What percentage of PC users on Sup Forums are part of the 1440p/144hz masterclass?
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What percentage of PC users on Sup Forums are part of the 1440p/144hz masterclass?
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How much do PC fats have to shell out to play thier one viable 1440p game at reasonable FPS?
$1600? LMAO
1440p monitors can be had for as little as 300 dollars
if it's not 4k ultra-wide you should kys
oh forgot those monitors include a titan x with them. kys.
If you fell for the ultrawide meme and don't have 4k 16:9 you should kys.
trash poll. there isn't enough of a selection out right now and the prices are shit. my IPS 1080p is perfect for my gtx 980 + i5. eat my arse. i downsample if needed.
high refresh isn't a meme, it is comfy. I've had a vg248 in the past, but fuck TN panels
Hey, pc may be elitist, but it's well deserved elitism. Professionals always pay a premium for professional grade products
I meant for the whole system you illiterate PCfat
>$300 on top of the rig you need to build to run it
why would you even waste money on this?
the PG27UQQ 4K 144hz IPS version this year
>implying i don't have both :^)
1070s are only 400 dollars goyim
>living in 2017
>doesn't have a pc
you fucked up
nice 100 fps, imbecile.
they are good, but physically too small.id rather a 21:9 1440 @ 60hz, but unless its 40' or bigger it's too small for the price.
1440p@60hz here.
>professional grade
ecks dee m8
go ahead and show me the console port that reaches even 60
>100 fps in 4K while console are up scaled 4K at 30-40 fps
Your point is?
To play... Overwatch?
I just ordered a GTX 1060 is that good enough and stuff?
tn panels are trash
>1440p masterclass
>plays League of legends, watches Twitch, and posts on Sup Forums
BenQ xl2730z master race here, enjoying 1440p 60 fps on newer titles with an aMD 390 and 1440p 144hz freesync on all my older games.
Color accuracy is a meme, tn panels are fine.
for 1080p yeah. Is it future proof? No.
Yeah nice damage control, faggot. Why get a 144hz monitor if you can't even reach 144 hz?
>100 fps in 4k
The monitor is 1440. So much for 1070 is the best card.
1440p/60hz here, I think it's probably better than 1080/144.
PCfats have no impulse control and spend $1500 to browse Sup Forums
Can't name a more pathetic subgroup on Sup Forums
900$ and I get well over 60fps 1440p dumb bait poster
Literally is future proof considering PC only gets console ports these days
Nah fuck u cunt. 4k is early adopter bullshit right now, but 144hz feels good man
I use a 144hz for my consoles and PC
1440p/144hz here
It's really not worth it
>Literally is future proof considering PC only gets console ports these days
Your arguement is a retort of itself. Console Ports = They are unoptimised and run like shit and thus require more power.
144hz 1440
4k 60fps
which one is masterrace for 2017?
i have to admit, i played CEMU at 4k and the difference it makes in graphics quality is HUGE
Well I figured I had to compromise because a 1070 probably wasn't going to get significantly more than 60 fps on modern games, this monitor cost about $250 and came with built-in speakers and is IPS so I think it was a swell deal.
The truth right here.
If it can run UE4 it can basically run anything for 10 years lol. If only you freedloader fags didn't pirate everything they'd be making PC exclusives still
Human eyes can't see beyond 1 fps anyway so 4k60fps.
4k/60fps imo
The resolution bump is just impressive, and I, personally, can't really tell the difference between 60fps and higher framerate in most games unless they're really fast paced
Do you actually play games at 144fps? If so, what gpu do you use? I just watched a benchmark in which a gtx 1080 struggled to maintain ~120fps in several demanding games
Titan x with a 7700 is the only one that can reach that.
So not worth it.
1070 sli
>Pc doesn't have games
11 pages worth of exclusives that are coming out his year.
Try harder consolecuck-kun.
Your console came with a TV too? That's awesome.
youd be high to buy 144 panels when 120 hdr 4k exists
anything above 60 is good
which ones? 120 hdr 4k sounds pretty good.
>Color accuracy is a meme, tn panels are fine.
El oh el
PC gaming died with the orange box back in 2007
you missed the part where those are NOT PC exclusives
/r/ing that webm with a long list of pc exclusives.
>1440 144hz G-Sync = 800$
>3440x1440 G-Sync = 1000$
>4k 144hz G-Sync = 1200$
Fuck this shit industry. I'll wait for Samsung to release that 31.5" 1440p 144hz SVA panel and for someone to put Freesync on it
Ratio is honestly higher than I thought it would be desu senpai
4K imo
yeah sure kid
4k ips if you have the hardware to run it with textures that big
2000$ total for three 27" 1440p/144Hz G-Sync screens
>Paying over $250 for a monitor
I'm 1080p 144hz does that count?
Obligatory fuck AU optronics and their lack of QC post.
Waiting for a display that I won't have to RMA with 50% probability
4K 144 isn't actually ''possible'' just yet since current displayport's bandwith maxes out at 4K 120hz, and that one monitor shown at CES used two daisychained DP cables, which is a horrible and buggy solution
fuck that
I love my basic 16:9 144hz monitor, but any jumps in resolution are expensive. Would rather have a higher refresh rate than a higher resolution, anyways.
Okay, help me out here, brothers.
Is a 32 inch 144 Hz monitor a good choice for games?
The kicker is it's only 1080p. It also has the slowest type of panel - VA
Good goys, fall for the 144hz and 4k memes.
that's like one paychecque
>You need to play at max settings
If you're not on 144hz then you're probably bad, please stay off of my team in any video game ever.
How much is that going to be though? $1500?
Thats more than i make in a month.
32" is a fucking TV
don't EVER fall for that. I used one for a bit (just 60hz though) and it's dreadful to use this for extended periods of time
Switched out to 24" 1080@144 and it's way better
In my opinion, you really shouldn't go for anything over 27", as you won't have the whole screen in your field of view and will have to turn your head a lot, leaving you more tired
>Paying god knows how much to play multiplats and shitty buggy emulators
lmao, we all know all PCfats play are old games anyways because most multiplats are awful even at infinite fps
What's reasonable fps for someone calling other people "PC fats"? 24fps with frequent drops?
>most multiplats are bad
user, you have to put some efort with your b8.
Two Asus PG27AQ, so 4k.
You will need SLI Titans to get this thing going anyway. Or you can buy it to play CSGO and OW in 4k at 144p
Why tho
1440p yes, 144Hz no.
1070 probably couldn't drive that anyways, and I don't have infinite money.
No video game is designed for le 1440p meme resolution.
It's not even a multiple of 1080p like 2160p.
Same goes for 144 Hz, which is not compatible with 30 or 60 Hz.
So it's nothing more than nVidia shilling.
1060 is the obvious choice. 144hz only if you are streamer/cod fag (which Sup Forums used to despise, but now they are 18 they obviously say they are the shit themselves) or 4k if you like to overpay for shit and two 1070s/1080s in sli (which stutters, btw).
Good job, you're retarded.
It's not bait it's the truth, most multiplats are garbage, only good to benchmark your 'rig' and circlejerk about how the rocks look better on your 2000 burger PC
Good job following the protocol, marketer.
>Samsung to release that 31.5" 1440p 144hz SVA panel
Proof link? They never mentioned the refresh rate, meaning it'll be 60hz.
Still, a curved 32 inch 1440p monitor will be pretty sweet
I'd rather be marketer than a subhuman scum
Good goyim
144Hz is compatible with 24fps content. You can drop it to 120Hz for maximum compatibility.
Secondly, you can make 99.9% of games render at 1440p.
Thirdly, PG279Q owner reporting in here. This monitor is the best thing I ever bought.
I have a 4K HDR TV but the input lag is unbearable and the PG279Q is 100% sRGB gamut so it looks slightly washed out compared to my TV but your eyes get adjusted in a matter of seconds.
>one viable 1440p game
Virtually every PC game can be played at whatever resolution you specify, you dense motherfucker.
It's not like consoles where the dev decides that the plebs won't notice 900p upscaled to 1080.
>No video game is designed for le 1440p meme resolution.
If your games are designed for a specific resolution you're doing it wrong. Very, very wrong.
> It's not even a multiple of 1080p like 2160p.
Well, it's a multiple of 720p instead. Since a ton of movie/TV content is still 720p, that's not a bad choice for the time being, until 1080p is finally the standard everywhere.
> Same goes for 144 Hz, which is not compatible with 30 or 60 Hz.
And here you're just going full retard.
Are you sure you were meaning to reply to me?
If it bothers you that much I can tell you I have a 4k monitor and I like it a lot.
B-but muh immersion...
A shame there's no good option available if I want a 1080p 144hz bigger than 24" monitor with a non-TN panel (The latest samsung one with colored ghosting issue can suck my ass)
>an insecure redneck panically aftaid of jews is going to teach me about being manipulated
>Well, it's a multiple of 720p instead. Since a ton of movie/TV content is still 720p, that's not a bad choice for the time being, until 1080p is finally the standard everywhere.
I believe TV standard is 1080i, 1080p is still the standard. 4K is being adopted hardware side but content providers are yet to catch up.
You don't really want something larger than 24" for a 1080p anyways, unless it's just a second monitor. Past that size pixel density gets low enough that you can see individual pixels at "normal" monitor viewing distance.
This, I was playing Dark Souls 3 which is locked at 60fps no matter the resolution the only issue was my long hdmi cord causing my TV to have handshake problems at such a high resolution.
>144Hz is compatible with 24fps content.
But game animations (mocap) are designed for 30/60 Hz, not 24 Hz.
>Secondly, you can make 99.9% of games render at 1440p.
>If your games are designed for a specific resolution you're doing it wrong. Very, very wrong.
All game artwork is designed for specific resolutions. Upscaling and downscaling doesn't change that, but you get the best results with multiplies of the base resolution (which is not 720p for modern games).
There is no point in le 1440p meme for video games.
1080p 144hz here. no regrets
by the time i build a new PC in 3-4 years 1440p generation will be DoA. and 4K 144hz with a fucking curved screen will be much more affordable
I am not a red neck, but nice genetic phallacy, shill.