GOTY 2017

It's not empty. I can't fathom people even pretending it is. I'm VERY excited by the world.
• 120 shrines
• 900 Korok Seed puzzles
• Bokoblin tree forts with good loot scattered everywhere
• Horses I can tame with unique traits wondering in the Wild
• Things that I won't have enough stamina to climb that I'll have to come back to or scavenge for ingredients to make it up
• Ingedients and animals to hunt everywhere to cook
• Bosses are hidden in the overworld
• Roaming NPCs
• You can use your glider over gaps
• The game becomes a snowboarding game on slopes and you can do tricks
• The trees and natural resources can be chopped, cut, and burned
• Being Zelda -- there will be secrets hidden all over the world, just like in the first area
• Topography and landscapes that were actually intentionally designed vs. procedurally generatednand then altered
• Art style that makes it easy to see objects and isn't cluttered with harsh "realistic" shrubbery
• Fireflies come out in the forests at night
• You can be struck by lightning in the world and the weather system is incredible
• Survival elements like temperature actually being utilized well for once
• Gorgeous impressionist soundtrack inspired by Debussy and composed by the woman responsible for Animal Crossing New Leaf's music. The music changes based on your views and the state of the world

It does everything right from the perspective of creating an interesting world you would want to explore

Other urls found in this thread:

dont care

Remember, if it's an open world game it's empty by default.

Actually, let's take it a step further as some people are already doing - Yooka Laylee is also empty because you have to walk to a point of interest.

Actually every game is empty. If you have to hold up for more than five seconds, you're just trudging through empty space. You're not pressing buttons or doing anything else with your hands, right?

Wow, you know what? Every game that isn't a fighting game or a puzzle game like Tetris is shit. Enjoy your empty "games", fags.

>You can use your glider over gaps
Holy fuckin wow!!

>devs wasted time on all this bullshit instead of making a good game

I'm really glad, honestly. What Zelda needed more than anything was to be part-woodcutting, part-snowboarding simulator. Who cares about all of that dungeon-delving and puzzle-solving when I can just stand and watch the fireflies come out at night? That's what Zelda is all about. Who needs a grand adventure when I can spend all of my time looking for 900 Riddler trophies across a vast empty plain four times the size of Skyrim's empty-ass map?

Thanks OP, you really opened my eyes.
rain wont let u shoot bomb and fire arrows ! wtf awesome

I am very very excited as well OP. It is difficult to strike a balance and make a world interesting to walk around in. I really loved Wind Waker despite the amount of open sea sailing, and felt no desire to explore in Twilight Princess because it felt empty to me

I guess WW was just really effective at capture the essence of adventure, I felt that every quadrant of map held something worth discovering.

Considering that SS was the only Zelda to every truly disappoint me, and Im hoping they learned their lessons from it, I am indeed very hyped my nigga

120 shrines and dungeons on top of that, but of course you'll ignore those because that's inconvenient for your narrative.

Let's not forget that there are probably 10-12 Dungeons

My reasoning:
>map divided into 12 areas
>those pillars in front of the castle that everybody talks about:
We only see the pillars in front of the caste. Maybe there are 4 on the backside too? Maybe it is surrounded by even more of them and it was deliberately cut from the demo to avoid spoilers?

>Who needs a grand adventure

>he thinks a "grand adventure" is dungeon crawling 24/7 through completely contrived, inorganic-looking puzzles instead of crafting a natural open world with plenty of content

Be honest. You liked Skyward Sword, didn't you?

This is the mongrel child of Metal Gear V, Ubisoft Collectorshit and Zelda. This will never be GOTY.

Dude I've been a giant flaming faggot fanboy for zelda for the past 23 years, but don't do this.

You're just inviting all the sonygger shills to come in here and spam their lists, too. When you start a thread like this it's destined to be shit.

we saw 5 pillars so far

You gave yourself away the moment you listed everything that are PS4 titles besides Zelda.

Two cents have been posted to your PSN Store account. Keep doing god's work!

>being so delusional to think that Zelda will be 2017 GOTY when a rockstar open world game is coming out
Ha! I guess its true what they say about nintoddlers...

What if I actually like some of that Ubisoft collectorshit? AC4 is one of the most fun games I've played in recent years. That could just be because of the ship battles and pirating though. I've wanted an open world pirate rpg with really detailed ship battles and physics for over a decade.

These are all multiplats, besides Zelda and to expand on this:
>Ubicollectorshit tower climbing to unlock map, enemy basis and tons of pointless gimmicks to collect
Zelda has it

>Metal Gear V AI shenanigans
Zelda has it

Then we add the classic Zelda dungeons to the mix and some iconic gameplay mechanic items and we're good. I even have a compliment in that regard since the physic plaything is coming from Half Life which isn't half bad.

>• Gorgeous impressionist soundtrack inspired by Debussy and composed by the woman responsible for Animal Crossing New Leaf's music. The music changes based on your views and the state of the world

Last I checked Kazumi Totaka isn't a woman.

>Muh shitposting

Anybody who denies any of that are clearly intimidated by the amazing scope of what they are doing.

You're trying so hard to shill this game but you just make it seem more unappealing.

The collectorshit is what makes Assassin's Creed games somewhat tolerable, honestly.

I see with the constants rise of BotW threads the shilling seems to have begun.

>• 120 shrines
Yeah a shitton of the same objectives just to pad out your empty uninspired open world, far cry style.

>• 900 Korok Seed puzzles
Same issue as the first one, too much of the exact same shit gets boring quickly.
>• Bokoblin tree forts with good loot scattered everywhere
Generic ubisoft tier enemy camps scattered throughout the map. yay! cant wait.

>• Horses I can tame with unique traits wondering in the Wild
Every open world has a mode of transport, but this is below average baby shit compared to gtav where i can customize my mounts and they all have truly different performance.

>• Things that I won't have enough stamina to climb that I'll have to come back to or scavenge for ingredients to make it up
Not a good thing
>• Ingedients and animals to hunt everywhere to cook
So? nothing about this is inherently interesting, just tedious and unnecessary tbqh

>• Bosses are hidden in the overworld
>• Roaming NPCs
Never play a video game in your life mate?
>• You can use your glider over gaps
Just about every open world game has certain fucntions like this
>• The game becomes a snowboarding game on slopes and you can do tricks
No it doesn't lmfao
>• The trees and natural resources can be chopped, cut, and burned
not fun

>• Topography and landscapes that were actually intentionally designed vs. procedurally generatednand then altered
That's the standard
>• Art style that makes it easy to see objects and isn't cluttered with harsh "realistic" shrubbery
aka it looks like a ps2 game
>• Fireflies come out in the forests at night
>• You can be struck by lightning in the world and the weather system is incredible
Dynamic weather isn't new
>• Survival elements like temperature actually being utilized well for once
That snow shit makes no realistic sense and is more of a nuisance then anything else.

This copy pasta isnt selling the game at all

>Fireflies come out in the forests at night

You're fucking easy to Impress, OP, if you actually think this is worth mentioning. I'm excited for the game, but many of your points are just gimmicks that might be fun at first and tedious afterwards

Why are people so intimidated by this game? Is it because it's going to be everything their games aren't?

Because nothing screams adventure like pushing boxes onto levers.

Basically Sonyggers went in full damage control mode. The poor little things are absolutely traumatized right now.

Honestly as someone who only owns a PS4 I'm kinda jealous of nintoddlers since they have this great game and I know Horizon will be shit. Might have to pick up a Switch since I'm not a poorfag.

b-b-b-b-but sony
>every time

So you're going to spend hundreds of hours hunting, being struck by lighting, climbing mountains, and lighting grass on fire. Oh, also fighting roaming bosses. Nice open world there

You know a games gonna be good when you have shit posters picking apart every single mechanic of a game and trying their hardest to pass it off as negatives.

>make post picking apart open world
>lol you shitposters picking apart everything
Also nice arguement

It's Manaka Kataoka who's composing BotW

>Haha, w-wait you thought I w-w-was a Sonygger?! Of c-course not!

Pic related, it's you.

>goty 2017
>only 20 people will ever buy it, the rest of potential buyers will die from diabetes before release

No thanks.

>implying this is a bad thing

Not arguing. Enjoy Horizon though.

>deflecting to Sony
I use PC

what you describe is collectibles and repetetive, same-y tasks.

I better not see you emulating this shit then

Before MGSV this board nearly unanimously loved the idea of open world games being the future.

Maybe it becomes the perfect fusion of all of those. After all, when you put two bad things together you sometimes get beautiful things. Pic related is part japanese and part brazillian.

I like open world when it's done right, but this looks like another Ubisoft open world

That's even worse.

People last night were fucking nitpicking the goddamn beta title screen and saying the game's gonna be shit because of it

Whats a good open world vs an Ubisoft open world?

Ubisoft world's are generally pretty empty with a lot of repetitive stuff in them. A good open world game would be GTA or RDR

the shilling is unreal

The GTA games are literally just a sandbox hub for a bunch of linear, heavily scripted missions.


But they are, the worst example being R*'s favorite mission ever: the chase wherein you can never catch the vehicle until the time the game specifically lets you.

not the case for 99% of missions.

Name a mission that isn't heavily scripted from any of the games.

It has graphics comparable to a game released in 2004.

Other than that, I'm pretty hyped.

>implying everything in Zelda isn't scripted to one outcome

Might as well stop playing vidya altogether.

pretty much all of them

You can explore many dungeons in the Zelda series at your own pace, they aren't too scripted.

Objectively wrong, you can't even name one.


Dungeons are too gamey, I want to pick mushrooms and climb hills!

>I'm not a poorfag
>buys consoles

Pick one

That's not even slightly comparable, are you fucking blind?

Also why is the sea blending in with the sky? Looks dumb.

I like GTA, but the missions are absolutely scripted to fuck and back. Rockstar want to make movies, so they create so many damn scripted missions to tell their story. All the heists in V, plus lots of chasing/tailing missions.

Pacing != Scripting

>No towns.
>No music.
>No dungeons.
>No Wii U version anymore.
>No title cinematic.

The depths people have gone to shitpost this game is pretty surprising.

What is that even supposed to mean?

Yeah they are scripted retard, there's only one outcome.

nice meme

"!=" means "not equal to"

Jesus. So negative. Do you find joy in anything at all?

That's what I mean by linear, what I mean by scripted is there is no room for experimentation or player freedom. You do the mission the same exact way every time or you fail, I think that's a disservice to the rest of the game since the hub world is based around the exact opposite kind of interaction.

What is pacing in relation to video games? How does it make the mission in GTA less scripted?

Do you happen to have an even better resolution of this artwork. As an europoor, I'll be getting the inferior boxart. I'll print this one instead.

it doesn't look like a good game from what i've seen of it, having lots of content is irrelevant if the game is shit.

It's not a meme, even fans of GTA recognize how linear many of the missions are. The best way to have fun is to do something like rob an armored car or kill a cop. The actual missions aren't that enjoyable for a lot of people.

Wow Farcry 5. Epic

And then there's this faggot, who's always so out of the loop it's actually kind of sad.

If you accept it now you won't be disappointed.

>no Riders of Doom in any of the trailers

What? I think you got my reply confused with another. I replied to not .

>120 mini puzzle zones instead of a dozen big well themed dungeons

that doesnt sound good at all. sounds tedious and boring. what could you possibly gain from those 120 shrines to make each one worth doing?

>Japs trying to make open world games

I would say I'm surprised you like video games at all but this is Sup Forums sooo...

Well they never said that there wouldn't be any dungeons and from what we've seen, there are at least 6 big traditional dungeons.

You replied to me, I replied back to you. I don't know what you are getting at, I didn't reply to the wrong posts.

>That's what I mean by linear, what I mean by scripted is there is no room for experimentation or player freedom. You do the mission the same exact way every time or you fail

so Zelda dungeons bastically?

nice meme

TL;DR clutter and minigames

It actually happens in certain lighting, though not in the clear weather shown in that screenshot.

No. Zelda dungeons don't put a big red arrow on the path you have to go through with text on the bottom of the screen telling you what to do and if not done you fail. That's literally how every mission in GTA goes, not hyperbole.


No one here is old enough to get the reference.

You're talking about GTA when I replied to the post talking about pacing in Zelda dungeons.

Yes, it's the same thing.


there's only one way to finish the dungeon

Wait wait wait

So you're saying over 100 fucking mini-dungeons that correlate to a full Zelda game's worth (possibly more) of dungeons, each one employing different puzzles and taking various lengths of time to complete, is somehow more "tedious and boring" than ridiculous 1-2 hour dungeons that don't provide any breathing room for the player at all?

This taste is so shit it's astonishing.

>composed by the woman responsible for Animal Crossing New Leaf's music

So very forgettable music except for 2 or 3
I'm expecting the worst Zelda soundtrack with BotW

>no wiiu version

for what purpose these falsehoods?

There is only one path you can take when completing dungeons. You can't can't do objective B without doing objective A first.

I don't care, since there are also large traditional dungeons.

100 mini-dungeons means a) you can't employ scale, all your puzzles need to be in a small space, b) They'll eventually run out of creativity, I promise it, c) It gets tedious, even the best dungeons get boring after the 50th.