Was he right?

Was he right?

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"but it's fun"/

>neo/v/ actually agrees with this

you all fucking suck

He's a baiting faggot, is what he is

Having fun with a game has noting to do with playing a good game.

I played Duke Nukem Forever and I had fun, but still isn't a good game.

He's completely correct but autists would rather post epic reaction images than take a minute to actually read what he's saying.

"Fun" is what's used by people who know the game didn't suck that bad, enjoyed it, but can't properly express why they enjoyed it. It's a standin for people who can't review.

Yes, he always was. It sounds funny and fits the whole "Sup Forums hates fun" joke, but calling something "fun" is not a valid argument in the context of arguing a game's qualities. Being fun is equivalent to being good for a video game. You're supposed to point out why it's fun, not do tautologies.

Really highlights the difference between old and current Sup Forums when old Sup Forums thought he was crazy and new Sup Forums agrees with him.

If you're talking about about whether or not a game is good, then yes, he has a point. Just saying a game is fun doesn't really add anything to the discussion. It'd be better to pontificate on why the game is fun for you, or what aspects of the game you enjoyed if you're going to bring personal satisfaction into the discussion.

Do you also have the one with "artificial difficulty"?

2011/2012 Sup Forums was a dark time.

Technically what he wanted to say is that fun is not an objective positive quality in any game since fun is subjective.
He just worded it horrendously and everyone jumped on the bandwagong to make fun of some fag.

I think a good game is fun, but I think saying a game is good because it's fun is a really shitty way to explain things.

I hope that made sense.

It was funny at the time but I understand what he meant.

You can't just say something is fun for no reason, there are reasons one can articulate as to why someone enjoyed something.

Just saying "It's fun!" doesn't make for good discussion.


fun is just fun, if you had fun, then you enjoyed the game. Doesn't mean the game is objectively good because fun is subjective

If 'fun' is the only way you can describe a game then you're an idiot and shouldn't be trying to argue the pros and cons of the game in question

people who overuse the word buzzword are worse than the people who use the complained about word though

>Sup Forums calling a game fun is a buzzword
>Sup Forums saying a game is just shit isn't
Really rubs my temples.

It is, but there are more shitposters than thoughtful posters.


I'm growing more and more disappointed in this current retarded trend

hey look, there's another buzzword.

I was there for that original thread, I think OP was explaining why he liked Dark Souls. Just fucking take me now Jesus :(

You can find a game fun and there's nothing wrong with that
But if you're participating in a discussion saying it's "fun" means jack shit as different people can have vastly different ideas of what's fun and what's not

I don't see what's so hard to understand here

Explain why Tetris is fun then, faggot.

Honest to god, I don't know if I'm the one that posted that or not.

best post

was my point exactly

this board is shit

Autist is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real reasons as to why the post is wrong, don't use it.

Really crazy how old Sup Forums just posts smug anime girls and doesn't address the point while new Sup Forums is writing out well though out responses as to why he's correct.

You're actually right

Because it's an entertaining puzzle game that is easy to play around with for a little while because it's got simple rules and simple controls, and a catchy theme.

Fuck off, pete

The post is wrong because it was a discussion on whether you can be a good game without having a proper story line. Anyone who was used to dealing with conversations would accept duke nukem and quake were fun even though they didn't have much of a storyline.

It's not hard conversation to follow. Unless you're an actual autist.

It isn't.

Responsive controls and the human brain's natural desire to clean things up and see things slot into each other. Also playing faster grants more points, so it has a scaling difficulty system that fits every player and lets them get into a Zen state. It's also an extremely deep game, so it will stay fun even when you've played it for hundreds of hours.

If you couldn't have told me that, get of Sup Forums

same reason for "comfy"

Who was in the wrong here?

Irrelevant. His post might be a non-sequitur, but the argument itself is sound.

I miss when mods did this sort of thing

>being amused or entertaining with something and being immersed are not the same thing

Immersion is a form of entertainment, so that's false from the get-go.

Enjoyment of the medium in general is entirely reliant on the player's interaction with a game's mechanics, so to an extent I agree with what he's saying. The problem is that he's being overly reductive about "fun", which defeats the entire purpose of assessing how enjoyable (e.g. good, and yes they are in fact the same thing in this context) a game is to begin with.

He was right. Being fun ≠ being good

This is the equivalent of dissecting a joke to see why it's funny. You don't have to explain why a game is fun for the same reason you don't have to explain why a joke is funny.

You guys are literally autistic.

Seriously. Now using a custom warn message is grounds for getting demoted.
Along with not sucking RapeApe's dick


Why do mods hate fun?

>anti-comfyfags are still trying to make comfy out to be a bad thing

Gretchen, stop trying to make "fetch" happen. It's not going to happen.

if you say something is fun but provide no examples or show no evidence of what makes the fun thing enjoyable, you can't persuade others when they say they don't like the thing you find fun

I think jrpgs are fun but I know for sure most people on this board don't agree with me

Why is Sup Forums allowed to say a game is shit without providing any examples?



>Being fun ≠ being good

The point of playing a game is to have fun. If that game is fun, it succeeded at what it intended to do, therefore it's "good".

All the mods with a sense of humour are long gone.

Sup Forums is srs bsns now.

Kids used to play with literal shit at one point. Kids used to find literal shit fun. He is absolutely right that "fun" isn't enough to describe why anything is good.

>needing to explain why a game is good
>not knowing that you're still allowed to enjoy bad games
>not understanding that they are internet people and their opinion doesn't matter
>participating in those kinds of threads
>participating in any kind of thread
>posting on Sup Forums
>participating in any board
>posting on any board
>participating in Sup Forums
>posting on Sup Forums
>participating in image boards
>posting on image boards
>participating in websites
>posting on websites
>participating in the internet
>posting on the internet
>participating in video games
>playing video games
>participating in mortal life
>not killing yourself and becoming eternal in the afterlife

>This is the equivalent of dissecting a joke to see why it's funny.

no its not, its like dissecting a film or book to see why its good

stop and think why people are doing this in the first place, to convince someone whether it is worth investing their time and money to experience whatever

you dont need to for individual jokes as you dont invest as much

saying "its fun" doesn't explain anything you fucking mong

But game, as a form of entertainment, is always about personal satisfaction.
You can't seperate it when judging whether a game is good or not.

All right I'm about to blow your mind here they're both bad

neo/v/ has no convictions and only cares about getting it's rocks off by shitposting on Sup Forums, and using their "brain cells" for discussion elsewhere.

I can understand that. Still, if you're going to join a discussion on a game you should be able to explain what you like about the game. I wouldn't really call a group of people saying "it's fun" much of a discussion.

I'm so fucking glad modcat is gone but I dislike the way they got rid of him. I'm conflicted.

His reputation on an anonymous imageboard is truly forever ruined.
Wherever he goes, everyone will point a finger at him and laugh, because he is so pathetic, he doesn't need trips to be recognised.

Nah, he is just autistic and probaby bad at games as well, great games will be always fun to play, otherwise it's a waste of time. A game with good mechanics and difficulty, it's objectively fun.

In terms of objective qualities "fun" is indeed a buzzword. If you want to argue its qualities to someone else, you need something more concrete. Abstract concepts aren't really transferable from one person to another. For example

>someone says a game is good because it's "comfy"
>comfy is completely meaningless here because it can apply to a million things. Some people find comfort in the glory of high speed, high skill combat, others find comfy feelings in high stakes tactical planning, others enjoy just sitting near a fishing hole and doing whatever.

See how comfy in this context is completely meaningless?

Only reason people denies fun has no clear definition is because they know garbage hipster games like anything made by Obsidian are nothing but pretentious borefests with horrible combat systems, if we were going by the definition that a game is good only if its fun, all those mediocre games would have to be excluded.

Quake, Rocket League, Unreal Tournament, Super Metroid, all games that remain fun to play even by today.

Yeah he was completely right.

because it's just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real reasons as to why the thread is good, don't use it

ITT: Newfags discover that the core Sup Forums fellowship is a bunch of basement dwelling 30 year old autists and somehow act surprised as if they haven't realized this by now

>enjoyment isnt really a thing
that man must only know of depression,

What if I don't find a game like Rocket League fun?

>there are plebs on Sup Forums that wont understand the significance of Yui in that meme screen cap

This board is truly full of normalfags

Calling a game fun basically never adds anything to the conversation. It just tells people about your personal experience with a game. It's essentially blogging. I'm not going to buy a game just because some random faggot said he had fun with it.

Sorry losers, but if you spend over 1000 hours playing garbage that you can't even say with a straight face it was honestly fun to play, you just wasted your fuckin time playing shit. Reality hurts.

>30 year old autists

People over 25 are a minority. I seriously doubt 80% of this website is over 25, let alone over 30.

That doesn't make the game inherently fun. You could make shoveling shit fun but that doesn't mean it's inherently fun.

i do you fucking piece of shit idiot

How the fuck are games like Mortal Kombat and Dead Space comfy? Mine craft and Pokemon are comfy games. Stop calling everything buzzwords holy shit Sup Forums.

You can't say the game isn't fun to play. It has solid mechanics, it has a clear goal, a steady playerbase pure gameplay joy.

You can say you didn't find it fun because it's not your kind of game, but claiming it's not fun when thats the main reason to play games and thats achieved by having solid gameplay mechanics, wait a secons, but you are beign retarded.

Good mechanics make a game fun to play, its 100% quantifiable

>can't even handle basic extended conversation about one topic without sperging out
no i think the autistic one is you user

If a game is fun then it is objectively good. Sure, fun is a subjective term but it's still the standard all games should have. There are objective ways to measure if something is fun or not. Dead space is fun because of how satisfying the gunplay is, while Ride to hell retribution has horrible shooting thus making it unfun thus making it objectively bad.
In short, you're all sheep who just side with whatever opinion is edgy.

>that meme screen cap
You just had to throw 'meme' in there didn't you?

It may not be fun to you, but there's an obvious reason it draws people in.

user, no one ever says a game is just "fun" without giving any reason why.

>brings up good point
Check mate

This, pretty much.

The whole "no fun" thing comes from people who still tries to compare videogames to movies, people should be playing games for fun or simply gtfo.

Yes they do.
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/"but it's fun"/

Well, it's Sup Forums.
For example, if I honestly say that I enjoy mindless farming, watching my stats growing, or any activities in the game required no skill, there's always some people going to say that "farming is a waste of time, stupid, boring", "you shouldn't have fun doing anything require no skill", etc.

If I ever use the word "comfy" or "fun" discribing a game, most of the time I just want to discuss the game with like-minded people who find the game enjoyable without those annoying faggot joining the conversation just to shit on the game.

The more explicitly you say the aspects you enjoy, the more easily those haters can join the discussion and shit on the game.

Sort of.
This is just my opinion, but fun doesn't mean the game is automatically good.
I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed Sticker Star, but I can recognize it as a bad game.
But, if someone you generally trust and have similar tastes with says it's fun, it's probably at the very least decent.

>How the fuck are games like Mortal Kombat and Dead Space comfy?
People might enjoy the heart beat pacing as death is a constant threat. Trust me, it's not out of the ordinary.

>The more explicitly you say the aspects you enjoy, the more easily those haters can join the discussion and shit on the game.
Those haters will come in regardless. Having positive, identifiable reasons why you like a game is the best way to deter them, because they have to increasingly come up with more and more BS to try and make the game look bad. If someone simply doesn't like the game, they'll say something like "I disagree" or offer counterpoints that thoroughly explain why.

Vagueness is often troll bait.

>this thread

we need an autism containment board.

mods need to tell chink moot to get on that shit asap.

>Quake, Rocket League, Unreal Tournament, Super Metroid, all games that remain fun to play even by today.
And if you can explain why they're fun, then it makes it all the better. You can say that Unreal Tournament rewards fast reflexes and encourages high skill ceilings, or that Super is a veritable open book in terms of an open world that you can tackle in many ways, or that Rocket League is a new take on multiple genres that come together.

You don't HAVE to say these things, but if you're arguing why they're good games, or why they're fun, these things help.

>plebs that keep confusing legitimately fun with simply entertaining.

If the game keeps you on the edge, makes you try hard, makes you sweat, makes you laugh, it's a fun game

If the game keeps you glued to the screen because you just want to see what happends next, it's simply entertaining it doesn't achieve the fun status.

why is it entertaining?

because no two matches are ever the same, due to puzzle piece RNG and multiple mechanics put in place to switch the game up at various points, which ensures that the game is never stale on any given playthrough.

>this was in 2011
>6 fucking years ago


>Board dedicated to actually deep discussions about videogames and other artistic mediums instead of constant shill and anti-shill threads where the only arguments are "it's fun" and "it's not fun"
Please god I would love that.

If you're having fun, then you're doing it wrong.

>shitposting hit the irredeemable climax on my 18th birthday

I never noticed the date on this post. Nothing good is associated with me.

Everything bad is associated with you because you're fucking retarded and think that "shitpost" was wrong.