Still waiting on that /vj/ and /vw/ split

Still waiting on that /vj/ and /vw/ split.

Not happening

/vw/ would be /vr/ and /vj/ would be nothing but waifu threads

>It's a 'mobileposter with bad opinions' thread

I fail to see the problem here.

We don't need /vw/. We just need /jav/ - Japanese/Anime vidya

And I'm still waiting on the Sup Forums deletion.


Just go to /jp/

Sup Forums is slower than its ever been, and it got a fucking huge thread size buff.

Old Sup Forums was like greased lightning.

Segmenting it further would just make even slower boards.

Yes. Burgerfags should support this too, don't you want us out of here?

Already happened once. moot pussied out. It's too late to try again at this point.

I agree, we do need /jav/.
It shouldn't be used for vidya though.

/jp/ is too 2hu centric

>I want even MORE Sup Forums posters to spill over into other boards!
I hope it happens just so you can see what a bad idea that is

>Segmenting it further would just make even slower boards.

So how it used to be before all the normie adhd 360 gamers started populating here? A slower but quality board is better. Xbox and western trash gamers need to be contained

They should really just name /jp/ Touhou and the occasional Idolmaster thread

Don't be fags, fags.

when the fuck is kimi ni todoke 3 coming out

No matter how many times you split Sup Forums, it's going to remain shit.

True, bring back /vg/ and /vr/

And I want /qa/ to kill themselves with their terrible ideas.

wouldn't /vw/ just be complaining about SJW and how problematic Japanese vidya is?

I was originally for the splits when they first happened, but the results speak for themselves. Nothing ever changes.

This. Those fucking idiots have no idea what is or is not good for Sup Forums.

/vr/ is slow as fuck and the amount of reposted threads and shitty content is beyond belief.

At least in a fast board new topics come in. In /vr/ they stay there for a long ass time.

Who cares? It'll be a containment board.

That's the point. Shitposters stay on Sup Forums.