Be male

>be male
>use anime girl steam profile pic

explain yourselves

Other urls found in this thread:

I want stupid faggots misgender my and give me free shit.
Also, I want faggots think I'm one of them and give me free shit

I only use cute girls from video games, Why? because the other options are retarded memes or some kind of dick joke because LUL SO FUNNAY

post the other 4 pls.

I've gotten like 50 games by doing this

that doesn't explain why it's an anime girl and not a real girl

That's a boy innit?

I'm a virgin.

>not having a smug anime girl avatar ironically

kys reddit

if you have an ass of any kind as a profile pic you are a degenerate

I use anime mantises

sauce for that female (male)?

Who cares?

I like cute things.

3d is not cute and even if a 3d like Anzu is, they are caked in makeup and their looks will fade.

i only do that for one of my csgo smurfs
no bully

jesus christ jacob

The best vidya avatar is clearly orange meme rat

you can search an image on google and find its a fake profile.

better have a dick

>use 4 star general as steam profile pic
>am not a 4 star general

It triggers autistic people

I don't do this, but the people that do that I don't mind. If it's a character they like then who care.

Now about that webm...

Why the fuck would I have to explain my steam profile

It's not like I use it as some kind of social network

nope a girl with a feminin benis!

Anime girls are cute.
I wanna be cute.

It's not rocket science.

>not being reddit
>kys reddit
What did he mean by this?

I don't do any of this but I still like wearing cute clothes, weighing 115lbs, and having men grope me

is that bad

They make me feel cute

>born male
>nature gave you denser bones and more muscles and bigger frame
>"wanna be cute"

explain yourself

The people that do it are just attention whores.

>Still ever using Steam.

Kill yourselves low-life degenerate losers who've hit rock-bottom past the point of no return.

Steam's Steam Community will forever always be a shitty-ass online profile-based community with sacks of shit that aren't worth your time.

Which is ironic, since I think less of you and think you aren't cute at all when you use an anime girl as your avatar.

If you're a manlet, no.

>Using post-2006 anime girl pictures
What are you gay?


I use a real life picture of my face. Deal with it.

It makes people angry.

I think they're cute.

more OP? Dont hold out on us

I like cute anime girls and wish I were one, and because that's impossible, I have to be content with having one as my profile picture. What's so hard to understand?

Post the fucking rest asshole

The community is shit tier, but as a game platform it's solid.
Manlet confirmed. I guess it's natural for you to have low aspirations.

sauce nigger

Acting cute is the only thing that gives me happiness. I know the other person is a guy too. Don't break the delusion.

Why would you make your steam pic one of yourself

I specifically use cropped loli porn just to piss off faggots.

i want people to know i'm always available to drain their cocks

>be me
>use pic of me
pic related

Is the joke that this thread isn't actually video game related? I get it hahahahahahaha

>where the fuck are the mods

>using post-1998 anime girl pictures
dont tell me you actually like nose-less abominations

So believe me, I get it. You get to grope yourself and steal a peak in the chicks bathroom. But bro. Have you considered that it makes you look like a GIRL? What's more, men might get the wrong idea and try to date you, which is hella gay. My bro Brad did this, at first it was all fun and games, we'd grope him and laugh and it was sweet, but then we started getting attracted to him and that's FUCKED UP. Here's the kicker though, we told brad to stop doing the pills and he CRIED, brad would never cry before, he had the least emotions of us all, like a war vet, real cool guy. But it gets worse, Brad stopped taking the pills but the boobs stayed on and he had the face of a fucking chick and acted totally gay, smiling at silly shit all the time, it was gross. He was weak as fuck, couldn't squat fuck all anymore. Then recently Brad told us that he had to keep taking the pills or he'd die, doctor said that, so now he's taking the pills for life and honestly I might end fucking him some day and that's gay as fuck. That's my horror story and it's true, so please, stop taking pills before it's too late

>cuts off right before it gets good

post the rest mudafucka

I use a anime commission of a mmo character I play as

Because you are likely right.

Is exactly what a guy would think, girls do it naturally without even thinking. My friend wanted a steam profile and just uploaded a picture of herself without second guessing it.

I WANT to be cute. There's not much I can do to change my body. What is there to explain?

Boo hoo some fagola doesn't think I'm cute.

Decent pasta.

I love anime

It's a guy

One often wants what they can't have, user.

ask them yourself


at least try to hide the photoshop

What a cute girl

Stop posting my discord


Cropped porn is a good meme.

>If anyone recognizes it they make great conversation starters
>Cute and looks nice if you have a matching wallpaper
>Beats meme profiles and irl pics
>Matches all the Japanese games on your recent activity and Steam groups

>Still no fucking source

>Having a forest of pubes

Disgusting, it's not gay to at least manscape or keep it trimmed.

>not having using your waifu as your profile pic


umm how old iz dis boy
>I`m not Chris Hansen i promise

How else will everyone else know they're a virgin?

I would fuck that, I dont care if he is a guy. Videogames.

>conversation starters

>you jerk off to that?
>heh, me too

nice "conversation" weeb

>Cropped porn is a good meme.
>Beats meme profiles
