How to commit market suicide

I mean I'm thankful. It means i don't have to play another 'retro graphics' indie game.

literally who

These people honestly need to die in a fire/ be violently removed from society

stop shilling your game on here OP

It's okay, you won't be able to buy them anyways

>It's a "Sup Forums starts spamming twitter screen caps of a literal nobody saying nothing of value" episode

Before thread inevitably hits 200 replies and gets deleted because of stupid fucking shitposters and falseflaggers (and i'm sure the occasional actual tumblrite who thinks that the whole world should accommodate them) I just want to say
Read Slavoj Zizek.

Also I hope sage still works and people remember it.

They have the right to tell you to fuck off. They don't have the right to deny you access to the game though I think.



Just report for advertising and move on

Business as usual then.


does this blatant shilling really works? like some tumblrite is gonna see this and say "shit now i gotta buy this game to make those nazis mad"

That's fascinating.

how do Trump supporters not feel completley ripped-off?

They basically just fucked over a country because they wanted to show dem damn librul esjaydubyahs a lesson

I know, Trump and his supporters are a cancer on society.

what is that?

is that a forensic examination?

No people voted to what they wanted him to be, not what he is. Either way we were fucked hard

roll your shit

video games

Nope, Trump supporters keep on winning.

CTR fuck off

What does it taste like bros?

allahu akbar

He's doing exactly what he said he'd do according to CNN, so I think his voters are quite happy.

sage is not an approach, sage is a culture, its not gonna work here

yeah, Diddy Kong Racing was better in literally every single way

Rolling for Allah

I think it's a teratoma

Roll me a good one, roll gods

Its a kind of tumor that can grow hair and teeth and shit

This thread is awful beyond reason

god bless america

>anything but Jet Moto 2

wtf am i even looking at here?

allahu akbar

>how do Trump supporters not feel completley ripped-off?
hes doing exactly what he said he would i didnt support him but im pleseantly surprised that our president isnt a liar

who is this faggot and why should I care?


praise your new god


> roll your shit


Allahu ackbar

>I wish i could keep jerks from playing our game


ISIS kino


>locking out legal citizens and scientists out of the country
>causing prices to go up thanks to tarrifs
>having the ex-CEO of fucking Breibart incharge of security

Literally the filename

Fuck your sand God, dune coon.

I wanna take a big ol bite right into that thing. Just let it explode in my mouth

People saw what they wanted to see in Obama. After more than eight years they still maintain he is the Messiah they thought he was.

After one week people actually expect Trump supporters to give up their own version of Hope and Change.