I live in a country that shares a time zone with Japan. I'll be sure to keep Sup Forums posted on Tifa's remake design in 24 hours
I live in a country that shares a time zone with Japan...
Thanks op. I would hate having to wait the 19 hours or whatever for the information to travel to the rest of the world on the wind.
hish~ x3
Thanks bruh
Oh yeah, it is almost time for that event.
Please let them show new FF7R footage.
What time is the event in Japan? I'm in EST and need to convert.
I want a motherly girlfriend.
What's going on?
FF 30th anniversary event. Potential info and footage from FF7R since it's the games 20th anniversary as well.
>we probably won't see Tifa till the E3
Don't play with my heart like this, user
There's not going to be any VIIR footage. Nomura confirmed ages ago that he isn't going to be there, and he said that all Remake news will be coming from him directly.
Jesus Christ, it's another XV isn't it?
Doesnt mean Sqeenix cant show development of an annouced title.
No matter how perfect they make her. Sup Forums will still hate. I just hope she looks better than AC
So seeing as how FF XV had braindead combat, is there any reason to look forward to VIIR?
>FF7 turns 20 years
>SE won't announche anything about it
fuck those cunts then
XV got brain dead combat as soon as Tabata was put in charge.
Tabata is still working on apology DLC, so he can't steal the Remake.
Well she is a 10/10 in her most recent profil art so I have trust in Nomura
If only there was some kind of "Global Intranet" for people to share that information.
I wanna fuck tifa
>twig arms
fucking japs
Nice clips. I like her running jiggle.
I want to make gentle love to Tifa
damn i forgot she had all that jiggle
I'll give you that. Her art is always stellar. Normura has never fucked that up