ITT: Meme Charecters
ITT: Meme Charecters
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OP is a meme character
As in characters that became memes or ones that were made to be memes?
Both I guess
delete this now, im not going to ask you again
Youre mom is a meme charecter
Meme, meme how?
Thing is in his own game his story is sad and depressing as shit.
Yes but what you have to understand is that nu/v/ is full of faggots and children so no one here is old enough to have actually played a game from 2011.
But that's not...
This whole game is a meme
Solaire was basically too good as a character
too many people liked him, some of these people started cancerously meming about him, and now he's mostly associated with these cancerous memes
What happened to this meme?
who's that
It died, just like the game it's based on.
>Solaire's incredible prowess must have come from rigorous training alone, for his equipment exhibits no special traits.
this is perfect
easiest fuck marry kill of my life
fuck todd, kill noman, marry molyneux
how can there be any other choice?
>The symbol was painted by the knight himself, but the armor never bore any special power, sacred or otherwise.
He literally made up that shit about the sun by himself and just wanted to make people happy. Having no problems with his own journey he decided to help other hollows for no apparent reason.
He was too good for this world.
I liked solaire, but he should not have been anywhere near as popular as he was. It was probably because he gives you the means to have someone else play the game for you and has such a wacky motive. But in the end he realizes hes a laughing stock and his journey is more than likely for nothing. But most people that meme him didnt even get that far. Unless you save him then apparently he Links the flame in his own world. If they didnt have Praise the Sun! plastered everywhere and have it a default soapstone messege, I bet he wouldnt be nearly as popular
Siegmeyer also deserves more attention other than just being a meme. His story is pretty tragic, especially at the end if you save him in the pit and Goes hollow, forcing his daughter to "KIll him again" and then you find her in ash lake mourning her father and the fact that she was the one that had to put him down
A meme in every sense of the word.
Surprised nobody posted him yet. He's a pretty good villain desu.
Honestly, all these characters and their story arcs were fucking fantastic, and that's most likely why people got so attached to them as well.
But no one remembers my bro Laurentius...
Who? Laurentius? You mean Lautrec?
No one remembers...
I just wanted to thank him.
Good bye then.
Be safe, friend.
Don't you dare go Hollow.
you bastard. all you had to do was follow your own advice
No laurentius of the great swamp. one of the few characters that actually genuinely cared about the MC
Solaire was the only thing I managed to save on that character, and that was because of a glitch. I don't know if most peoples games are so emotional, but holy shit my game got fucked.
I'm also sorry, Quelana. Sorry for what I had to do.
Why did they take this out? it was great.
>Siegmeyers ending
>Solairs bad end
>Lautrecs End
>Bighat Logans End
>The witch of Izalith and her brother
>Firekeeper Anastacia
and many more tragic ends
Not to mention the weird implications of other NPC's
>Iron Knight Tarkus
Why was Iron Knights armor on a dead body near the painting? Did you kill the real havel or one of his knights? why was he locked in the tower?
> Why was Iron Knights armor on a dead body by the painting?
He fell from the rafters. Think about the enemies up there and the weapon he wields.
The fuck was he doing on the rafters? big boi should know better
Because that's what you need to progress through Anor Londo. Who do you think broke the window you step through to get there?
Meant for
yeah alright. I guess that makes sense. poor guy. To go from 1v1 iron golem to being pushed off of a rafter.
The saddest stories are oft the ones we are not told.
I wouldn't say he made it up as much as he truly believed it...given that getting a sun bug on his head made him delve into insanity thinking he's a literal sun god.
noun: meme; plural noun: memes
- an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
- a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.
That's not what Meme means anymore. It lost it context. Meme now means something overrated or awful.
Everything Tōhō
Deekin and Minsc.