NOLF (No one Lives Forever) game appreciation thread. Who here remembers this classic. Real nice sleeper game from 2000. it and the 2nd one were great games. the spin off, contract jack was kinda shitty though
NOLF (No one Lives Forever) game appreciation thread. Who here remembers this classic. Real nice sleeper game from 2000...
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it was like a goldeneye for PC and with a nice aesthetic. NOLF 2 was kinda boring imo
Probably Monolith's best game.
great game, enjoyed the second one a bit more though, sad we will never see those games on gog...
Tweet at them about it or some shit. Apparently they're trying to go through lists of games that you can't get anywhere anymore so they might listen. It worked for SWAT 4
They can't do anything about it. Night Dive tried to revive it (they even secured the source code and assets), but as soon as WB got wind of it, they had their lawyers send a C&D.
WB doesn't even know if they have the rights. They don't even want to go through the trouble of determining whether or not they have the rights. They'd rather make sure no one else makes use of the franchise.
well shit
I torrented both 2 months ago, I tried playing 2nd one but never beat it, will look at it with fresh eyes later. I don't like how it isn't as fast as the first. I really enjoyed the first game.
Was just about to post that. Found it while looking for articles about WB's C&D.
>Download a fully functional version of No One Lives Forever (NOLF) and No One Lives Forever 2 (NOLF 2) with the latest community patches for free. Download the full game for PC now. Play single-player and multiplayer NOLF games for free!
they should really work on their english if they don't want to sound like pajeets trying to get you to download a keylogger
you should really work on killing yourself
its good stuff
we need more 1960s games
No need to take it so personally sanjay
Great game
guten abend frauline, do you make love to strangers?
whatever you say, tyrone
certainly NOT
Corporations are one of the three biggest plagues on vidya.
hey fuck you buddy tyrone is my wife's son's name and he's a pretty ok kid all things considered
wow, we actually have a lot in common. my (wife's son) little Daquan is turning 13 this week. i love him. sorry for calling you tyrone and all that, I'm not racist.
I dunno, GOG seems to be able to work miracles. They managed to get System Shock 2 out of legal limbo, and they even rereleased SWAT 4 a few days ago.
We named our dog #notmypresident
what a small world
Night Dive performed the miracle of getting the rights to SS2. Their remastered version is the version that appeared on Steam and GOG.
System Shock got out because of nightdive if i'm not mistaken, the same dudes who tried to get NOLF out.
>forced stealth sections
I liked it but those parts really brought it down.
What do we know about nightdive anyway. Are they around solely to resurrect old games? I feel like they just popped up out of nowhere
For the most part, they "remaster" games so that they work well on modern platforms, while sometimes adding in some new content or fixing problems with the original game.
The new System Shock remake is a complete remake, though. There's a demo available for it here:
Night Dive is supposed to be releasing the Turok 2 remaster within the next few months. Going to be a day one purchase for me.
literally /our guy/
Is it... 'ok' if I just skip straight to the 2nd? The 1st just looks a bit too dated by todays standards, whereas 2 actually still looks pretty decent. Hope I'm not missing out on too much. I'd imagine, if anything, 2 is just the 1st but more refined/polished? 'cause it looks like it (from YouTube vids, etc.)
i enjoyed the first one more than the second one. The respawning enemies were annyoing as fuck.
The first is great. Yeah, the game is old, but is fun and funny. I find it better than the second, I don't know why people are saying the second is better.
>contract jack was kinda shitty though
This was the only one I played, I never knew there were more
For all we know, nothing in that article is accurate. Fake news from an alternative fact source.
What level/quote cracks you up the most? I'm fond of the one in Germany with all the terrible pick-up lines in terrible accents.
The first was better.
My problems with the second one:
- There are a lot of segments with unkillable enemies. Usually you have to use some sort of gadget to temporarily disable them. Sometimes you have limited uses of said gadget, so if you run out, you're just screwed.
- Point system is very annoying early on because of its effects on accuracy. I found myself having to quicksave and quickload a lot in stealth sections because before you max out accuracy, bullets are somewhat random even if you are crouched and firing one at a time. One missed headshot means the whole base is alerted because of the ricochet.
- Much shorter than the first and with less varied levels.
I'll get to downloading it then. I'm not opposed to playing the 1st at all, just that the 2nd looked like a more attractive point to start at.
First is important story-wise not just better gameplay-wise.
same for me
also, i always laugh when the screaming guy strapped to the plane seat passes next to you in this level
Did you hear that it's going to have online multiplayer for the original multiplayer?
>that scream of hers when she falls to her death
>tfw I still have NOLF 2 in its original big cardboard box in my attic
I didn't know about that.
Should be pretty cool. Can't wait to drill some brains out.
The remaster is going to be at fucking good, I can't wait. Hopefully it doesn't ruin the aesthetic of the game.
>at fucking good
I'm not even sad that the series is dead. I've come to realize classic things being dead is a blessing. Virtually every time something is revived, it's just pure shit and an insult to the classics.
see: new terminator movies, new star wars movies (ALL after the OT), TOR, every Deus Ex game besides the first, mighty no. 9 (even though it's not truly mega man), hitman, tomb raider, etc.
Why does the first one have the TDKR plane scene in it?
The new Hitman is pretty good, though.
Yes, it is. The problems with it are with the always online shit, and the exclusive contracts. The fluff. The actual levels and gameplay are just as solid as the past games.
Nah, that would be Blood.
>being this worried about graphics
I'm dissapointed in you.
You misspelled Condemned there.
Thoughts on Gggmanlives?
Condemned was good, too. But Blood is still their best.
Everytime I look up a video of an old game on youtube it's one of this guys videos. I guess he's decent and gives a good quick run down.
But as an Australian I can't support other Australians online in good conscience knowing that we are all huge cunts. So fuck him.
You misspelled FEAR
he's pretty decent but acts like an insufferable cunt sometimes
Because he's Australian.
>"Kinda boring"
>You fight a ninja in a trailer being thrown around a tornado.
played TS recently again, and it made me remember that I need to get this game off my backlog soon.
fuck australia and australians
that part was kinda ok, i guess. For me it didn't felt as fluid and fun as the first game.
You mispelled Alien Vs. Predator 2.
Or Tron 2.0.
>Or Tron 2.0.
I almost bought this last sale, should I have?
yes it's good!
That doesn't matter. I've seen decent Australian gamers.
Max Payne 3 was good.
The fact that you're asking this question makes me genuinely sad for you, user.
Yes. Buy this fucking game. Especially if you like the movie. It's beautiful with the widescreen patch, has a very enjoyable level-up/skill system, various weapons, kickass levels...
There's literally a level where you have to troll around a PDA, and the lack of RAM in the system means you have to choose what equipment you use because of the limitations). There's even a level where you go back to the old Encom Mainframe from the original film.
What does it play like?
Do I need to watch the Tron film first?
I have literally have no idea what Tron is even about, I was solely going to buy it because Monolith made it and their track record back in the day was impeccable.
>classic things being dead is a blessing
you're not wrong
Without having seen the movie, it might not be as brilliant? But read a synopsis, or watch a few clips on youtube. The movie is a fucking classic. It did some seriously impressive shit with matte effects, back in the 80's.
Regardless, the game is fantastic.
>Playing around in the sand nigger stage in NOLF2
>Mess up and police start chasing me
>Throw a banana peel on some steps
>Watch officer trip on the peel, then fall down 20 stairs
>Mission failed: civilian killed
I laughed pretty hard.
He is wrong and correct. Classic things can be brought back well, as shown by how MK went from shit to decent at least, but it can also be shit, as shown by the numerous reboots/remakes and zombie series (Simpsons).
I actually kinda agree with you user, realistically speaking you are 100% correct and it's better for things to be dead than raped.
But I think what we wish for is a sequel or even just HD port of all these old games by the original devs with the same amount of love and vision put into it. A real sequel not a hollywood turd.
Okay user you sound like you liked it. As I said I haven't seen the film, I guess I should watch it then. If it hasn't been removed from the store by next sale I will pick it up then torrent the film before I watch it. Original right? Is the sequel worth it?
See, that's a mixed bag of a question.
The original can be a hard sit if you aren't willing to see past the old special effects, but it's a fun adventure movie. The second is the logical progression of that, with more futuristic tech. But some people hate it, some people love it. It's really up to how much you like the original. Personally, I love everything TRON related, because my dad got me into it when I was a kid.
I will say this - Most intense game of Snake you will ever see.
Is Monolith the most underrated shooter dev of the past decade?
I don't mind old movies at all. I hate the overuse of CGI so seeing special effects done in the old way is pretty interesting to me.
No because it was 2007 a decade ago and that's when they released one of their last good games. From 1997-2007 though they were god tier.
I'd say so, yeah.
Right until they started making FEAR sequels.
What the fuck? First game looks fine. Kids these days...
FEAR isn't obscure but I would say so. Oddly enough, they can't seem to figure out how to make decent sequels and make shitty games nowadays.
>no mention of Blood
pleb alert
>2007 a decade ago
It's really been that long...?
Where's this 'all Australians are cunts' Sup Forums meme come from? I can't believe people buy that rubbish. Most Aussies are good cunts, except the bogans, abos and rich cunts.
They got bought by Warner Brothers
He's kind of a pleb and bad at FPS games. Also whining about first person platforming in any game where you have full air control is a sign of retardation.
>rich cunts.
Fucking this. Give an aussie a few dollars more than everyone else and he becomes a raging fuckign asshole.
I have no problem with people being rich or capitalism. But something about the Aussie attitude makes rich aussies just insufferable shitcunts of the highest degree.
>is a sign of retardation.
Well he is Australian.
Personally I love first person platforming and air movement mechanics. Feels fun as fuck to zip around the place hopping everywhere.
But he also hates SJWs and doesn't get his panties in a twist over racist/sexist/offensive content. It's a wash I'd say.
Why would a spy wear high heels on stone floors
Y'all aussies have kangaroos loose in the top paddock. Bloody oath!
>you will never play a game of twister with Cate
>you will never have her as a wife where she cooks and cleans for you
y live
You niggas all mispelled Claw.
That's some bizarre meme shit, but I actually do have wallabies (like small kangas) in the top paddock, so what can I say.
It's Shogo
Jeeeeesus christ, I can't believe all those are lithtech. I spent so much of my teens playing Monolith games.