Video games are great but are you

Video games are great but are you
>eating well?
>getting enough sleep?
You can be a neet and play vidya all day but don't forget to eat healthy, have a salad, lean meats, sleep at least 6 hours and don't go overboard with 10 and at least run for 20 minutes every day. You'll stay active, healthy and get to play vidya for longer.

Stay safe out there Sup Forums

I'm going to ignore all of your advice and masturbate every day and wonder why life is even worth living? I'll also condescend to everyone just because I'm anonymous, post in threads about things I hate.

Now I have to go, somewhere there is a girl gamer doing that puzzle in Portal with the glass tube wrong by stacking the physics items instead of using the rockets.

I sleep 12 hours a day, eat nothing but Spam and rice, and the only exercise I get per day is fapping and walking to the kitchen.

>eating well?
>getting enough sleep?
Getting in the habit, eventually gonna go for 20 a day once I've done enough cardio to carry my lard ass

thanks for looking after my health, op

>eating that much spam
How high is your fucking blood pressure?

are you asian? i eat rice and spam from time to time because of nostalgia

>eating well?
luckily the Nintendo Switch covers both of those

>Eating well?
Yeah. I have a good diet. Only eat junk food every so often.

>getting enough sleep?
I can't afford to sleep less than 8 hours of sleep anyway because I have a mild case of epilepsy that comes up the next day whenever I don't get enough sleep.

This is the only thing I wish I could get myself to do, but every time I try to get started, I lose motivation and go back inside.


Kek, enjoy your destroyed knees. Walking master race reporting.

>being a fatass

I eat the low sodium Spam, it tastes less salty.

Also I'm not Asian, I'm Caribbean.

start building leg muscle fag
t. fatass


>tfw delayed sleep syndrome
How do I stop going to sleep at 4-5 and waking up at 2-3? Going to bed at a normal time just means four hours of tossing and turning with my eyes closed, that isn't sleeping.

Wake yourself up early to get your body on track

Works like a charm

>he is so fucking fat his knees collapse after running for 20 minutes

T-thanks, OP-kun.

Why do people hate salads so much? A proper salad with non-iceberg lettuce and olive oil & balsamic vinegar is fantastic.
Also, have to disagree about the lean meats, fatty & tough meats are GOAT

Do a full reset by staying up 24+ hours, and then sleep at the desired time you wish to sleep at.

It's hard, but coffee, video games, and showering should help. Do not be idle when doing this.

shut the fuck up

>A proper salad with non-iceberg lettuce and olive oil & balsamic vinegar is fantastic
Good salads are very often better than good meats, but the problem is, it's very easy to fuck up a salad and have it taste like crap. Meats, on the other hand, are easier to not fuck up with and will often taste fine.

As someone who's never had a salad I feel it's because at this point I have a reflex to go
After reading this I think I might actually try a salad soon. Thanks user

I agree. Blueberries as a snack are good.

Don't think I've actually met someone who actively hated salads, though. Where do you live? lol

>delayed sleep syndrome

No such thing, that happens to everybody. Your only disorder is not being disciplined, and you probably don't exercise either.

>never had a salad

Rude. OP's just looking out for us.

Not even that guy but it's literally been proven that running is one of the most joint-damaging forms of cardio you can do. Do you even Google

Unless you are a fat ass, running is fine as long as you don't overdo it.

At least I'm gonna bother to try a salad

I needed more homemade meals anyway

Everytime I eat fruit I get a crippling headache and empty my bowels.

Its fucking weird and I hate it. If I want to get my Strawberry fix (my favorite fruit) I need to be near a bathroom.

Does this happen to everybody?

>Not knowing the joys of lettuce
I pity that user. Literally the best vegetable there is. I once ate nearly a full lettuce head when I was really hungry one afternoon. That was great.

>Does this happen to everybody?
No. Blueberries are GOAT though.


Exercising? Nah, fuck that.

But I'm eating well, mostly because I'd get fat in short order if I didn't, and sleep enough.

Be systematic. Everyday go to sleep an hour earlier and set your alarm an hour earlier.

Sleeping on time and having a good circadian rhythm is so important to having nice skin, and not overeating.

Sleep before 2 AM every day, and you'll feel much better.

I wonder what kind of mental retardation a person needs as prerequisite to have a picture such as that one saved in his HD.

OP here. You don't HAVE to go for a run. Just walk for 45 minutes each day, maybe power walk, your body's gonna thank you later.

Just trying to look out for you guys user. The pics kinda irrelevant

I'm eating like 1000 calories a day because I'm poor so no.

Tomorrow will be better user!

I run at least 4-5 miles every other day

what do you eat?

>Haven't been outside for around 4 days now
>Living off of Cereal and Cola

If I didn't shower and shave my legs daily I'd probably look about as awful as I feel. No matter how much garbage I eat I just don't gain weight, either.

I'm definitely getting enough sleep though, I sleep as much as I can. Thanks for the concern user.

Mirin those jaw gains

I usually just make a peanut butter & jelly sandwich or oatmeal when I'm hungry, sometimes I'll make donburi because the ingredients are cheap.

>being this uneducated about sports

Just stick to videogames. Actually, you probably shouldn't do that either

It'll still kill you eventually

Not him but why should he follow your orders? Who are you even? Some random internet person?

seems like a good way to go out desu

>shave my legs

Why would you shave your legs? What are you, some kind of homosexual?

I eat salads and veggies everyday, go out for walks three times a week, and am still worried about my health.

Don't drink soda too often, pretty rarely actually, don't eat a lot of fatty food, I'm also switching white rice for brown rice.

Some people are like free fucking fish for hooks.

thanks for the attention, I need it desperately


>Wanting to extend your time in the hellscape known as life

I wouldn't be using video games to escape if I wanted to be here.

>live a shit life and die at 50
>the holodeck comes out the day after you die
get bodied

>Eating well
Food wise yes drink wise no i hardly drink water nowadays and just drink soda/tea beverages so i guess id say in the middle.
>Getting enough sleep
Yes i usually get 8-9 hours
My job requires almost constantly bending and lifting so i do burn alot of calories but honestly its not the healthiest combination of the two. My back went out about a week ago for like 2 days because of it. Its also especially annoying as our managers who don't do jack shit act as though we're replaceable despite the fact if a gap was created for even a moment they always act like "Oh no this job is overwhelming for us" despite talking 80% of their shifts.

>eating well?
Trying to, for a long time I have been all over the place (either not eating at all or eating a bunch in a single meal), so I'm slowly fixing that by having three meals a day.
I need to look up into diets or something, I'm really ignorant when it comes to food.

>getting enough sleep?
8 hours a day, the only time I sleep more is when I get headaches or if my depression hits me hard

I wish. I have an exercise bike but I barely touch it, every now and then I hop on it but I can't make exercising an habit, most of the time the motivation fades away and I slowly drop it.

You are a guy though. You are expected to have hair on your legs. The only time I remember people giving others a hard time for it was back in fucking high school.

>lean meats
>implyfig fat is bad for you

American with a mother who was raised in the 60s and 70s?


I'm going to the gym now. I still have a prominent beer gut, but at least I'm getting buffed.

>go out for walks three times a week
This is not enough desu. You gotta to do at least 2 hours of heavy cardio a week if you don't want to struggle with stairs in your 50's.


do you live your whole life doing what society tells you or what