend then, faggot

that's not how it works.
if you have everything you have no purpose.
just like the indians getting huge cut backs from casinos and the government.

they get an assload of money every month and are usually found intoxicated on various drugs or alcohol.
without purpose you lose all meaning in life.

>the only people who say there is more to life than money are the people for whom there is more to life than money



So why don't you?

Clearly you're too stupid to understand my point. This guy gets it:

You also don't get the point, see here:

He may be right, but most people will spend their entire lives slaving away for money while he gets to do anything he wants.


I ain't look at shit faggot


Pussay and keks.

>person with more than enough of something now wants other things he's lacking
Holy fuck how can such a thing be possible lol???

I guess because you're too stupid to read

Fair enough

Oh fuck off with this shit, as if the destitute don't do the same fucking thing with what little money they have.
Here's the thing about having a shit ton of money. It can support you, and if you have money you have the freedom to pursue your passions. That said, some people just can't function mentally without having someone else dictate their lives, and fall into depression when granted these freedoms.

>I must get the last word in

Prove me wrong

Pewds has enough money to meet his needs and let him do cool shit but it doesn't automatically make him happy. He knows he's outrageously lucky but it doesn't mean he can't get depressed or tired like everyone else.

That's what he's been saying lately anyways

You're both equally retarded. See Besides, I'm not wealthy. I live in a dump and I've had stretches of being forced to eat cheap instant meals for weeks straight because it's all I could afford and having to worry about not being able to pay rent for the month. Never lived on the street, but I still really don't put much value in money. I put it all in art. It's a piece of paper that is used to keep society in check and it helped us progress as a civilized species, and I was born into a family that sucks at managing it, and that's it.

>Oh no I'm sad
>Let me wipe my tears with this hundred dollar bill.
Everyone gets fucking sad and tired. The difference is that Pewd can afford to take time off to recollect himself, a wageslave can't.

Pff it is easy for people with more money than they know what to do with to say "more to life than money".

>makes millions out of mostly underage kids (mainly reddit and Sup Forums)
>spouts some pseudo philosophical crap
>Sup Forums is buying into it

Can't make this shit up... the things you can do with money.

why the fuck doesn't he just do a shit ton of weed and other drugs?


He'll probably make more money from this video complaining about there being more to life than money than I'll make in a year.

>money can't buy happiness

No, but it can buy things that make me happy or at least content.


you make less than 8k a year?

sweden is dry as fuck, horrible place to pick up drugs

touche, he's insincere you make a point

No, I only make around £1,200 a month though. So maybe 2 of his videos.

>Guy with all the money says there is more to life than money

I love this meme

>Guy who will never have to worry about paying rent or if he will have money to eat next week claims he is depressed

Also a good one

people don't do weed in sweden??

this is just something retards say when they can't bring any purpose to life on their own. they live to work and can't find any self-satisfaction without having something to immediately dictate what they should be working towards. based on how he acts for views, I'm not surprised.

that depends on your financial situation. if you're sufficiently poor, then there's not really much more to life than money, as pretty much all of your effort is (or should be) devoted to keeping yourself afloat.

if you're at least marginally well off and not in danger of starving to death, then yeah, there's more to life than money unless you're so obsessed with materialism that you make it not so.

saving the white race

>because it's all I could afford

Buy a 20lb bag of rice and a few 10lb bags of mixed beans.

Ta-da. Healthy meals for months.

Don't try to pretend rice and beans is bad either. That shit tastes good even unflavored.

he lives in Britbongistan

do i just add the beans to the rice cooker?

Well I'd say money isn't everything if I was a millionaire too. He says loads of shit like he does youtube for the fans, he's not in it for the money but he still has clickbait titles and that whole "i'll delete my channel" misunderstanding to get more subs, more attention, more money. I'd might like him if he would do less acting.

>there is more to life than money
A conclusion you can safely come to only when you've earned enough money to be set for life.

Obviously most blue-collar workers don't view money as the ultimate goal of existence, yet they still have to spend their lives working and earn money, in order to have access to things they do find important.

I'd say the same if the only thing people talked about was how much money I have

Make sure its Brown Rice. White Rice is actually bad for you if you eat it daily.

I will never in a million years understand why rich people always act like they're so miserable.
Sure, you can be depressed, or cynical, or malcontent to a degree. But, they all act like "ugh, I just ughhhh, you guys don't understand how hard it is having all of this money like god....."
Get the fuck out of here. You can go to Disneyland today, right fucking now and do a whirlwind of drugs and hookers while riding the fucking matterhorn and shove a churro up a ladyboy's asshole if you want.
How the fuck can your life be that bad?

Not him, but ...

Money is fucking everything.

That would lack ANY source of non saturated fatty acids. Olives and cheese.
Also, lentils are somewhat equal to beans. Beware they both contain estrogen.

>Get well paying job
>Try to use it to save dosh and invest it
>Have to work about 5-7 years so I can later retire and live frugally while doing only what I care about
>Said job makes me miserable as fuck and I want to quit and go do what I like
>I will probably end up poor and needing another job
Fuck life.



Fuck off some people don't have Google.

Rich people love to say that. They also say money doesn't bring happiness.

I feel you as I live the rice cooker life too but that shit does NOT taste good unflavored

You will also be old and busted, desensitized to everything.

Thanks for the laugh.

>Beware they both contain estrogen.
Oh my, now we wouldn't want that...

you should find a job that's less intolerable. working is part of life too and it's a pretty big part. it's ok to make a bit less money, as long as you have enough to get by. i think it's more important to at least not have to stress all the time while you're working.

Pretty much. There's no winning in life unless you're rich or are lucky enough that you can get enough money by doing what you love.

thats what people with money always says.

No way fag

Fuck work. Getting up every day at 7-8 AM to go do something you don't give two shits about is not living.

The best you can do 99% of the time is just that, "something less intolerable". But you'll still be stuck doing that for at least a decade, 5 days a week.

>guy makes millions for years
>decides pretending to be autistic isn't fun
>rips off other peoples comedy schtick
>thinks he has moral high ground

that's just the easiest route. i'm able to find happiness in that kind of life, but maybe you aren't.

if you really detest it so much, there are other ways to live, but they're more difficult and would require you to put in a lot more effort and learn new ways of doing things that might be uncomfortable for you.

>some people just can't function mentally without having someone else dictate their lives, and fall into depression when granted these freedoms.
The tinfoilers were right. We really are just a slave race that was created to mine gold for aliens so they could fly off to better, more worthwhile worlds and left us here to rot on this prison planet, fruitlessly chasing god.