>ITT: quality vidya news articles
ITT: quality vidya news articles
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looks like it came straight out of p4r
Is p4r still around?
I haven't seen an article posted here in quite some time.
how do you even make a title that retarded?
>it takes time to load a game when it starts up
>pales in comparison to the load times of virtually all games on smartphones
Clearly someone has never played hearthstone.
website's gone
last article was over a year ago
That sucks. Not every article was good, but the ones that were fucking killed me.
I especially loved when the site published a 100% serious analysis of Movieblob's book.
I'm about to play Yakuza 0 on my PS4.
I'll time it to see how long it takes. Hold on.
It took 13 seconds to get into the game from the splash screen.
Even longer when you account for loading the initial logos and the system save.
Fake news?
>compares a console/handheld hybrid to a phone/tablet and not other console/handheld
Quality journalism.
sauce on the review
It takes 2 fucking minutes to load battlefield 1 on consoles
In the consoles defense Battlefield 1 is probably the most graphic intensive game released on them yet
i also like how it only takes 5 seconds in the video
I fucking hate Nintendo but this shit is just out of hand? Who cares how long a game takes to load especially 10 seconds
>blabla smartphones and tablet devices
It takes me more than 10 seconds to load almost any modern game on PC even without the splash screens and running off an SSD
It takes WAAAAAYYY more than 10 seconds for a PS4 games to start.
It takes almost 2 minutes for a game like hearthstone or yugioh to load on my Oneplus 3
How the fuck is this a bad thing?
Didn't Wii U take 1.5 minutes to go between game and menu at launch?
God the Wii U had so many fucking problems, it's really remarkable it sold as well as it did
To be fair, INSTANT TRANSMISSION was supposed to be a huge selling point for the Switch's cartridges. While it's an improvement over most other loading times, it still pales in comparison to cartridges back in the day, and the supposed lack of things to actually load on the Switch doesn't make it any more forgivable.
>loads faster than FFXV on a PS4 Pro with SSD
>average modern game loads for 1-2 minutes on consoles
>average handheld game takes 10 seconds to 1 minute to load
>average mobile game takes 10-5 minutes to load since they update almost every second
>Zelda takes 10 seconds to load
>"This is slower than normal"
You fucking what?
>Comparing a dedicated video game system to smartphones
I want these to die.
Oh shit I remember reading this years ago
Thanks anyways user
I really hope this is a made up quote
>But the climactic reveal of SMB3 is burned – no, seared – into my memory the way JFK’s assassination was for my parents’ generation… or the way 9/11 would be for mine a scant 12 years from then…
Oh user...
I don't think it will be any different from modern consoles.
Remember, installations are mandatory on PS4 and Xbone, so it's reading the data from the hard drive, not the disc.
The big advantage of the Switch's cartridges is that you can have similar load times without sacrificing storage space.
>It takes almost 2 minutes for a game like hearthstone or yugioh to load on my Oneplus 3
This is bad
I'm sorry, user. There's no easy way to break this to you.
That quote, and all of the other ones from the article, are real.
That's how long it takes them to fucking load though. It's not my phone, it's all the server authentication bullshit
>nintendo isn't paying us like sony.
now account for updates..
and updates if it's your first time turning the console on
>>it's real
LMAO. What cracks me up is that a site with "nintendo" in its domain name wrote this.
I honestly just don't understand how you could compared FUCKING super mario bros 3 launch to the death of a president or 9/11
I just can't fathom how you could link two such looked down upon and tragic events to the fucking launch of super mario bros 3
I get you were excited for it but how the fuck do you even come to the conclusion that the launch of a video game has any comparability to two of the most looked down events in the last 50 years.
Wait I need to understand this
I've seen moviebob's autism for almost 6 years now, I've never really looked into his book
So he wrote a manifesto about how incredibly shitty and deluded his life is (pointing to it many times), and then decided to go through every single detail in super mario bros 3?
If your book is about super mario bros 3 why would you include so much of your own story and so many personal details???
I understand maybe writing an addition at the end to describe what its done for his life, etc but why would you make your super mario bros 3 book into your shitty therapy blog?
Can anybody actually be this autistic?
>b-but sony
Epik, right on time.
>10 seconds
ITT Nintendo Defense Force
you play games made literally for children
atleast get the full sized image you ant cuck quinton
what cracks me up is the comments are copied word by word itt, the nintendrone hive mind in action
b-but sony so it's acceptable, please nintendo charge more for peer 2 peer multiplayer
In my dream world every game boots instantly to the start menu. None of this brand logo splash screen bull shit. God it feels great to play on pc
Will games load faster from SD cards or from game cartridges?
the hardware can't even handle a gimmick baby game sad!
More or less the same. The fastest would be from internal install.
Many such cases!
likely wont be any different unless you buy some insanely expensive sd card
remember kids the japanese are buying the switch because they believe a new monster hunter will be coming to it when capcom has stated handhelds are hampering the series sells
Like I give a fuck.
It takes me maybe 10 seconds to boot up my hacked 3ds.
It also takes about 15 seconds to boot up morrowind and other old games on my old laptop.
Literally not a problem.
>It takes me more than 10 seconds to load almost any modern game on PC even without the splash screens and running off an SSD
Well there is quite a big quality difference, how long would it take to load a switch-tier game?
but seen from this video the loading is slow as fuck in-game
>xbox 360
Where's ps3 and xb1?
anyone that preorders the switch in the state it's in right now is a fucking iSheep retard
>wii U
>being this autistic
Sometimes media outlets like to offer opposing arguments. They're not being hypocritical or anything, they're doing their job.
I'm an Android/Windows user. I'm buying a Switch because I'm American and Trump is going to put tariffs on goods made in China, so if I wait to buy one the tariffs will be in place and make it cost more.
This is a blue board, no racist memes allowed.
keep in box sounds like a great investment opportunity
Everything about your post needs to not exist.
Sort of relevant
Not relevant but amusing
What a cunt.
Where can I view this full page?
>Nintendrones will actually defend this
The delusion is strong
Pretty sure the site got a huge redesign that didn't give you that view anymore, and/or shut down because of the threats.
How as an adult with a job do you hate a company so much at e3 which is the most exciting point of the year in videogames that you shitpost everything and make yourself out as a total asshole?
>saving images on mobile
Well I'm out of stupid articles so I'll just post stupid stuff instead.
My phone can launch cell phone tier games like the Switch almost instantly.
>I woke up to a phone message from my mother informing me that [my grandmother] appeared to be in a “fading” state, and that people were advised to stop by and say… well, you get the idea. [...] I needed to get outside “the grid” of my familiar areas, and I needed to “happy up” (or at least clear my head) after that, and took the first course of action that entered my mind in that regard: My brother had raved recently about a retro-style video arcade…
I still can't believe how retarded these people are. It's just so fucking baffling, honestly.
I mean, games back in the old n64 days were megabytes at most
>unless you buy some insanely expensive sd card
Not really, only Alibaba knock off chink garbage has shit read/write. Stop being a cheap nigger and this won't be an issue, even mid range SDs that aren't knock offs have great reads.
Wait, the Switch uses cartridges?
Like, the DS style cartridges?
He's not wrong
>Sup Forums gives a play-by-play of e3
Eurogamer sucks. They're only good for EGX and Rezzed.
What moronic company would use discs for a handheld system?
as long as there isnt a game with loadtimes shittier than FFXV im fine
He is completely right.
Reggie is my husbando.
Well honestly I thought the gen 8 consoles would have "cartridges" and the gen 9 consoles would just use downloading.
But gen 8 took forever to come, and when it did they all used discs.
The discs are only used for installation and copy protection. The games themselves are read off of the hard drives.
You're joking.
Compared to PS4 Pro with SSD, the Switch cartridges are way faster
and noone bought the system play them but I have no reason to be mad about walled garden exclusives on a dead system as now I can play them on my pc for free at 4k 60fps, Thanks Nintendo!
it takes the switch 10 seconds to load a game but it takes you 3 years to wait for one
I laughed and then I cried. Being a Nintendo fan is suffering.
what's to joke about? The company has more rights over the $60 toy you so proudly "own" why should the discs have any use outside being something to display and this helps pretend 2nd hand thieves from killing the industry