>DOTA 2 is the best moba because they give you the entire hero pool for free!
>99% of players "main" a couple of heroes and never touch the rest
DOTA 2 is the best moba because they give you the entire hero pool for free!
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Please provide a source for that statistics that is not your anus.
Source: Usage of eyes and brain to collect readily available information from user profiles
>source: my ass
but that's wrong
only shitters pick one hero over and over again
unless its meepo
as a dota player, let me tell you why you're stupid and wrong.
If you want to get good at dota it's important that you focus all of your attention on a pool of heroes so that you can understand them well enough to work on your mechanics with each of them. Playing all of the heroes competitively is impossible.
And Dota isn't great because it opens it's entire hero pool to you for free. It's great because it balances it's game for professional play, which makes it more competitive. Unlike LuL which is easy as fuck.
It's also about preference. Community in Dota is way less friendly since there's a voice chat. Sure, there's a shadow pool if you get reported and shit too much but thats almost totally focused on playing statistics and not what you say to someone in game. So, it provides more honest and candid replies in game, but also more harsh and unnecessary shit talk.
t. some mad shitter who has to buy "champions" and tries to justify it
>as a dota player, let me tell you why you're stupid and wrong.
t. fag who has to make shit up to have any semblance of an argument
>i dont have an argument! I better just call them names and tell them their argument is invalid without listing any reasons why!
you taught me user : )
how do i meepo
be a shitter
>throw net
>hit net
>hit net again
>smash tab+poof
seriously though just train on your blink poof in bot matches
and remember to farm the entire jungle and not let your team have any farm
control tabs. blink poof. spread meepos out as much as you can but not so much that you aren't constantly moving all of them. farm.
in fights focus on surviving.
does anyone seriously get pissed off by meepo players? he's only countered by every hero in the game.
if your team doesn't know how to fight meepo its really frustrating and by the time they realize he is a problem he already has 6 slots and 4k hp
If you want to improve you have to focus on a subset of heroes.
But having access to the entire hero pool is important so when you are learning how to play you can play a game or two with every hero to get a feel for how they play and what they can do. This way you know what to expect when someone else picks that hero.
no one said 99% of players aren't retarded
>99% of players "main" a couple of heroes
But that is wrong you ultra nigger.
nah nigga the build is
headdress > power treads > blink(vlads if farm is looking bad) > vlads(blink if farm was bad) > etheral blade > etheral blade twice >etheral blade thrice
i dont think this is true. I recently started playing dota and the variety of heroes in every game is what has kept me playing. I never see the same lineup.
well you see
only shitters pick one hero over and over again
oh fug silly me i forgot aghs before the blink my bad
>this shit is the best shit because it has the most corn in it
why would you get vlads when you get free lifesteal already
that video is years old anyway
%damage increase on a hero that's damage is mostly from agility
gee i wonder
It's a well known fact Dota 2 is complete shit
>80% of the hero pool is shit
>manta sd illu meta still the best
>agi carry outclass everything
7.00 remains the worst patch ever.
aghs isn't mission critical anymore either now that stats are shared without it
where are the dragon lances in your build
do you guys even play this game???
>No Dragon lance
>Vlads in 7.0
>Not having blink as 2nd or 3rd item
nah i go
tangos quelling blade > iron talon > boots of travel > blink > dragon lance x3 (if stomp) > aghs (if not stomp) > sheepstick
level build as well:
net > poof > dws > poof > poof > poof > max net > max orb
talent tree: armor, movement speed, level 20 talent can go either way but i usually go attack speed for better split pushing, and poof cooldown reduction is a must.
nah grow up buddy.
you get vlads for lifesteal and pushing power. the damage increase is negligible in comparison. meepo also has one of the worst stat gains in the game.
even if you have multiple meepos to get better overall % damage increase it's much more important to get more strength (dragon lance is perfect for this) since his strength gain is even worse now
vlads will keep you high health for the inevitable fight and knock down towers if you're left alone. but you'll just get blown up because you spent 2k on no stats at a critical time for meepo to have stats (right after laning phase)
Then why don't the high mmr meepo players never buy vlads? Or even aghs anymore
well i haven't played dota for over a year now
so i wouldn't know but i would win most matches with vlads aghs and 2 ethereal blades
>99% of players "main" a couple of heroes and never touch the rest
citation needed
>playing dark moon
>going to try Phoenix this time because saving teammates with my ult would be super useful
>totally forgot about Fire Spirits insane attack slow
>auto attacking creeps reduced to punching bags every 15 seconds
>add in shevas and we make it all the way to the crazy cat ladies and get stunned into oblivion
fun while it lasted
Vlads is garbage now
Aghs isnt necessary
But you could win with them anyways
they don't buy vlads because literally there was a million reasons stated why it's shitty. vlads is a support item.
aghs isn't bought because it no longer gives stat share. but the extra meepo still a lot of potential experience and damage.
I would rather go blink into sheepstick, or maybe buy a defensive item like pipe though. eblades are good too, the ghost scepter answer is really good if you're talented enough to use it appropriately.
dragon lance is 10 str 12 agi right?
i'll give it a go when i try dota again
but why did people drop the extra meepo?
in dota right how you hit heroes not creeps. meepo got vlads for lifesteal push/hit a solo rosh timing but now he has a talent that gives him 15% innate lifesteal anyway.
meepo also has been changed so he doesn't need aghs to stat share. it's just the extra meepo now iirc
Vlads is pretty good though, better than wasting your talents on lifesteal and armor.
I'm impressed with 7.00 actually. They've managed to take everything from 6.82 on that made the game shitty to play and made it twice as bad with one singular patch.
>replies in a thread listing a bunch of reasons vlads is terrible for the hero in question
>posts this
again, it's not as important without the stat share. meepos all have the same stat share from the getgo now, so aghs ONLY gives you an extra meepo. which is a good fraction of damage, but if you want more damage its better to go eblade. so the only reason you would go aghs is if you need more farming potential.
Name one thing bad about 7.00
is slark still the same cancer if your team is filled with autismos?
it has less players than 6.82
high mmr players had 2 hour queue times for about a week
Monkey King.
That was fucking easy.
Yes, yes, and triple yes. It's just that Monkey King's three times worse.
Not an argument.
I used to only play phantom lancer and then they ruined him so I quit
t. jungle LC
How is introducing an insanely busted hero "not an argument"? The patch would lose 25% of its shittiness straight-up if Monkey King was not added.
slark has been reasonably nerfed this patch. he can still get fed and stuff just like before but the meta works against him in mysterious ways.
become a korean micro god
that's the only way
LC didn't even exist in Dota 2 in 6.81 or 6.82. Good try though.
Just don't feed him like a retard and you're fine.
that's nice to hear
it was the worst playing sky chicken and to get constantly killed by slark while my team turns the other way because spooky fishman killed support
MK isn't insanely busted - if you want to complain about a hero and not look like a retard complaing about Pudge or Necrophos.
>dota2 has 9.5 user score
>october 2013 comes around
>no diretide
>players sperg out
>bombard metacritic with VOLVO PLS GIEV DIRETIDE 0/10 reviews
>5 years later
>score is STILL super low
>Muh anegdodal ebidence :DDDD
SWM is fucking OP this patch now though.
>get Atos
>Atos -> Ult kills any babby support without any defensive skills and Silence for good measure.
>Aghanims is literally built-in RFO on every cast, press R and watch everyone die.
it would be nice except the trade off is that slark is nerfed now because the meta is all about teamfightinf and staying all 5 constantly.
I miss old atos on him
i never have a chance to post this but your post is absolutely inane so responding with this makes just about as much sense
But, i actually "main" Rubick, so teorethically i "main" all the heros.
check m8, atheists.
The irony of memeback gold being created a result of exactly this kind of meta is so thick I can taste it.
Protip to aspiring game devs: don't flip the whole game on its head just because you have a hate boner for a meta. Oh wait, even indie devs aren't this retarded. See: Ronimo, Stunlock.
>old Atos
why? new one is better and root is OP now
thanks bud here's one for you too.
People will tell you are wrong but this is true. I only play like 3 or 4 heroes per attribute. And in LoL I play 3 or 4 champs per role. In Overwatch I play tanks and supports like 99% of the time because DPS are always instapicked. At the end none matters.
>But if you want to git gud you have to play everything.
Well guess what in LoL the ones that git gud have so much IP playing that they buy all the champs with ingame currency, so like I said it matters shit.
Just play what you want, do what you wanna do and don't let people run you. It doesn't matter what they say.
nu!Dota players are literal cultists. They don't use reason, they use the fact that Dota is the only thing they have left to take pride in in life so they'll make up stupid bullshit to defend it instead of playing games they don't have to waste five hours a day on to get good at or making ranking progression in.
It feels like it doesn't synergize as well on skywrath, because it makes concussive shot redundant and it's no longer instant like your ult so you can't blast someone with an instant kill. You have to wait for the atos projectile and it gives them time create more distance.
Nice statistic.
But people usually main the same amount of heroes they never touch, something like 10. The rest of the hero pool is situational for them.
It would be a bad idea for me to pick my main in every game.
>Well guess what in LoL the ones that git gud have so much IP playing that they buy all the champs with ingame currency, so like I said it matters shit.
difference is that in dota you can start getting good whenever you want
meanwhile league forces you to spend a few years grinding out all the shit you need for peak performance
What's this meme with dragon lance on meepo
Isn't he a melee hero ?
don't know how he managed but my friend has this and 3k~ meepo games on dota 1
you're doing it wrong
do what this guy does
it's purely for the stats. it's a cheap way to get good stats. especially crucial with the aghs change.
>finally get a set
>it's Extremely Rare
Thanks Valve.
Sauce my ass.
Internet culture has fallen to reddit, and you're one of the fucking faggots that helped.
Kill yourself
% of players "main" a couple of heroes and never touch the rest
fuck off cunt
>one tornado after another and bkb is on cooldown
It's a bad way to spend money in early game, you can get mek and heal the whole team, you can get half of the aghanims. Your early game damage comes from poofs, but in mid game you get ethereal anyway for physical damage.
>source: my ass
Fuck off
>Monkey King
I've LITERALLY never got an "extremely rare" anything.
755 dollars spent.
Fucking hell.
>if you build BKB before Invoker you won't have enough damage to go through the other rounds
>if you don't you get insta-gibbed at 33% HP
wish me luck user going back to dota after a year break
is 4k trash tier now? i remember 3k being the average
i think i left at 4.3k
Anything below 6k is trash
Nah. 6k is the new 3.5k
go back to the gulag with the memes i need an answer
Should I quit the game if my MMR is below 1k? I keep going into solo pubs telling myself I'll improve but it never happens, one step forward and two steps back. It's not really even fun anymore.
This was my mmr two months ago.
i think ranked mmr is for fags, normal matches have their own matchmaking system, its just not publicly displayable
It's not a meme. 4k is something like top 10%
5k is top 2%, decent
6k you're near leader boards for your region
there's no way you're legitimately 1 MMR. I could bind each spell to one of my kats paw and put a tracking colar for mouse movement and it would be more than 1 MMR
>755 dollars spent on virtual hats
I'm always amazed how easily people waste their money.
How is top 10% ever considered bad?