>arthas became corrupted and killed uther and antonidas
>kel'thas became corrupted....
>illidan became corrupted...
>garrosh became corrupted...
>the thunder king became corrupted...
>that werwolf druid bro of malufrion became corrupted...
>ysera became corrupted
>titan keepers became corrupted
>titans became corrupted
>the wardens became corrupted...
>van cleef became corrupted..,
>malygos became corrupted...

Other urls found in this thread:

It's their go to story mechanic my mango

>Kerrigan became corrupted...

>Dark Wanderer became corrupted...

Anyone else unsub?

Its the only way it seems to make antagonists without any effort at all.. like every expansion since BC/wotlk haha!

Yeah 6 years ago when everyone with a brain did.

>Sup Forums got corrupted

I unsubbed shortly after patch 7.1. It was clear Blizzard still has no fucking clue on how to balance classes or progression even after a decade.

Its pretty funny that every PC class from Diablo 1 became corrupted and a boss in Diablo 2

Wait did someone else after Ysera get corrupted now?

How can one become corrupted?

I unsubbed after cata launch an every expansion since ive never lasted any longer than two weeks after release, i just miss the differentiation of the classes an races.. its just cookie cutter boring shite now.

Good thing it's one of my fetishes

>garrosh became corrupted

This never actually happened.

>Come to the dark side, we have cookies

With the other 5 million players that quit within 90 days of token release, yes.

>biggest mmo in history
>running for 11 years
>have 12 million players
>strongest selling point is how many people play
>lose half of 12 million player base in 3 months
>11 years of TV commercials about how many people play
>release tokens
>subscription numbers are no longer made public

Lol. Pay to win fails. I spread the good word about Runescape losing 80% of 450,000 daily players just four weeks after they started selling their own in game currency.
Jagex had just flopped amd tossed their 100m/yr game in the trash and Activision thought they could make it work.
I had to explain this to so many people it's not funny. They will never forget me though. I STAYED in trade chat bitching.

The fucking necromancer? How did they corrupt him? He was as loyal a servant he could possibly be in TFT.

Forcefully, the temptation of power to change things or being betrayed by someone or something you had trust in.

>Runescape having 450,000 daily players

even in its prime 8 years ago, the most on was still around 100k, and thats seriously pushing it

Before becoming a Lich he set out to defeat the scourge but was corrupted by power and fear.

getting lots of forbidden power inside you is enough to forget everything you stand for and kill everything.

Play Corruption of Champions.

You're thinking of Kel'thuzad
OP meant to say Kael'thas

Vancleef was corrupted? what?

Kerrigan became corrupted three times

cata release was the last time i got fun in wow
before the druid/heroic nerfs

My bad. 150k was average online but 450k logins a day is really not hard to imagine anyways with people logging on or off to work or sleep. I mean there were 150 realms with 1000 average players online each.

Just spent some more time in here :^)

The dick.
You can't beat the dick user.

>Sup Forums complaining about things getting corrupted

Nope, not the dick.

>not ten years ago when they announced Wrath of the Lich King and you instantly realized they're going to be farting out expansions and raising the level cap relentlessly and all the shit you do right now feels useless

You're already there if you could find one obscure manga frame containing this word.

Also stop animeposting.

Hard to argue Corrupted. Yes to most:
>Order of the Claw
>Cordana Felsong

>Illidan was never corrupt. He always was hot headed and tried to make his own plans, saw what his brother did not and harboured jealousy for his brothers popularity and strength as a druid
>Lei Shen was never corrupted, He took his peoples views to heart as the terror of the curse of flesh took over and gave them thought. Then he took his creators powers in order to carry out a long rule to secure the safety of Azeroth
>Van Cleef (Either or) were never corrupted, They formed a gang to protest and attack the crown for not wanting to repay them for rebuilding Stormwind. All of them are Carpenters that Nobles tricked by Onyxia didn't want to pay because they would be less rich and the budget was fucking huge.
>Malygoes wasn't corrupted, He was plain upset and insane over the abuse of magic and the access of it has been. With the Sunwell being used to bring Kil'jaeden over as well as being relit, The Lich King waking once more or whatever... Malygoes wanted to drain Azeroth of Magic so no one could use it except the Blue Dragonflight


You're exactly right. I knew the second dks were released and 1 hitting full BT/arena geared top of the line players while using their starter area gear that shit was about to get rough.

I only went through cata because flying mounts in kalimdor. I got 85, pvpd to decent gear and fished for literally the whole expansion.

Mop I leveled to max, pvpd a tiny ass bit to get gear, stood around, wondered what I was doing with my life, got my lifelong dream of salty title and quit the second tokens were out.

I actually quit while it was still TBC so a lot of it is all foreign to me. I gave my account to a friend and he ended up getting it hacked or something so that prevented me from ever returning anyway.

A couple years after, I went and played a private server for about two days with that friend and another until they decided to donate to the server to get all the best gear and I quit.

Why do you know this?
This information is not pertinent to your life.
Yes I can show you where everything is in the game, guide you through any quest in 3 expansions, tell you where any map is and help you find any item 3 years after quitting... But damn guy. Time to stop.

Just look at America right now. That's how you become corrupted.


Didn't miss a damn thing I don't think my friend.
If you got to fly at 280%, which barely anyone did then, you should be good to go experience wise.


>having interests in things i do not find interesting is bad
are you 12?

Weak they were and lacking.

No purity of soul.

No purity of mind.


Thats some A-grade heresy you wield brother.

It's wow lore dude.
I don't come online to tell people about harry potter lore because I read a book once.
Stop being weird. Everyone in game thinks you're weird and I think you're weird. Talk about less weird things, weirdo.

I liked it. It was a time when you could pull stuff like that without it instantly standing out as edgy or being a cliche

Besides IIRC you had to dig pretty deep to find out about it. It wasn't in your face

>tfw necromancer's disdain for The Summoner's presumptuousness

It's OK.

Crowe is the only GK in the Chapter that can wield the Black Blade of Antwyr.

Normally it would drive everyone, the whole sector it is in, and three other sectors around said sector.

Crowe however is strong enough in mind, spirit and faith to resist its power and temptation.

On the other hand the blade still tries to screw him up and actively murder him.

He's essentially what if Arthas wielded Frostmourne and was still normal.

Kael'thas wasn't corrupted. He got disenfranchised with Illidan's plans to ultimately purify his people of their magic addiction and he turned to fel magic to sate their hunder. Fel magic invites the Legion and Kil'jaeden offered him power and magic.
Illidan wasn't corrupted either. He was playing the Legion and ultimately was imprisoned by Maiev after we defeated him at the Black Temple.
Garrosh was corrupted, but he let himself be corrupted. Dude was just nuts.
The only titan that got "corrupted" was Sargeras and that's arguable because the reason he turned evil was because he realized the futility of the Titan's plans to clean up the mess of the Void Lords and Old Gods. His solution: destroy everything: nothingness is ultimate order.
VanCleef wasn't corrupted. Looking at it from his perspective, he was actually in the right. Vanessa was never corrupted and also could be considered to be in the right.


You're right, Hillary Clinton is a good real life example of someone who is corrupted

>The only titan that got "corrupted" was Sargeras and that's arguable because the reason he turned evil was because he realized the futility of the Titan's plans to clean up the mess of the Void Lords and Old Gods. His solution: destroy everything: nothingness is ultimate order.
You must have got some dumb fanfic shit mixed up here

Sargeras was corrupted by the constant whispers of the Nathrezim and Eredar he had imprisoned

You're thinking of the old retconned history.

No, thats the new lore. Read that Chronicles thing they released a while back.

it got retconned by Blizzard into exactly what that guy said
I'm not memeing

I want to FUCK that character

I thought Sargeras plan was destroying everything and start over with a clean slate?

>doing anything wrong

Garrosh was most definitely NOT corrupted.

After a failed campaign in Wrath of the Lich king, a young and brash Garrosh is shown that the "horde" was nothing more than a bunch of fucking hippies. Then the Cataclysm happens and nobody lifts a fucking finger to save ANYBODY. Fucking Thrall goes with humans to chant into a fucking whirlpool and then organizes a goddamned wedding, as orgrimmar BURNED TO THE GROUND. Garrosh quickly gathers his loyal and assumes direct control of the horde, beginning an entire campaign of rebuilding what was destroyed and removing the enemy that threaten their doorstep!

When the opportunity came up to claim vast fertile land for his orcs he went for it without a single second of hesitation, and everything he did was to help his horde, even when the other weaker races committed treason.

In the end, through the combined efforts of EVERY SINGLE CONTINENT IN THE FUCKING WORLD AND A FIFTEEN MONTH SIEGE OF HIS CITY, Garrosh is unlawfully arrested and held up to a sham of a trial. Instead of waiting to die, he escapes and establishes and entire DIMENSIONAL ORC UTOPIA until he is wrongfully assassinated by an honorless faggot who cheated in the most sacred of orc rituals.

Literally did NOTHING WRONG

>Literally did NOTHING WRONG
He died


Eh, don't really think the tokens are what did WoW in. Gold is barely useful in the game. Sure, you can get a bit of a headstart with some BoEs, but for most worthwhile gear, you gotta do the raid yourself.

Pretty sure the changes to gameplay did way more harm than the tokens.

If I see this fucking cat one more time...

>every time you get in a car you become corrupted by the car
>every time you put on a jacket you become corrupted by the jacket
>every time you harness the beating heart of a ten-thousand year dead old-god to give you sick fucking claws n shit you become corrupted by the old gods

Arthas dindu nuffin

he's in full control of his faculties there. he consumed the heart as a source of power. Y'sharrj is dead

Let's see how much shit Blizzard can throw at her until she breaks and/or corrupts

dont mind him he's been posting since 4 am about how the wowtoken made wow pay2win. In a post he revealed how he "played 800 hours to amass gold at X value and now with the token the gold has dropped to Y value therefore the game is dead"

in other words:
please ignore the "blame wowtoken" sperg

>van cleef became corrupted
Reminder Van Cleef did nothing wrong.
I am astonished, how Stormwind nobles got away with not paying the Masons for reconstructing their city.
Yet they are the """""""good""""""" guys

Y'sharrj talks to you and him through the raid and if you get corrupted gorehowl he talks to you through it, he's not dead.

he's about as dead as you can get in warcraft

I still can't believe what they did to that depressed young man from the Outland.
It's like seeing your childhood friend going batshit insane.
Fuck Blizzard

op is shitposting. The rogue storyline in Legion has van cleef showing up and going "man fuck you guys" but then you bitch slap her into turning tricks for you at the order hall quest board lmao

I unsubbed on WoD after getting tricked by reviews 'WoW going back to it's roots' and 'A spectacular return to form' like the pleb I am

I love baiting trumptards. 100% chance of free (You)

That's exactly what they said about Legion and look where we are.

They say this every expansion.
Why do people keep falling for it, it's like you enjoy being lied to.

to be fair, Legion being the most casual MMO on the market with completely unbalanced and sometimes outright useless specs, absurd grinding requirements, obtuse item stats, ridiculously easy content mixed in with forced grouping for good content with completely random chances of ever getting anything of value...

yes, it was a definite return to form

screencapped, well stated

I beat my dick all the time though :^)

lmao that is what they say literally everytime

>the great thing about wotlk is, it really let's us get back to the fantasy root of warcraft after two years of sci-fi
>cataclysm is really about changing everything up to get a fresh start - we're going back to wow's roots
>i get that pandas don't seem warcrafty - but think about it guys. they have actually been canon since tft. and when you think about it, pandaria is actually wow at its root: horde and alliance duking i out while exploring a new continent
>yeah yeah. the concept is silly, but that's because this expac is really one big love letter to the old school fans. what better way to go back to the root of wow than to explore pristine draenor while meeting and battling your favorite deceased lore characters?

Van Cleef was a chode that targeted poor farmers to get his revenge and lost his head for it

In vanilla you would get your shit kicked in if you pulled three or more mobs. Everything was designed for group play which made all the bullshit much more tolerable. Legion is a clusterfuck of design choices trying to appeal to everyone at once.

it doenst fit to the song im listening to right now.

He should've went full Robespierre on monarchist scum. Then fight the others 1v7

He didn't specifically target the farmers
He needed them to fuck off so he could reconstruct the Juggernaut in peace. Also needed undisturbed acces to the mine and the quarry
His only pressence there was camps overseeing the mines he needed for metal. Apart from the Brackwells who had it coming and in fact probably willingly allied with him because they're the only farm his people are at and they were known to be cunts

This is a good point. Who is going to be CORRUPTED in Overwatch?

Reaper and Widowmaker were pre-corrupted in their backstories but who will have the fall?

Vancleef targeted poor farmers.

What the fuck was he thinking?

Well it's most likely an omnic, considering they can be reactivated to turn into killing machines at any time.

i'd corrupt her if you catch my drift,

In s8 we did rank 1 and shared the top spot. This was always allowed ppl like Hydra did it every season. But no when I get rank 1 they don't give out the titles.

Blizzard is just making 'polished' junk food. The games are fun for 1-2 weeks and then it's downhill with only autistic blizzdrones that keep playing even though they know their game is crap.

because the lorefags at blizz suck

she is gay, already corrupted.

wouldn't this image is like a human fapping to cats dressed as humans?

shut up, pence.

Hu, how so?
I know the PC from 1 becomes Diablo on II, but how are the classes from 1 included?

>Blizzbitches shat up Sup Forums in the lead-up to Legion

That's kinda hot.

genderbent by sargeras

Childhood is idolizing Thrall.

Adulthood is realizing Garrosh makes more sense.

Should I just give up and play on Elysium?
I'm starting to get fed up of Blizzard's bullshit desu senpai.

what blizzard tweets after the fact when everyone is making fun of their shit writing doesn't mater, just from the fight RP he's obviously going mad and the model is literally newGarroshCorrupted