>"report X please, he just wants to lose"
>"If you want to screw around go to quick play"
>"hey X, switch to B"
>"X is silver, he doesn't know what he's doing"
>"we don't need a G"
Why does everyone take overwatch seriously?
"report X please, he just wants to lose"
Game is meant for degenerates
You can't be this autistic. If you're doing competitive then you're playing to win. The only way to do that is with a team that plays well together. If you're picking something that's worthless you get this shit.
Because man children take thier hobbies seriously, even if it's as pathetic of an hobby as playing overwatch.
That being did if you play ranked and suck don't complain about getting shit on, you deserve it.
If you're going competitive maybe you shouldn't be on randoms mmkay? That's what tournaments are for.
>if your going on competitive, you shouldn't try to be competitive unless it's within my standards
For sure solo queue is hopeless but it's the people that fuck around that are the problem not the other way around.
And that is the basis of my post
>being a silver
never played a game in platinum where it wasn't 2x2x2 instantly
What region? Europe high gold/low plat is 80% shitters and trolls.
>if you play ranked and suck don't complain about getting shit on, you deserve it.
there is no a reason for someone to get pissed off over a videogame where nothing is at stake
There are things at stake though. Competitive points and rank.
"""competitive""" points in a video game for children?
You get the points weather or not you win or lose
Rank is meaningless, even in tournaments
You get considerably less points for losing and higher ranks get a bigger payout at the end of the season. By fucking around in comp you are wasting people's time and effort even beyond the match itself.
right, all competitive rank gets you ultimately is more competitive points which can only be spent on golden gun skins.
It's really not worth caring about unless you are part of an actual team.
>considerably less points for losing
Not him, but you get barely anything as far as points go either way.
Competitive point grind is a complete joke.
>only play quick play
>actually have fun
maybe dont play comp op, that solved it for me at least
Sabotaging matches where people behave like this is the only joy I have left in my life.
>Pick meta or gtfo!
The problem with people who keep screaming this in comp is that the meta works because of good teamwork.
Demanding somebody switch to a character of your choice doesn't mean you are suddenly going to get those results.
It attracted the MOBA crowd
The whole game was designed from the ground up to cater to the MOBA crowd. It's pure unadulterated cancer and retards eat it up.