What is the purpose of subscribing to twitch streamers, besides simply supporting that person?

what is the purpose of subscribing to twitch streamers, besides simply supporting that person?

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benefit and purpose

Autism. Friendship simulation

Custom emotes?

You get acknowledged and thanked making it seem as theyre grateful for you when its actually about the money

Chat emotes, but mainly just to support someone you enjoy.

special chat emotes that you will never use and access to subscriber only chat/streams.

Because of enjoyment, and emotes.
Though, to be honest, I wouldn't sub to anyone if I didn't have Amazon/Twitch Prime.

>watching streamers with twitch alerts

fucking ew

I'm sure 90% of twitch donators just want to see their names show up on some fags stream to feed their ego. I can't think of a single reason to give a fag money for playing video games they would be playing anyway.

literally no purpose for people with 1k+ viewers


>tfw averaging 2 viewers per stream
>one viewer is my phone to keep an eye on quality and ban the racist fucks

You give the person money and you get a shit ton of emotes to use.
And you get a shout-out if your autistic about that kind of thing.

what is the purpose of buying food, besides simply having something to eat?


basically just the emotes unless they let you shout at them in the sub scream

sweet jesus what a slag

i bet those tits are saggy as fuck

>.. have a Zelda triforce tattoo on my lower back (he is my all time favorite!)


Basically support, sometimes they have emojis. Also they can put chat into subscribers only mode.

Amazon prime gives you a free subscription now though, which alot of streamers are salivating over.

troll trolling trolls.


justifying my amazon prime membership

She really is /ourguy/.


>Kansas City

I FUCKING HATE how streamers can call themselves "content creators" FUCK

>on his final strike from twitch
>decides to move to cali
>2k/month in rent
>everyone thinks he is a retard for doing it
>he always responds about his 15k saved up
>mfw he will end up moving back with mommy and daddy


No they can't. Lets players can't either.


But that's the thing, they can.

>15k saved up

I have like 50k left in savings and I'm currently unemployed and I'm scrounging like a fucking dog.

I'm close enough to this bitch to find her.
What should I do Sup Forums?

most streams should be similar to vinny from vinesauce

no overlays
no popups for anything
webcam optional

Sometimes they let you get onto a a VoIP server with them and you can talk to them like you actually have a friend ;_;

Define content.


>mfw ice gets banned first day back


to laugh at fucking 5'6 midgets

>Though, to be honest, I wouldn't sub to anyone if I didn't have Amazon/Twitch Prime.
I use my "free" amazon prime sub on jiyuna

Holy fuck the meta is strong with her.

Killing yourself seems like a great start.

Alot of streamers will play games with viewers of whatever. Subscribers tend to get priority for that sort of thing.

Give her a firm handshake for taking money from beta orbiters and insulting them while she does it.

>streaming game
>suddenly 100 viewers in my channel
>few actually chat
>no one follows
>check stats later
>1100 people actually viewed channel and clicked play

i swear its the only way for small streamers to get views

wait till a big streamer is playing a game that no one else is playing

Like, favorite and subscribe!

I'd rather shake her tits than her hand.

Only if you go first.

She's too intelligent for the average Sup Forums poster.

Emotes and being acknowledged by the streamer, sub only chat, doing stuff with subs etc.

But there are some streamers that don't give a fuck about subs and don't do anything for them and still have plenty. I wonder how many rtz would have if he welkomed people to the keppa kleb

Yeah, me too. No one else I really watch enough to use my free sub on, and his emotes are pretty good.

>check internet speed
>6.5 mb/s
>set bitrate to 2000
>dropping 30% frames

im so tired of trouble shooting this shit
changing servers does do shit


>wanting meme streams

What do you expect from Vinesuace fans?

I have amazon prime.

I just sub to people I enjoy since I get a free sub a month anyway.

>I just love taking N64

That's not what he meant at all.

>not watching ImmortalHMeme

But they can. They are creating content. You and me may think it's shit content, but it is content, and they are creating it. So they are content creators, even if that content is low quality and low effort.

What a sad person.

How so?

I'm subscribed to Day9 because he's a really positive guy who encourages me to be a better mannered player just by watching. His chat is also always sub-only and he frequently interacts with chat with actual discussion so that's a good enough reason for me to sub. His content is also really high quality so I don't have an issue subbing to him. He's one of the few streamers who actually deserve it because he puts so much effort in to what he does.


He used to.

Now it's just shitty hearthstone streams.

Based Kacey.

His Hearthstone streams are still decent quality compared to the other streamers. I really only watch Mostly Walking too. His Dota show with Purge is also really fucking good. I don't even have an interest in playing Dota, but it's a really entertaining show.

Ironic Patreons are still Patreons.

Twitch just seems like P2S YouTube to me, especially when all you get in return are custom meme emotes
Shits mad stupid

Fucking how. I live off of 20k a year.

This. Iconically giving her money is still uniornically cancer.