How do I get good at Dead or Alive 5?

How do I get good at Dead or Alive 5?

why would you want that

it's shit and boring as a fighting game.

but the waifus are amazing.

How is that. I'm playing it and it's pretty fun. But I want to get good.

Go trough tutorial and understand all this shit and how you can use it in battle.
In all honestly tutorial is great and actually explains things that tekken or SF never bothered, a nice thing for people new to fighters in general.
Learn to parry not by mashing but predicting ok its 50% blind mashing
Learn combos then develop your own cancels and switch to different combos.
Thats the most fun part first time I perfected 13 hits Hitomi combo and performed it on some dude online he just left I still suck tho and rarely manage to do it against anyone

Play for fun against bots because online is a lagfest.

Its a fun fighter with actually good mechanic and gameplay, awesome smooth smooth animation that actually take advantage of 60 fps but is rarely taken serious because its.

Cant say I mind it really, I enjoy it for what it is and dont care if tekken or VF fans think its not technical enough as a fighter.

you're probably playing the game right now and you just want someone to play the game who isn't just you.

I pirated it so I can't play online anyway.

google up DOAHDM and download that mod. it will help you get better at the game.

I did some of the tutorial. I need a good tutorial video from a good player.

I'd love to see a big tittied blonde wrestler chick beat a up a bruce lee wannabe irl

Here is the thing, good player will introduce your to tactical gameplay, which attack use against whom.
Whose weak against which attack, combos etc, invincibility/recovery frames.
It assumes that player is familiar with all this shit and just need guidance.

If you never played fighters oh higher level than just buttonmashing in tekken, then read tutorial and think how you can apply it in battle because there is the best tutorial there is which can be applied to all fighters.

Who do you main, and what platform are you on?

As for what says with not mashing holds, guess which partly based on what character they're using, Rachel,Mila and Hitomi are very mid-ounch orientated. Sarah does a shit-ton of kicks etc.

Also to Hitomi is pretty good for big combos, once you burst them 33P, 4KK, PP3PPP works for light to feather characters, change the last part to PP6PK for mids, and miss out the 4KK for heavies.

Also if you don't have a main yet, team battle all random is a good way to practice a load of different characters at once


PC. I don't main anyone but my favorite to play thus far is the black haired, pig-tailed girl who does all the kicks.

Okay, once you pick a char, do as much of their combo challenge as you can, as it teaches you decent burst combos and juggles, as those two stop your opponent from being able to hold.

And the other important thing is to watch what your opponent is doing, like if you're railing on them and they're doing their best Michael J Fox impression by trying to hold then do a throw immediately, If they use a move like Tina's 2KKK, you should be able to low hold it, if they start doing 2kk and break it up with 2T then don't fall for it, and do a low attack back on them.

Also whilst holds are better, there can be an advantage to blocking as it can give you a frame advantage, where misreading a hold just continues to get you pounded


I still have a long way to go with her, so can't say much, 4PKK2K is a good mix, and good for baiting holds out of better players, if you're really close then 3 P+K is an excellent counter, which will also launch them so you may be able to get in a 3PP6PP,(the move most of her combos end in), and I wouldn't try her 66KK as it's slow and too risky to do much, and you can't really follow it up, also 7K is a good quick knock down move if you want to space away again

No her name is Naotora.

Fuck, I know even less about her.

Be careful trying to follow up her QCF Kick charge as even hitting that move on an ublocking opponent puts her at a neg frames, also as most of her strings are kicks, make sure to use high and low strings as well, along with stopping mid combo when you think they're going to try a hold, which I imagine people will do a lot when facing Naotora

play with both hands

I got better by watching footage from arcade play on youtube. You can learn your character's best pokes and punishes quickly that way. The arcade version is called DOA5U but it's the same as LR.

you don't
you just fap to the girls and move on with your life