What are some open world games where it's actually fun to travel through the world?

What are some open world games where it's actually fun to travel through the world?



fuck open world games and fuck white people

Breath of the Wild

Spiderman 2

>where it's actually fun to travel through the world?
>webm not related
Flying is only fun if the control scheme is solid.

this for sure

having fun traveling through the world is one of the most important things about open world games, and I feel like a lot of developers don't recognize this

Prototype was pretty good, since running and gliding over buildings was engaging without being as trivial as just flying from a to b. Saint's Row 4 and GooH was kind of the same, and the Crackdown games were similar or so I've heard.

Forza Horizon games have nice open world driving helped by off-roading being viable around 90% of the time and the skill chain mechanic you can build up just by driving around freely makes it even better. Plus the environments are nice.

And obviously there's Spiderman games, 2 on the PS2 is typically lauded as the best. I played Ultimate on the Gamecube and that was good too.

Oh, and this:. Very goofy fun

Police chases are probably one of the best examples of "fun travel", although it's travel while being chased. Too bad GTA 4/5 watered them down beyond belief and shit on one of the most exciting parts of those game.

Saints Row 4

Man, I swear even The Crew had more engaging police chases than GTA 4 and 5, and that game was a fucking mess.

Red Dead Redemption

>air dashing, literal body-surfing, and shooting little streams of blood out of your hands to stay afloat
That game was so stupidly over-the-top edgy, teenage me loved it.
I kind of want to go back and play it, but then I think I'll realise how quite bad it is.

Seconding this as well as Ultimate Spiderman

The Infamous games are also pretty good too.

Sorry user, OP here. It's fun in my opinion so I used a webm of it. I hope you find something you enjoy.

>those trees popping in

What game is this though? I like the movement.

The Airships on Final Fantasy games.

San Andreas really gave that cross country trip feel I liked

Lego Marvel

I know GTA V is the most normie open world game but ever since III one of the things I've most enjoyed about the series is travelling around the game world. Say what you want about GTA V but the scope of that game is absolutely astounding

Xenoblade Chronicles

Fuck that. I had to enable a cheat to run faster because the world is so open and pointless.

>30 fps

Never played this but I had a good time getting around JC3. Lot's of different ways to travel the overworld.

2 was actually kind of crappy. Parachute flinging felt dumb and slow, the wing suit was a blessing.

Yes, and?

2 is pretty fun too

Saints Row 4 was absolutely amazing in that regard. You may dislike what happened to the series, but you can't deny that movement superpowers were the tightest shit.

The scope is amazing but I think the travel gameplay is kind of bogged down. I never liked the euphoria/bullet engine car physics much.
Their scope might not be the same, but I found the Just Cause games and the superpower Saints Row games more fun in terms of just travelling around the world.

What is this game? Looks fun

Gravity Rush 2


>hold X
>empty desert All.The.Time
>Boring bassriff as background musical
>this is supposed to be """ fun"""
Rockstar games, not even once.

Nobody cares about the opinion of disgustingly poor infantile filth so please cease to exist.

Is there any reason to not use lunar form without shifting whenever the option is available? That shit is way too fun to be shunted off as a side ability

>hold X
>>empty desert All.The.Time
>>Boring bassriff as background musical
>>this is supposed to be """ fun"""
It works when you're older than 12

One of the few things the game did good

I had fun with it when it came out despite its issues

Gravity Rush 2, but that webm is slightly misleading, since the movement options he's using is mostly limited to 2 and unavailable until you're partly into the game. In the games your main mode of transportation is to change the direction of gravity so that you "fall" in a specified direction

Are there any open world games with good base building?
Think Farcry's combat and capturing outposts, but with Minecraft/Rust's base building

I just want to build a comfy cabin in the woods, and play caveman

Such strong argumentation, I'm baffled at your reasoning skills.

It's slow as fuck and imprecise?

Fallout 4

>lunar form
>with those rocket jumps
Not only is it quick, it makes getting from point a to point b way more fun and involved than "point in a direction and hold x". Plus moonsault and the dodge do wonders for the precision

latereply, but it might have to do with the fact that GTA4/5 show you where the cops are on the minimap. Definitely one of the worst things to happen to games is all of this transparency that correlates to a decrease in excitement/tension. One of the best parts of open world is that something brewing on another part of the map might suddenly, surprisingly, cross paths with you.

It's objectively slower to get around than the other two forms. The only one that's fast is jupiter.

Is it honestly even that fun to explore a virtual city like the one in GTAV? It's barely even stylized, it's just a micro-version of a real life world. Most of the exploration is actually in the story missions and violent acts.

I'm not that cynical, it's still really cool like you say, it's just that I fantasize about a really amazing fantasy/sci-fi open world game more these days... that and I kind of resent how visually-petrified our cities are IRL.

That's kind of the problem. Superhero sandbox makes the most of it by at least giving you fantasy abilities to get around the city in an exciting and engaging way you wouldn't be able to experience in real life.
Or in something like Just Cause, just dialing down the realism and let you fuck around with wingsuits, hookshots and parachutes with very few consequences. Though I suppose it might as well be superhero sandbox at that point with all the complete disregard to the laws of physics.

Slower =/= slow
Lunar form can get around any area with solid surfaces in decent time. I'm not arguing that it's the fastest, but it's fast enough to be practical to get around with, and it actually adds to the experience with its movement. Jupiter is shit movement-wise for everything but fast falling anyway

So how is "Falling with Style: The Game"?

First game is short, has some flaws with its quest design and combat mechanics, but manages to win you over with its charm from the setting, to the characters, and most importantly, the sheer novelty of making gravity your bitch and fucking around with it. Story leaves a lot of loose ends. Worth checking out and taking a weekend to finish

2 is 1 but better. Longer, more content, more enemies, bigger area, basically every aspect across the board is better save the frame rate which is cut in half. Doesn't exactly fix the inherent flaws with the first game however, apart from making combat less tedious by decentralizing the gravity kick and giving you more options in fights. If you like 1 you'll like two because it's same concept with new and better content

just cause 3 but unfortunately thats the only thing about it thats better than just cause 2

Skyrim :^)




Thinking about it AssCreed 2 and Brotherhood were good in that regard. You can choose if you want to run through the streets or try and find the shortest route by running and climbing everything. You can also shank a couple guards to make running around more exciting.

Ass creed 4 just because muh pirate ship

City of Heroes ;_;

It's a shame you can't actually fly in this game. It would be more fun than tumbling in random directions.

infamous 2 + ice powers

You are technically doing that though. Its not random.

Mad Max
Too bad half the game was spent on foot with generic banham combat

this tbqh senpai