>Achievement: Start the game for the first time!
>92% of people have this achievement.
Achievement: Start the game for the first time!
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Trophy percentages are really interesting, glad they added it.
>trophy calls out people not getting that trophy
Well, there are people who pirate a game, finish it, then buy it because they liked the game and don't touch it.
oh, demi-chan anime already started? should watch it
Kyouo > Semon Demon > literally-fuuka > Not-Oreo
I can swear to God that this never happens. This is the very definition of a cuck.
on PS4 at least it doesn't even add it to the trophy library unless you start the game up I think
satania a SHIT
(In a black guy voice) Yoooo did they just kill off my waifu here?!
>Achievement: Start the game for the first time!
>25% of people have this achievement.
>MC is fucking ripped
I've been gifted a lot of games that I haven't played yet because my backlog is full of other shit I would rather play first.
>muscular autist gets a bunch of cute girls and a literal succubus
is this /fit/ the anime?
Percentages aren't for rounding up.
You know full well that is because for a long time all the achievements were tied to games for windows live, and they didn't get moved to steam during the transition.
that's even less than 25%
I hope this throphy are on uncensored neptunia with japanese language included.
Because I think I will buy it.
neptunia is fucking terrible though
I can't afford an TV only for me and a console what can only play videogames.
I have not much options for japanese games.
it's in V on the PS3 which is not censored
you should probably learn english before playing japanese games.
I know you are saying about how shitty my english is but I don't want to improve it for my gaming experience.
It's an japanese game made in japan by japaneses for japanese market. (Gestaltzerfall)
It should come with japanese language by default.
Fuck. It's like selling assassins creed with english on consoles and with no english at Steam.
>Go Steam
>No japanese language.
I will wait.
there's Japanese voices
I want to protect this smile.
>Start the game: 89%
>Beat level 1: 80%
Fuck man, considering the game doesn't knock you to the beginning of the level for dying, what happened?
Fuck man
I don't expect everything being voiced at all.
It's JRPG. You need to read some shit.
>only 19% of the players have killed the second boss
>have 200 games on steam
>only ever played 16 of them
>have 30 games on ps4
>only played 3 of them
>have 50 games on xbone
>only played 7 of them
>have hacked ps3 with all games
>only played 2 games
>have hacked 3ds
>never played it
>have hacked vita
>never played it
Such is life for lazy NEET
>Playing Dragon's Dogma on Steam.
>Go through the game just fine.
>Have my fun with the game and call it quits once I've beaten it 3 times.
>One of the few achievements I never got was completing the prologue.
Still so weird to see.
92% is quite high actually.
I only buyed games what made me want to play.
I think I'm doing something wrong.
There's also people who buy it on steam, but then decide to play it on another platform. It happened with a few Vita games that I got from sales on steam.
Or just buy it bundled with shit and never get around to it.
More like retards who buy games they don't even like on impulse during sales.
Are achievements at 100% based on how many people own the game, or how many people started game?
If the former, then 92% is good.
If the latter, what the fuck happened?
Those percentages are increadible. Not everyone searched every nook and cranny for all the collectibles or whatever? Fine, but most people barely made it to the hallway point of the game? How pathetic can you be?
Started. People just go back to cod or whatever popular multiplayer game they were playing. I know I got that bought killing floor 2 but went back to fucking smite almost immediately.
>he's never bought a game with the intention to play it later
>the day you play it can be postponed indefinitely due to whatever
it's like you only have 5 games you filthy poorfag
This isn't about buying a game you'll play later
This is about STARTING a game then not even playing it to the point where you lick "start game"
>3% of players beat the game
>.3% beat the game on the hardest difficulty