Do you like collecting achievements in games?

Do you like collecting achievements in games?


>steam achievements
for what purpose?

depends on the type of achievements really.
too bad most games have poorly designed achievements



Yes. It's fun.

sometimes they're bullshit because developers these days are memeing assclowns.

I like seeing them pop up when i do shit that's not just progress in the story, and i might even force myself to unlock them if i acquire some fun in the process


Nah. The only game I've done full acheivements for is terraria. I'd really have to be invested in a game, or the acheivements would have to be particularly fun sounding, for me to care.

Yes. I prefer PSN trophies and Xbox achievements, however.

Defeat required-to-progress flying enemy boss
>What goes up..
Pick up items as you play
Kill X Y-Enemies

No, unless they unlock stuff in the game, like isaac. Otherwise I just don't care.

post em

There's nothing inherently good or bad about achievements. They just track the completion of optional objectives. Sometimes optional objectives are fun and sometimes they're fucking garbage.


They're fun and I like them as an extra to just playing the game. They're not enticing enough for me to want to waste my time to 100% a game however.

Payday 2 Honestly has some fun achievements.
Although of course it also has a shit ton of bad ones.
Too bad the game has become so unstable that there's no point in trying to get them anymore.

>implying achievements on other platforms have a purpose

Between the ease of using SAM and the lack of a point system they're pretty much entirely for fun compared to the sometimes competitive "Achievement hunting" of Playstation or Xbox achievements. It can be fun to try and 100% a Steam game I really like if the achievements are well designed, but I wouldn't try and seek out games with easy achievements to collect just for the sake of getting achievements

>defeat particularly large boss
>the bigger they are...

Is it that bad? Haven't played since 2015.

Kill a large enemy
>The bigger they are...

I'm not 16 anymore. Don't understand how you can be an adult and do this unless you have no friends, still a virgin, or a neet

There is no point talking about achievements on Steam because the Steam Achievement manager is avaible and can easily give you every achievment you need

Comparing it on PS and XBox is somehow reliable

send help

No I don't like it but I'm an autist with obsessive-compulsive tendencies so I do it anyway.

>It can be fun to try and 100% a Steam game I really like if the achievements are well designed, but I wouldn't try and seek out games with easy achievements to collect just for the sake of getting achievements
>I wouldn't try and seek out games with easy achievements to collect just for the sake of getting achievements

Are you saying you would actually do this on a console? That's pretty gay.



I'm just saying, I wish they were maybe tied into the xp system on steam a bit. Not every score, but maybe completeing a game gives you another 100xp. Integrate it into the system instead of just being there.

I hate it, takes the game creator little to add a trophy and it takes you 8 hours to complete it, they just don't give a shit, they could write "suck 10 dicks" and people would do it because you gotta complete them all bro. It's lightweight grinding for a supposed "objective" for no reason

it's the only reason i even play games.

I genuinely tried to get Seriously 3.0 and my progress fucking reset for no reason sending me back to level 1 nothing complete or unlocked, now I don't give a damn.

Smoke a cigarette

>Smoke 'em if ya got 'em!

Me personally? No, but I know there are plenty of people that do, it's just that Steam doesn't incentive it as much as those other services. If you want to get achievements to try and collect the most and compare e-dicks with people then Steam just doesn't do a good job providing that, but for the purpose of just having additional goals to go after/comparing with your friends it's perfectly fine

Yes, if I don't have to go too far out of my way to do it usually. Other times it can lead me to play a game in a new way. I would never have done a knife only run on REmake if there was no achievement for it.

This for me. I dont go out of my way to do them but if one pops up I generally smile and I may look some up to see if any are worth trying to do if I think I would enjoy the process.

But I dont go out of my way for them.

The only story related achievements are like are beating games on certain difficulties. Besides that I prefer gameplay.

Yes. I usually play two or three times after beating a game just to get achievements i missed.

>few bosses later
>same large boss
>bigger and badder
>....The harder they fall.

If I beat a game and I really liked it, I'd then try to get the achievements. If there were no achievements, I'd stop playing it at that point.

Of course, there are some retarded examples of achievements in games that actually make me dislike the game.

I liked DS3, tried to do all the achievements, and then realized to get one of them you need to grind the same enemy for 40 hours so you get RNG drop because the online doesn't work.

People who make these kinds of achievements need to consider suicide.

>everyone who does things I don't do is underage: a redditor's guide to being FUCKING superior

Nah, you have to buy virtual trading cards to raise your xp.

>finally complete all steam achievements
>they add more achievements later on

I like it when the achievements have the same kinda vibe as the game. Be it serious, goofy, edgy, or grim.

Matt Hazard was pretty good for this because they'd pop up and just 4th wall you like the whole tone of the game was about. Kinda made a second playthrough a little less substantial though

Only if I really like the game.

Nope. It's a waste of time.

>implying that isn't how i'm single handedly funding lewd costumes in SFV

>look at me, I have an identity on an anonymous board

The use of Steam Achievement Manager isn't common enough to change the fact that the difficult achievements are still the most rare. More importantly, caring about other people's achievements is retarded.

I like it when the game is gud
I used to get every single trophy of every game Ive played unitl I encounter some shitty games
Watching those shit games on my list with a 3 or 5 % of completition was pure pain, but i learned that I shouldnt take that shit so seriously

Now I only platinum games I liked a lot, and that made me enjoy vidya even more

>played TF2 ages ago
>playtime was never tracked
>achievements weren't really a thing
>reinstall it this past week to farm easy cards to sell
>see all those added achievements
Guess that isn't happening.

>There are people who do achievements not because it's something fun to do for themselves, but because it increases their pointless score that no one will ever care to look at



It's now going to take you and your friends multiple tries to even STAY in the same lobby.
Once you are playing you or anyone else on the team is almost 90% of all the time guaranteed to disconnect.
When that happens that player loses all chances of getting any achivements even if he reconnects.

Check em

Used to kinda care about my gamerscore on my 360, but never cared about steam or PS achievements. Steam has SAM and PS has a flawed overall rating system. I always liked (G) the best. Had like 45k on my account when I stopped playing xbox and consoles all together.

Yeah it would be nice, but the problem is that it's all stored client side and this is the PC we're talking about, so cheating it is pretty trivial. Thus having any kind of reward behind achievements, even something as silly as profile xp, leads to abuse of the system.

I just wish there was a better way to see all your achievements together or something.

no you fucking retard. I had 1k trophies and like 40k gamerscore in high school...took me another 10 years to only add 20k gamerscore and 500 trophies compared to that 1-2 years in high school

>get Steam game
>it doesn't have achievements
>console version does

Won't lie, I felt disappointed and a little ripped off.

no. i think it is pointless and ignore it completely

Usually no. But if there's an achievement for doing something amusing that I wouldn't have thought of othervise, I'll probably go for it.

I wish there was a rework on how achievements are designed.

Achievements that require excessive grinding are a good example of bad ones.

I was turned off on achievements when you needed 100 flags in each of the AC1 maps.

I did Platinum FFXV though, and i though the achievements were reasonable

Only 11-year-olds care about their "gamerscore" or "trophies"

I'm glad Steam doesn't have it.

Literal fucking god master race reporting in.

If you recognise these icons you know how crazy difficult they are and should acknowledge me as a superior alpha gamer to anyone on this shit board.

Maybe don't play pointless Shitendo games such as Arms and you'll have time for achievements.

Oh don't even get me started with that bullshit. I'm a lot into L4D2 and that game has some added bonus ach. compared to the xbox version which most of them aren't hard at all. There is one that you had to get in 2011 (ach. with date limits are cancer btw) but you can still get it when you change your pc time and host a local game. The worst tho is an achievement yyou get for helping a free to play player (testweekend) to survive one campaign. The last free weekend was like 1 1/2 years ago.
It's really annoying. Especially since another achievement similar to this one, will be unlocked by simply playing with someone who already has that achievement. That's how it should be.

Just recently decided I wanted to Perfect games on Steam. Started with Dark Souls, then Dark Souls 2, Some "ok" Idle Game called Plantera, Kingdoms of Amalur, and then Darksiders. Now I'm waiting about 20 more days in Isaac: Rebirth to get the last 337/339.

25K Achievement Points club on WoW, though that secret club has fallen off since Legion and moved to like 27 or 28K. Haven't played for a while.

Except anyone boasting can be easily scrutinised and found out if he's been using SAM.

>some schmuck unlocks everything at the same minute

I called out some subhumans people doing that on 100% achievement group on steam and got them kicked out by the admins haha :DD
I and only I am the fucking best and I won't allow anyone cheater using SAM to boast. I earned my cheevos the hard way and deserve everything good in life for it.

>Get 20000 kills on other players in online
>The online for the game is dead



What if they play offline and then they come online, and get all their achievements at the same time?

Retarded cheevoposter.

>what is Steam Achievement Manager
On Steam, achievements don't mean shit (achievements don't mean shit on any platform believe it or not).

Yeah online achievements are fucking gay

... because the xbox 360 started all this craze about achievements. If you buy certain PS3 games, they won't have trophies even though their 360 counterpart has. Now I am not certain about when steam introduced them, probably even later than the PS3, but there isn't really a reason for developers to update the game with achievements. Especially if that means players who completed a game complete before would now have to do it again cuz reason.



It's all bits and bites at the end of the day, faggot. What difference does it make that some people exploit?


True cheevo masters have a link to a twitch or something, anything that proves they earned their achievement. Then the cheevofags will start commiting suicide by the thousand like the insects they are.

Girls like it when you have a high gamerscore. I can confirm.

I understand that reference.

>I'm glad Steam doesn't have it.
Steam even has some gamur level, which PS and Xbawcks doesnt have

I have a friend that literally only plays games for achievements, like he will buy all those terrible $1 indie games just to get the achievements and on AAA games he doesn't even play games properly he will find a guide to do all the achievements in the easiest way properly and barley experience the game.
I really do not get "achievement hunters"

yes. only 3 left.

fuck rapid discord.

deleting games from you list when? It cant be that hard, right?

This, more or less. Bloodborne is the only PS4 game I've platted and it's because it's arguably my favorite game ever made and I really and truly wanted to do everything there is to do in it.

>128/128 achievements
Nigga what

>I really do not get "achievement hunters"

Because you lack empathy, you're probably autistic.

I wouldn't do what he does, but I can clearly see why he'd think doing what he does is fun.



Sometimes the little icons for an achievement can be pretty cute.

I get that he finds getting the achievements fun but it saddens me when he plays some great games and I will ask him about his experience and he doesn't know anything about the game.
Like if your just going to cheat the achievements why not just use SAM or something.

Here, I love collecting achievements. Gives me that little feel of fulfillment in my life.

>Like if your just going to cheat the achievements why not just use SAM or something.

Because that's not fun for him?

I bet he has more fun playing these games than you do when you play them "properly", you turbonerd.

Depends on how fun the achievements are to get. It was fun getting the tokens in papers please for making the morally correct choices, it's less fun killing x amount enemies with y amount of guns

i tend to not play games because i dont want to spend time hunting for the achievements

How can I see how many total achievements I've earned on Steam?

Depends. I think they're alright in the sense if they encourage you to try new things or challenge yourself in ways if you want more replay value.

But they're bad when they have bullshit ones like online only or multiplayer only, or anything that can essentially be forever lost over time which some games have.

>I bet he has more fun playing these games than you do when you play them "properly", you turbonerd.
He literally calls going for achievements a grind. He says hes going to grind out one game to the next. Sometimes he doesn't even play the game he will just afk games with a marco on just to get the achievements. Not really playing the games at all.

Depends on the game. If it's a game I am really liking, and there's no stupid achievements that require you to beat the game 8 times or some shit like that, I'll typically 100% them, so long as I'm enjoying myself. If the game is just alright, I'll beat it, and never touch it again, no matter what my cheevo progress is.

Level up then add it to your account, how new are you?

If they are actually fun to do and not just tedious time wasters.