So my buddy is coming over in like an hour or so and might bring up this game

So my buddy is coming over in like an hour or so and might bring up this game.

I don't want to seem like a retard and I didn't play it yet (Too broke)

Did we like the game or not?

All the gay youtube e-celebs are playing it, therefore you should be playing it.

Ofcourse they're honest about the game reviews, do you think they get paid to advertise? Ofcourse not. They're your best friend. They love you. They would never deceive you.

So play the game to your goy heart's content.

Fuck you I want to know if we liked the game or not.

I dont want to come off sounding behind the times or a pleb.

Dont troll me bitch

this game is breddy good for speed runs

THat doesnt help me at all.

Is it a good game!?!?!

If you like killing girls and rednecks, yes

Its a good game but because its Resident Evil people will say its shit on here until RE8 comes out.

jus b urself

I finished and hated the game just couple nights ago. It's shit. Like, Gone Home x Outlast bad.

good game

just not a good X game

I'm considering buying VR for REVII as I bought the PS4 for Bloodborne.
Bad or good idea?

Why do you care about Sup Forums's opinion? If you REALLY want to know though. It's overall a pretty good game and a solid start to 2017. Good atmosphere, does a great job recapturing the Resident Evil 1 feel. Combat isn't too rough. Replayability with Madhouse mode.
It's a pretty good game for those wanting a more scary Resi game after the action fest of 4-6.

Stop being such a pathetic cunt and either formulate your own opinion about the game or tell your friend that you haven't played it yet.

It's like Gone Home with actual FPS gameplay

What difficulty did you play on?

VR is the only way to make the game anywhat enjoyable / memorable. However, the game itself is not worth 60 bucks.


Honestly, having played this and completing it, I found it an enjoyable game. It evoked similar feelings to the original ps1 resi evil, and the plot was fairly decent.
Although it gets some hate on here, I would recommend giving it a whirl as it is fun.


The game is absolute trash on normal. Which is unfortunate, because unless you preorder or heat the game once, you don't get Madhouse, which makes the game actually fun and like a Resident Evil game. None of those bullshit checkpoints before every little thing (except for during the guest house section, but once you're in the main house they're gone), you need to use cassette tapes to save and they're not given to you in bulk, and resources are much more scarce in general. The enemy placement is also much more brutal, as are the Bakers when chasing you. Capcom fucked up by not making it the standard difficulty, so I completely see why you disliked the game.

I don't see how increased difficulty would make the absolutely disgusting gameplay (= movie shit & stealthing) suddenly good and fun.

Anyone calling this shit "same as RE1" has literally never touched an oldschool RE game.

>going on /v for opinion on popular game
>expecting anything but trash

Stop trying to impress your friends with fake judgement. I happen to like the game, and if my buddy doesn't who gives a shit

is the game worth playing through a second time on mad house? and does that choice change any gameplay?
im saying this as someone who loved the game by the way

yes, new item placements, more difficulty, less ammo, different enemy placements and you get infinite Ammo from finishing madhouse.

If you have the money to spend then yeah you absolutely should. Hopefully you haven't watched too much of the game yet.

Ace Combat 7 later this year too.

make your opinion after you play it, retard
why even lie

>I dont want to come off sounding behind the times
Now I realize why so many kids fall for the "hype" and pre-order all the new shiny AAA games.
The marketing works.

for real, fucking embarrassing

>movie shit and stealthing
that kinda stops being a thing after the guest house and first jack fight, after that its resident evil 1 explore big house, get thing for thing, shoot thing in face

Seriously reconsider your life.

lol fuck that

this is as 90s FPS as they come

>after that its resident evil 1 explore big house
"big" is an overstatement. It also literally funnels you into cramped corridors with single goals and still lots of scripted events. The bossfights and puzzles were laughably terrible shit in this game, and I doubt mere hard moodo will "fix" those.


>It was okay but worse than undertale
t. IGN

It's pretty bad. Only about 8 hours long and gets repetitive fast despite its short length.

sounds like you never touched 7 bro

Is OP bating or can a human being really be this backward.

So let me get this straight; you want the popular opinion of others on this game so you can pass it off as your own opinion and seem opinionated and cool?

Are you a woman? Are you 7 years old? If you haven't played it, you have nothing to say about it. Why can't you tell your "buddy" that you haven't played it? What is wrong with you? You are the most pathetic creature I've heard about all week.

So to anyone wondering if the game is worth playing on Madhouse if they already played it, or for those who want to play it but haven't: the answer is yes. Ignore the guy who can't have a civil discussion and only speaks in the latest hip memes, because this is at least worth a try if you can manage to play on Madhouse before normal. Maybe they'll patch it in, or maybe the game will get cracked soon enough, but as is I wouldn't recommend it as otherwise it's too hand-holdy and simplified for my tastes. Yes, puzzles will always be easy, but the bosses are some of the most fun I've had in years. The game doesn't give you much ammo, and even when it does some bosses (one in particular) drained me of all of it, even when I scoured the boss area to get more, and I ended up killing it with a KNIFE. It was intense and incredibly satisfying. I'm now in the situation of having no bullets, no healing items, and low health. Good shit.

Why don't you try the game out when your friend brings it over and make your own opinion of the game, OP? How the fuck can you "seem like a retard"?

> Only about 8 hours long
Less than that pal

>Tfw 60+ Eurodollars for a 5-6 hour singleplayer experience with no MP and upcoming DLC that you will also have to pay for