Are you looking forward to Halo 3 anniversary, fall 2017? [Spoiler] let's go [/spoiler]
Are you looking forward to Halo 3 anniversary, fall 2017? [Spoiler] let's go [/spoiler]
No because I've had Halo 3 remastered for years now.
This is never happening
Halo 3 objectively has the best art style of the entire series, why would I want to play it with ugly 343 "just slap some hexagons on it" graphics?
its not happening, user
Playing FPS on consoles
Neck yourselves
Cause it's Halo 3 anniversary made by Certain Affinity, not Halo 6 made by 343.
Why not? Why wouldn't it? They did it for CEA and 2A.
>Saber is working on Quake Champions
>Blur is working on CGI for Halo Wars 2
>MCC had a massive amount of returns
We're not getting a Halo 3 Anniversary all we're getting is a Halo 6 announcement and possible 4K demo.
Halo 3 is possibly the most overrated game of all time
And no
And? Still coming if Microsoft wants it which they do.
Source, because everything points to they don't?
Halo 3 ain't overrated, Overwatch is
Halo 3A won't be a fuckup like MCC because it's just one game, like MWR. They're definitely making it.
It's always been pointing towards they don't. Remember Halo 2A? And then it just happened.
Source: its halo 3's 10th anniversary
And it always gets announced the year it's coming out (10th year from original), at E3
Halo 2 Anniversary had devs, Halo 3A don't
Microsoft would just partner 343 with another studio to make it, but you bet the current studios would pause their projects for H3A or 343 would just make it. My point is it's gonna happen.
No they wouldn't Saber has a good track record for adding a new layer of graphics over the old, without them it won't be happening. Plus Phil Spencer already said they want 343 focusing on the future not the past compared to what he said about Halo 2 in 2013-14.
When is halo 3 coming to pc? Recently replayed CE and it was pretty fun but short.
I'm sure microshit knows xb1 is a failure
Yes! I cant wait for the hacks at microsoft to butcher another one of my favorites!
halo 3 was only good because the large player base
it will never get the same player base anymore
Screw what they said, they also said H2A wouldn't happen. He said that years ago, fuck what they say. H3A will make the Scorpio $ so they're making it no matter what, no matter the studio. They might even get Raven
If H3A isn't a broken mess, it might. Since it's only one game it probably won't be broken.
No Phil gave hints that Halo 2A was happening just like Frank did for Halo CEA and Frank O'Connor stated that Halo 2 Anniversary would need to take some seriously looking at to get it right in a Game Informer interview. Halo 2A was never stated to not be in development, Halo 3A was down right stated to not be in development by MS an 343 and there is no signs that state otherwise. Face facts, we're not getting a Halo 3 Anniversary, deal with it.
What would be the point now?
Microsoft seems to be cutting down on the xbox division and they already fucked up the Master Chief Collection.
Stated where? This?
I remember them outright denying H2A, which is worse than this"no plans at this time" shit in this article. And then it just happened.
to sell the scorpio at launch, its one game so it wouldn't be fucked like mcc.
"343 Industries Franchise Developer Frank O’Connor stated in an interview with Game Informer that a potential remake of Halo 2 is something that 343 Industries “has to take seriously” and is “looking at.”
Do you know what damage control is?
It's always like this until they reveal it at E3. Of course they're not gonna announce shit.
>Halo 3 objectively has the best art style
Opinion dropped
"Animesque" can never be the "best art style"
No, because ODST was superior.
>Halo 3A won't be a fuckup
What is HCEA?
There's quite a few reasons Halo 3 Anniversary won't happen.
>Too "modern" to warrant a true remastering like H2A and CEA
>Already "remastered" in MCC
Furthermore, you'd have the reduced market.
People who'd buy a Halo game even after years of 343 management - people who would buy what is essentially the same game they've already bought, in some cases twice - people who would buy a remastered game after the mess that was the MCC.
There's no money to be made in it, plain and simple. Besides, Halo 3 is an overrated mess of a game for 12 year olds with poor taste whose greatest achievement was a successful ad campaign.
That ran good.
The kinda fucked uo the atmosphere on MCC and put in a worse and dumber ai.
They need to re use the old ai before I take it seriously.
Wait they changed the AI in the MCC? What the fuck, just make the game look nicer, don't fuck with the gameplay.
>Halo 3
Hang yourself.
None of that matters, it will sell because it's famous as fuck, and it's an Anniversary. It cant be broken like MCC because it's a single game.
>H3 remastered in glorious 4k60 fps on project scorpio
aww yiss
Don't shoot the messenger, m8, I'm sorry your beloved game is actually mediocre
Scorpio legit will make it look better than the original.
>At this time
Of course they would say this, what you think it took 3 years to make a remake?
You're forgetting the dinosaur ninja force
By the way, Kung fu is a Chinese term not a Japanese one.
Yes if they release it on both the PC and Xbone and the also release the game with the entire multiplayer and enable cross platform play with the PC and Xbone.
Although if they rerelease Halo 3 with the entire multiplayer on just Xbone it'd still probably do better than 5 and 4 population wise.
I think a big problem is that the Brutes' armor in Halo 3 contradicts not just their aesthetic in Halo 2, but also half their aesthetic in Halo 3. Pic related's gear is much more in-line with their (naturally) brutal and somewhat primitive style; Halo 3 gave them vivid colors in attempt to replace Elites and created a poor contrast.
>Kung fu is a Chinese term not a Japanese one
What's the difference?
They're just doing a better job at masking it this time around.
I think they'd remake every single map for this because its a standalone game.
Forgot pic
We already have H3 at 1080p, 60 FPS with updated lighting.
Why do we need a remaster?
Halo is the only shooter that works super well on a console.
Everything else plays better on PC by a country mile.
Because some people have shit taste
New Xbox scorpio engine, completely redone graphics with remade maps.
It doesn't need any of that though.
I would even go as far to say that CE didn't need a remaster, because it had a great visual style already.
Halo 2 was an ugly game, definitely needed a remaster and they did a great job updating the visuals
3 looks great even today.
It can look better, especially with scorpio. Its like 4 times as powerful as xbone, and I don't even know how much powerful than 360.
Saber made the other remakes
H2A doesn't use the 343 art style. In fact I'd say it has the best art style out of Any halo and is still visually superior to halo 5.
3 will never be re-released or remastered for the reasons already listed in this thread and also because 343 knows that if Halo 3 was re-released it would outperform 4,5 and 6.
When they re-released CE they crippled the multiplayer and only remastered 7 maps, because they know if they re-released the entire multiplayer people would play CE over 4 and 5, even though there is hardly any demand for CE multiplayer.
They crippled MCC multiplayer by not having all of the maps and game modes for CE, 2 and 3 and also pairing it with 4. Also MCC was, and still is, a broken mess which is why it did so poorly. If it wasn't broken or was fixed in a reasonable amount of time there'd probably be more people playing MCC over halo 5, and 343 knows this which is why the game is still broken.
If halo 3 ever was re-released all you would get is a remastered campaign, which you don't need, the campaign already looks great. They wouldn't re-release the entire multiplayer because they know it'd perform better than 5 and 6.
The only reason most people want halo 3 remastered is so they can experience halo 3 multiplayer again, but 343 will be sure to cripple it somehow like they did with MCC and CE to save them the embarrassment of remakes performing better than their new titles.
>When they re-released CE they crippled the multiplayer and only remastered 7 maps, because they know if they re-released the entire multiplayer people would play CE over 4 and 5, even though there is hardly any demand for CE multiplayer.
They won't make a game because it would sell too much
>is so they can experience halo 3 multiplayer again
Why would you want this? H3 MP is worse than CE, H2, and H5 MP.
Last Halo FPS was technically 2 years ago, and H3A would come out a year before Halo 6. If it came out at the same time more people would play it over H6 but considering it's a year before, H6's population will be strong. How else will they get the H6 beta out there as well? Probably through H3A purchases, just like MCC. I doubt they would remake every map.
*wouldn't remake every map
3 is better than 2
Multiplayer it is.
H3 is just shitty knock off H2.
Not necessarily that it would sell to much, but because it would hurt their new titles. Less people would be playing halo 5 than MCC if MCC multiplayer wasn't broken and incomplete.
More people would play halo 3 remastered than halo 6 if halo 3 remastered was released with the entire multiplayer.
Ya exactly if they released halo 3 remastered it would be with an incomplete and probably buggy multiplayer like with MCC and CE. If they released it with a functioning and complete multiplayer people would play it over 6. Halo 5 sold maybe 2 million more copies than MCC and that is with MCC collection having a horrible reputation for being broken since day 1. If MCC was a functioning game it would have sold more copies and Halo 5 would have sold less and MCC would probably have as many sales, if not more, than Halo 5.
343 knows that people would rather play remastered versions of old halo games than their new halo games so they're not gonna release remastered versions without crippling it in some way so that it doesn't hurt their new title sales.
Why is everyone asking for a remaster/anniversary? I thought the whole point of the MCC was that it gave us a halo 3 remaster?
>3 is better than 2
Worse hit detection + projectile br + random spread.
Worse maps.
Stupid equipment.
Kept duel wielding.
Slow as movement speed.
You're conspiracy is retarded.
If they could've made a perfect MCC they would've. They want to sell xbones.
I was bothered that in the MCC Halo 3 was the worst-looking game in the whole collection because the first two had remastered textures and 4 looked fine because there were few "natural" elements but 3's textures and models were totally untouched.
Played fine but it aged like fucking milk.
I dont even think were getting a H6 tease let alone a 4k demo
Even if that's right, they'd continue making anniversary's just for money (and Microsoft wants them to). It's not coming at the exact time H6 releases so just compare it with CoD MWR and IW. MWR remastered still has a big population, but still less than Infinite Warfare, and they released at the same time for this.
They are not making Halo 3 Anniversary, in 2012 they literally weren't making Halo 2A in 2013 they had devs and went quiet on Halo 2A while giving subtle hints that they were working on it, in 2014 it was clear that they were making Halo 2A and they weren't hiding it. 2017 they flat out denied both 343 and MS that they are making Halo 3 anniversary on the year of Halo 3's anniversary. Stop with this BS, we will probably get the original Halo 3 released on Xbox BC for Halo 3's anniversary.
The fact that the BR isn't the defacto weapon of choice for all engagements makes it vastly superior
the mental gymnastics of the halo community are pretty insane
Keep telling yourself that kid.
It will always be the worst of the halo trilogy.
Dude we always get a Halo mainline teaser the year before it's released, you could be right on the demo though. I hope they pull a Gears 4 on Halo 6 and show it early, I want to see Halo in 4K.
Not an argument, and 2fags are the real babies of the series.
They can remake a 10 year old game within a few months for money, simple as that.
Ya and MWR was released with an incomplete multiplayer, and if we ever get halo 3 remastered it will be released with an incomplete multiplayer to reduce competition with halo 6.
t. underage that never experienced the glory days of halo and halo 2
Too bad I'm a CE fag.
Why would they make that when it got remastered in MCC?
i'll only play it if recon armor is reserved for those who got those pain in the ass achievements
>H3A comes out
>nobody wants to play it because it's aged like milk
>Halo 3 babbies whine and blame it on 343 sabotaging it
Ya exactly, at best we will get a shitty, rushed cash grab. They're not gonna make it good, they're not gonna fix bugs and problems like they didn't for MCC, they're not gonna release all features like they did with MCC, they're not gonna add anything to make it better like a customs game search (if they even release it with custom games and forge and custom game editor to be able to make fun custom games), and worst of all they're not gonna release the entire multiplayer like they did with MCC and CE.
It will be a shitty cash grab that is objectively worse than the original except for updated graphics.
Idk about that. If they dont release all the maps at launch for Halo 3A, they will just release them a bit later.
>like they did with MCC and CE.
What are you talking about?
Did they eventually release all of the maps for MWR? No. Did they eventually release all of the maps for CEA? No. Did they eventually release all the maps (and fix) MCC? No.
Halo 3 anniversary, if it's ever made, will probably be made without forge, without custom games editors, without all the multiplayer maps, without all of the game modes for multiplayer (at least without all the fun ones).
They're hardly going to support the game after release, they won't add anything after release, it will be released with less things than it was released with originally, they won't add anything. It will be an incomplete game that was pushed out to make a quick buck and then hardly ever touched again, and not touched again in any meaningful way.
H3A's just one game so it won't have any glitches, just like Halo 5. The only reason MCC had tons of glitches was because it was 5 multiplayer games on one disc (including H2A)
>Did they eventually release all the maps (and fix) MCC? No.
What maps aren't in MCC?
So am I, so why are we arguing?
I played CE and 2 at launch fag, i'm probably older than the average Sup Forums user.
They did release the rest of the MWR launch maps in December, I played the update. And they're releasing the map pack soon as well.
This, H2A is beautiful.
So you want something even worse than the MCC.
That's impossible because it's only one game, just like MWR.
Anyone who thinks it isn't happening is fucking retarded. It'd be insane for Microsoft not to do it.
It's the perfect launch title for Scorpio, it'd tie up the remastered Master Chief original trilogy, and they can just outsource most of the work again which wouldn't distract from Halo 6 (who gives a fuck anyway). I'm 150% positive it will happen, makes too much business sense. It's easy work for a huge amount of profit and if you don't see this you're a fucking moron.
I think all the people saying "no, not happening" are just people who for some reason don't WANT it to happen, probably because they think Halo 5 is better and shouldn't be distracted from or something
This bro knows the truth.
Not him but Halo CEA was half assed, remade campaign. no original mp, has Reach mp. MCC was a broken pile of shit.
Halo 3A would have only half a year to be made because Saber would have just finished Quake Champions and started work on it, and Blur would just finish Halo Wars 2. While the remade mp would be questionable because Certain Affinity would have more time then the other devs, the campaign would be rushed to hell and back.
Yeah, because "uh... well... it's already in the Master Chief Collection" doesn't fucking matter to business executives. If it's gonna make money they're gonna do it.