Does Sup Forums play any of the magic the gathering video games?

Does Sup Forums play any of the magic the gathering video games?

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I play the original MTG video game.

Next Magic set is Ancient Egyptian themed.

fucking hyped


Yeah, Eternal

It's sad that shandalar is by far the best official MTG computer game.

Why is wizards so incompetent when it comes to putting their game onto a computer?

tfw the Pokemon trading card game online is ironically probably the best one out currently

I don't know, I'm sure some random yugioh game is considered the best online tcg video game

It's hard to make an effective computer player. Unlimited/Arabian Nights/Antiquities/smatterings of Legends and The Dark is mechanically simple enough, but the new stuff would be unmanageable.

I wonder how much of Arabian Nights will be reprinted.

Magic Duels: Origins was a mistake

I know that feel - it'd be fine if it wasn't so totally fucked for new players but the decks you start with are so fucking boring why bother playing until you spend 2 months getting a new one.

I play Xmage if that counts

>Theros: Sand everywhere edition
Can't wait desu

I tried xmage back in the day.
Has something changed to make it better? Is it fully scripted? Does it not look like butt? Does it still take up 100% of your computer's resources?

Well they booted the old MTGO devs and made an actual studio.

Fuck I hope they don't pull that Theros shit again.

Kaladesh wasn't very India-esque though so I have hope.
Though WotC clearly don't know how to handle their main cast which is a bad sign for things to come.

It's better. still looks like ass and uses like 1gb of RAM but it works

Commander is the best format

I think you misspelled "Cube" there user.

Don't worry about it, we all make mistakes.

Commander is for people who redpill themselves on what magic really is.

I played the shit out of the previous games but the current version is so boring as shit and pay2win unless you spend literally years grinding.

I don't know what you mean but I think I have an idea and completely agree with it.

I just looked at the page and I'm already afraid as hell.
Not only is Jace of the Jacetice League there but they talk about trials.
I really hope they don't pull some gimmick prerelease bullshitery. We had such a nice run of 4 blocks without one

Not that user, but Cube is one of most boring things unless you use jank rares from older sets.
Using all the best cards is fun for like 2 games at most for me

what the fuck? theros was a 10/10 block

t.Maro "Theros was Kamigawa done right" Rosewater
Keep you Hollywood Greece in the trash where it belongs

I don't even know if I used it right either.
I'm just thinking that once you know how shitty their system to keep playing is (modern with overpriced cards, standard where you have constantly sink money into, etc.) and how shitty the players and secondary market is (fuck you starcitygames)
Then you play commander, and none of that matters. You just play fun fucking cards and enjoy the game. And because of the multiplayer focus, all the cards that interract with other people are actually usable.
Not only that, but so many cool cards are 6-7+ mana that you will literally never get to play outside of EDH.
It starts to feel like EDH was what magic wanted to be. It's not, but it feels like it.

The only other format I support is draft, since it's very skill intensive. But then Mythic Rares really fuck that over. Autowin cards everywhere.
Cube is good too

Well no shit, the fun of a cube is that you can set the powerlevel yourself and get jank as fuck synergies going.

Theros > Zendikar > Battle for Zendikar > Shadows over Innistrad > Return to Ravnica > Innistrad > Scars of Mirrodin > Khans of Tarkir > Kaladesh

I may be biased though because I'm an eldrazi fag.

>let's make a plane and "base it on" greek mythology!
>ok what else?
>what do you mean I just said we base it off greek mythology


That's what I thought you meant. Agree 100 and 10 percent. EDH is best casual play while draft is best competitive play. Anything else is just unfun P2W garbage.

Kinda related, having been to a few magic tournaments, I can easily say that those who compete in drafts tend to be some of the most bro tier of magic players while those who compete in constructed (standard, modern) are insufferable autists.

If those are your favorites then you have the shittest taste.

it goes like this:
Scars of Mirrodin > Time Spiral > Shards of Alara > Innistrad > Ravnica > Onslaught > Innistrad > Lorwyn > Mirrodin > Return to Ravnica

Your pleb taste show that

I fail to see the negative.

I wish I can get myself to like Draft but I can't get into it as much as I can into Modern or Legacy.

EDH is fun, but sometimes I just want to play storm and the variance can be unbearable at times.

Oddly enough, the one memory I have of a draft at a store is when I passed an Eldrazi Conscription (I was newb, thought it was too expensive) and the 'pro' next to me freaked out, got crazy excited, showed the whole table, practically running around going 'look what I got passed HAHAHA why would they pass this?!'
Mfw later my brother beat him with a jank dragon Sarken the mad deck (drafted) and he raged out of the store. Didn't even keep his deck

You probably have no idea what NWO means. It's not power levels, it's complexity, Black Lotus and Ancestral Recall can both be commons according to NWO.

Its the most nothing unimagnative world they have ever made, there is nothing unique or fun in there.

It's shit.

But it's home to one of my favorite cards.

The Gods were cool, but could have been so much cooler in a more interesting setting.

I want to fuck Lilliana

I know what NWO means dummy,and there is nothing you can say to convince me that a fuck up that is NWO and mythic rare to lesser extend are good things.
I would rather play with Black lotus commons than any best case commons after Lorwyn

Commons don't necessarily have to be complex to be good, see Delver of Secrets, and many things In pauper.

NWO is needed because of how confusing MTG can be from the start, (Time Spiral was a popular set and gained large Tournament attendance but the new player sales dropped as it brought back tons of mechanics and Overwhelmed New players.)