Does anyone actually miss Liam?
Does anyone actually miss Liam?
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Fuck no. Nothing he contributed -- and it wasn't much -- was worth the tradeoff of his completely shit opinions.
Podcasts are so much better without him it's actually outstanding now and easily one of the top podcasts I listen to.
That being said I think he was okay occasionally in the videos and I hope the best for him outside of SBFP.
I'll miss his occasional sick burn, but that's about it.
Should pop in on one of his streams and see how it is going.
Him not being there and being a contrarian shit on the podcast is amazing. Woolie and Pat are more relaxed now. I guess they were walking on eggshells around him.
If I never hear that fucking weeb's voice ever again it'll be too soon.
Obviously. If you even dare say anything bad about a developer, whether it be indie or triple A, Liam will throw a hissy fit.
Fisticuffs aren't as fun when it isn't 4 people
Him walking out on the Sonic Unleashed LP and leaving his "friends" hanging on that horrid pile of shit is all I needed to know about that swine.
The only good fisticuffs are the ones where they know what they're doing. So just the Third Strike ones.
Woolie needs to start his own Twitch shit, outside the SBFP brand.
I'm sure the thought has occurred to him, but outside of fighting game hype he doesn't have much to offer in terms of streaming. Then again if Liam has been able to do it I'm sure Woolie could as well. To anyone who's been watching Liam streams, has he made partner or was he already partnered up before his departure?
Pft no. I do miss Matt though.
>Pat and Woolie can't make a Patreon because of that retarded contract Matt signed them up for with Machinima
Matt knew what he was doing. Anything he can do to make it last a little longer.
Fuck no. Matt, Pat, and Woolie are all the channel needs not counting guests like Plague.
After Matt and Pat's garbage performance and nonstop yammering during RE7 while hardly appearing to pay attention I started watching Liam's RE7 stream archive. He's not that much of a personality but at least I can hear the game.
He left? Didn't even notice he was there when he was.
Yeah, I don't really like fisticuffs at all.
They should go back to brawls and play some actually fun multiplayer games instead of bottom of the barrel fighting games.
i thought i was the only one who didn't hate matt
To me, Liam had the most informative and often contrarian things to offer during LP's and the podcast. This might rub some people the wrong way, but it's difficult to get on board for hearing the same viewpoint stated 3 different ways.
Not to mention Liam had some real skills at beat-em-ups, and was fantastic for moving conversations in fun directions for listenability. His joke skills are off the charts, and his variance will be missed in the lineup.
More than anything, I'm scared for what this means for the super best friends lineup. If gamegrumps is any indication, slamming every single one of your friends into the video rotation makes for a super bland presentation overall, and while Billy is doing a great job on video editing, plague is great for animal penises and german spy can talk all day about souls, I'd have a hard time seeing them in regular LPs due to their conversation style not gelling with the SBFP lineup.
>Resident Evil 7 playthrough
>Intro is 55 second long
Listen, there are a lot of ways to announce a crush user, but this is one of the weirdest.
But I wholeheartedly accept your affections, onichan ~
desu I've grown tired of Matt and Pat's retard-shtick, Liam and Woolie were the only ones I could tolerate before giving up on their channel completely
Shut the fuck up liam, I know you lurk these threads.
If you want a circlejerk about yourself go to fucking reddit. You're fucking garbage and the channel is much better off without you.
at least woolie improved over time, what the fuck have you done?
>user can't click 55 seconds ahead in the timeline
I don't know if you're even super pro at beat em ups, Liam. Even streets of rage consisted of beating enemies before the ai can fight back
Eh it doesnt work so great when you watch their shit on a phone
The channel existed before Liam, there's no surprise that it will continue with out his huntin' and killin' sempai persona. Hopefully he comes back at some point for streams or one-offs, but more power to him for building his own brand. Especially because Liam seems to be leaning hard into "watch me play the spooks", which is what SBFP lives and dies on thanks to the shitstorm. He always struck me as the one actually getting good at games, as opposed to either just being good enough when it comes to games they aren't familiar with (Woolie and Matt) or being fond of cheesing the system or cheating (Pat).
I am suspicious that he left just after Matt, as I guess Liam leaving might have been the catalyst for Matt's farewell? But we may never know.
Say what you want about Liam but you've gotta admit he had the best comedic timing in the whole group.
It beat the game in a timely fashion, not to mention his introduction of fucking with the SA-X, and dropping crates on Quiet (as a tactic, I don't think he was in the channel video for it.)
He had ballsy ideas and pulled them off in neat ways. Maybe his replacement will be big into speedrun tech or glitches? That could be dope. But I digress. Liam was always the one to clutch it out in ways that shouldn't have worked, but did.
I've never heard about that
I would assume Machinima did put them under a contract and that may force them to not be allowed to seek outside funding but it should have expired by now
They barely ever publish Machinima content anymore and doubly so since Matt took a break recently
I'm not sure if that's a factor, as each of the Subpar Aquaintences accepts donations to their streams? But might be a loophole.
If I remember it's not up til 2025
Yeah wtf is this thread about
>tfw the dark souls and resident evil LPs are good
I thought I was done with these fucks but finally they turned it around
My only guess is that Matt put them under a mild contract as he's the actual CEO of SBFP
That may mean that all donations taken under the SBFP 'brand' are spread among the 9now) three of them (maybe equally)
I'm not sure what would constitute acting under the SBFP 'brand' and maybe private stream do not but this is all just speculation anyways and I doubt Matt is overbearing about shit like this
E-celeb nonsense.
At this point you'll need to post some proof.
That would be a nuts contract to form over two dude co-creating a moderately successful Youtube channel
There's no real proof so take it with a grain of salt. It's just something that's kind of floated around the threads and subreddit.
he did know weeb info the rest of the group didn't. But part of the podcast had to become his boring weebtalk for that week too. And of course he was a fucking awful devil's advocate.
It does feel a little weird he's gone, but I'm sure I will get over it fast.
>Matt is overbearing about shit like this
He needs to be though. With Woolie's slow turn to knowing about streaming/audio mixing to Pat's complaining about having to put videos together, someone has to crack the whip on the other guys. This probably explains Matt's need of a vacation, as always having to be the "no fun guy" on a group about having fun/playing games for a living can't be very rewarding, apart from how they are able to live off of the means they generate from these videos, but I digress.
Without Matt's insistence on the brand, it wouldn't exist for people to enjoy. Necessary evil to be all about no-fun to get shit done. Especially because Matt sets himself up as the dumb butt of jokes often enough that separating the persona from his self esteem might be tough? Maybe. Lots of shooting in the dark here.
Can't say I watch any of it anymore. They have really been scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to games lately.
>Matt is overbearing about this shit
>I doubt Matt is over bearing about this shit
On the podcast he talked about being a super a couple times in QA
He said he was really lenient, even with dudes sleeping on the job, and was typically very hands off about stuff
Well, Woolie has a financial advisor, so he seems one to delegate rather than lead, Pat hides in closets to get away from taking responsibility for candy, and Liam left. Unless if there's an outsider handling the brand, Matt has to be the one cracking the whip doesn't he?
>Half of the time in the newest RE7 video is Pat redoing the boss fight
Come on man, at least give us an hour long video then.
Did he quit or was he fired because all of his videos have per-capita the lowest number of views on the channel?
I'm thinking the latter, honestly. Why would he quit one internet LP job to go do another?
He wants to kike out on Twitch/Patreon because it makes more money and it's easier work. Twitch/Patreon make big money because a few autistic people can give you thousands of dollars. On youtube you only get ad money.
All the best friends have streams now. Or for sure Pat and Matt and Liam do, does Woolie solo stream?
Nonetheless, he was already doing a stream, which promoting on the regular isn't an easy thing to do, unless if you're lazy Pat guttertrash at avoiding responsibilities.
It also might be due to the Liam gf, as we hear almost 0 things about her? Not that it necessary to hear things about their personal lives, but we can generally confirm things are good with Matt and Pat and their public persona girlfriends that they bought for a top dollar.
I'm sure Matt is heading the brand but that doesn't mean he rules with an iron-fist
I get the feeling that when actual decisions need to be made about SBFP (who to replace Liam, How to divide the income, what projects to work on) they all take a good talk about it but Matt calls the final shot
The fact that Matt and Pat (and Woolie) are still coworkers after 6 (and 4) years should be a testament to his success at being a good boss
Who knows though, this is all speculation still and we will probably never know how SBFP is actually run
Not to mention that streaming wasn't really a thing to do when they started making content. There very well might not be tube videos at all if streaming was big when the idea was first hatched.
Woolie Secret Streams
That's a really valid point. I think I may have latched onto Liam calling Matt "Boss" and extrapolating that into nonexistent lore.
Those are on the official 2bf twitch channel though. Not on his own wallet.
>never really cared for their podcast for a year or so
>listen to their latest since matts gone
>its perfect
>run out of no matt podcasts
>go to the no podcast
>week of for matt
jesus christ man. wheres the video games with this fag. i was just going along with the meme but its actually true. i have to fast forward with this prick
Then maybe not
I wonder if he takes a cut of the podcast revenue since he started and still hosts it
He deserves to honestly. They've never missed a podcast and managed to do 150 episodes before finally being a day late on one
He's still bff with Woolie and Matt, I doubt he was fired.
This LP is a disappointment. It didn't even get an episode yesterday, did it?
Not really, most of the best stuff on the channel usually featured Matt, Pat or Woolie in some combination.
Nier was probably Liam's best LP on the channel which was mostly because of Pat's reactions to it.
He should have had enough decency to finish the Sonic Unleashed LP though which kinda puts him on my shit list now.
this. 4 people passing around a controller when all but one are just pressing fuckin buttons and dont know the fighters mechanics while yelling JO JO REFERENCE isn't fun to watch
pic related is how their commentary goes
The fact that he ducked out mid LP probably put him on Pat and Matt's shit list too
I remember Pat bragging ages ago that they always manage to finish an LP (and I'm legit impressed with some of the dumpster-fires they've endured)
Smug loli should be deleted
shit id rather watch woolie than liam. woolie isn't bad by himself. his let it die was entertaining except his gay buddies on voice chat
Arguably, they did say that he wants to come back to finish it at some point. But Son Off the Leash was really really dragging in a lot of ways, where I was dreading the episodes of dead air that were 99% off-topic conversation to cover the time.
I wish Matt left too.
Aside from the podcast having shit guests, the channel was just fine.
And whoever is doing the editing now is doing a fantastic job putting in things that Pat makes obscure references to
Did he get partnered with twitch yet?
>apart from how they are able to live off of the means they generate from these videos
Matt married a mafia princess.
Wished he finished Castlevania.
>Woolie has a financial advisor, so he seems one to delegate rather than lead
Half of leadership is knowing when to delegate and why.
That reminds me of when Jontron left the gg leaving sonic 06 unfinished
Does bad sonic games break up friendships?
Hell no, he's a talent-less weeb with shit taste.
Oh no, this is all omnikron's fault. David Cage had the last laugh.
>wasting time in a playthrough on recording to use the fuckin car keys
they really like to bloat this shit up fambourghini. their loves eat this shit up
liam didnt even play it
If I remember correctly, he did say he would come back to finish Sonic Unleashed.
I'll delete you
Not always since over in somecallmejohnny's neck of the woods (sgb, brainscratch, hellfire and ftcr) they can survive multiple lp's of bad Sonic games.
He'll ftcr just ended their LP of Sonic 06 with a 1hr15min of nothing but all loading screens of the game.
I remember when Liam was the favorite here because he was the only one who was good at video games.
yeah then he opened his gob
>Liam was the favorite
Since when?
>I remember when Liam was the favorite
Things that never happened.
It twisted the whole group into sad husks of their former selves. Even Zach. Especially Zach.
>Liam ruining the Life is Strange LP because of his hatred for Warren
Literally made it unwatchable.
Wouldn't be the first time he's ruined an LP.
MGSV comes to mind.
>Pat's girlfriend is better at games than him
>he can't handle it
fuck zach. what a shitty pet cat name
Liam at least plays videogames
I'd rather have Matt gone than him honestly. Since he dropped his early persona of candid manchild he's been the most boring motherfucker in the show, and has nothing to bring to any video except his usual tired lines delivered in the most monotone and soulless voice.
At least Liam was good at some games and actually played stuff that wasn't the newest AAA release
>Matt's still forcing his cat that no one gives a shit about
>Even has merchandise for him
>Meanwhile everyone fucking loves Paige/Pat's cat Elmo
It's funny to me how everyone always insisted that we needed his voice of dissent to keep things interesting. Somehow the podcast is going just fine without anyone to derail conversations to talk about how the poor little multi-billion dollar companies have it SO HARD.
How does that make you feel?
Everybody loves that little retarded screaming cat.
>watch the machinima vid of y0
>no liam
>NEW super best friends
>Pat's streaming
>Being so new that you don't remember early Liam days.
In all fairness Elmo has an actual personality and it's fucking weird. The little shit screams at toilets, claws the fuck out of Paige for not paying attention to him, and then randomly flops over while walking in straight lines.
or matt going to a fuckin aquarium and playing no fuckin video games.
the best part is when pat or woolie talk about a game they played and it goes into depth of said game then they resume when they talked enough about it.
not with matt. just nonstop shit about where he went like an aquarium while trying to come up with new memes like hes fuckin snoop dog on twitter.
>mashes ludwig's memesword and stunlocks the boss
I mean come on
How can one man be so wrong about everything?