Owning literally any other model of 3DS besides GOTY

>owning literally any other model of 3DS besides GOTY

You feeling alright, user?

That cover is too busy for me.

What's your tumblr user? :^)

Enjoy your shit uncrackable firmware

Wow you mean the special snowflake coverplates that costs almost next to nothing to buy off Etsy or Ebay?
Wow im so impressed bud.

I have the sun and moon black one, so I'm doing pretty good.

That's not a game. It's a handheld console with some stars on it.

If a system is only worth owning because you can circumvent its copy protection, it's a shit system.

How long have you been off Sup Forums?

>Generic space sticker on a 3DS
I don't get it, atleast with limited edition game ones it represents your favorite game with a neat style.

Also this is 3DSOTYAY

I have a normal new 3ds with fire emblem covers.

xl shitters need to suck a cock.

Hows babby hands?

I really like the look of that Galaxy n3DS, but you can't beat this price

>so fucking huge hands you can't spell on a keyboard
>mfw you are a poor coal miner

hows your size 50 husky jeans?

Top taste.

I don't understand the relation. I have literal girl hands and still prefer the XL. It's not hard to hold or anything.



I prefer my small white n3DS Mario edition.

>making fashion statements out of electronic devices

Macfags deeply discust me.
They are an insult to technology and life itself.

>Not regular

Enjoy inferior picture faggots

nice blob, retard

It's a garbage resolution either fucking way. I'd rather have the bigger screen.
Also, I'm the one faggot that actually likes and uses the 3D and the bigger screen is much more comfortable for that.

11.2's firmware is cracked open about as wide as your mother's asshole at this point.

>Not white with wood finish

Get out.


I'm more than ok with my Pokemon 20th Anniversary 3DS

That isn't the only reason to own a 3DS, but considering I own an OG fat one, I'm happy as fuck that I can fill it with games.

>owning a 3ds

Pic is everyone in this thread

Nah, pic related is top tier N3DSXL

I have never known anyone else who had this 3DS.

It's still my favorite design.

lol no

where you been, dog?

my new 3ds has had cfw for quite some time now