Sup Forums is shit
>Sup Forums is shit
Sup Forums is shit
No shit, what did you think?
the feel-fags are ruining this website
extremely ironic coming from dumb frogposter
dumb frogposter
Lets use facts instead though.
>PC and Nintendo screeching at each other
when has this ever happened?
I'm pretty sure this gen it's the Sony fans that are screeching at everyone else
I still have to find out how to get paid from these megacompany. Making a pic like this is piss easy but no way I'd do it without getting paid.
I can't imagine an actual human being sitting down and just making images like this. They just look like freakish caricatures in my head, like Ben Garrison comics made reality.
Someone show me a nice list of filters to block out these faggot platform arguments.
The only way you will block console wars is by leaving Sup Forums.
You might think I'm exaggerating, I'm not. That is the ONLY way to avoid them. They are so utterly ingrained in the board's culture now that simply filtering them is out of the question.
This place is only bad for shills and weebs like you. Kill yourself.
>want to talk about game
>if i leave the thread alone it would get archived with 0 replies
>if i try to drum some interess by posting thing about the game i'm a shill
What the fuck am i supposed to do?
Who the fuck own and wears a hat like this?
Talk about said games with your friends. Believe me, that sparks way more interesting discussions.
In order to make a thread for talking about a game you like, you have to shit on it first. A simple "What went wrong?" paired with an image of the boxart will often work fine, but if you have a bit more ingenuity you can make a positive thread that's positive in such a way that it LOOKS like you're someone that actually hates the game, but is falseflagging as a shill or blind fanboy.
Sup Forums in general has no interest in merely discussing video games. You have to goad them into arguing or shitposting about it. Then, if you're lucky, natural discussion MIGHT happen.
do people actually get mad over these pics and pepe? why not go back to tumblr or neogaf if youre already getting triggered over such petty things? been here since 08 and the comedic irony is delicious. what happened to having fun and not being uptight faglords?
Having fun doesn't mean acting like fucking morons, you memelord.
If you had actually been here since '08, you would have long, long since gotten sick of pepe and wojak, inevitably. I would say a pretty fair percentage of newfags are sick of it already.
>tfw reddit took our FFFUUU and troll face
nah dude. its distinctly Sup Forums to do things retardedly.
Sup Forums as a whole since 2006, but this board in 2008 when i started playing games. pepe and wojak are my favorite memes because of the sheer amount of content and versatility. gondola is getting up there too. maybe youve just outgrown Sup Forums or this board which is totally fine, but dont drag everyone else down for having fun with the most varied memes to exist
What if i'm literally the only one who has played the game though?
great argument, as expected from the typical neo Sup Forums browser. i came back for the switch announcement but it was underwhelming. maybe i simply have to go back or im already bored with video games after not even a decade.
Gondola is a great meme. Pepe and wojak are terrible, especially Sup Forums's usage of them, and should've died out ages ago. If you can't see the difference, you're beyond hope.
i like em all man, theres not much else to say. they convey a wide variety of expressions or downright cynical humor, something needed in online forums where verbal tone is lost and the autism is prevalent.
What I said still applies. You'll have the best chance of getting Sup Forums's attention towards a game just by shitposting about it, like that one guy did for Knuckle Sandwich for like 6 months. Gotcha Force is one of my favorite games of all time, but like 15 other people tops have played it ever, and I personally don't have the heart to shit on it, so I've resigned to 15 post threads every 3 months or so.