How the fuck is this allowed?

how the fuck is this allowed?
it's even on the frontpage for a sale too, so you can't say valve didn't notice

Other urls found in this thread:

>check page
>not on sale

Why would you lie to me like that, user?

It's only on the front page because you play other weeb games. Stop falseflagging and move on with your life you pathetic faggot.

Do you discriminate against small tits?

This is a really sad attempt at trolling.

weebs just love indie garbage don't they


What is the red circle for? The cartoon pixie girl is not naked, Ahmed.

Why not? Steam allows literal tittymonster eroge, so some fairy in flimsy top is hardly anything to be bothered about.

Please do not bully the DFC.

Go to bed America, You're triggered.


Why do you feel threatened by little girls, OP?

Steam should just go all the way and allow H-Scenes in the visual novel games.

They can't because then there's a whole bunch of legal shit that frankly isn't worth the absolutely microscopic proportion of the userbase that would actually pay for smut, or all the negative PR.

I feel I should post this. I love lolis. That is all.


Explain this then:

Graphic cartoon penetration with ejaculation.
Zero censorship.

sounds like you're gay

Whew, Top DongSmasher

we all do, thats why we're on 4chins


>Edgy CockMassacre

Valve would get in just as much shit for banning penises.

This is the world we live in.

Penis/homosexual arsefucking and/or rape = Modern masterpiece
Consensual vaginal sex = FUCKING DISGUSTING

or maybe because I play metroidvanias?
proof to me that lolicon isn't pedophilia. Sure not every weeb fapping to this shit dares to actually go out and rape kids. but they're pedophiles nontheless
regardless, you shouldn't plaster your fetish shit over the steam store

>Ubisoft had to apologize for depicting a vagina in Watch Dogs 2 despite the game being rated 18+ and clearly labeled by the ESRB with a 'nudity' tag.
>They removed the depiction in a patch.

Are vaginas more sacred than the prophet Mohammed? Peace be with him.

>Tasty Penis Sucker

it was really meant to be, wasn't it?

It's schediophilia.

Maybe he's australian.

>Hard OgreCreampie

Honestly that's pretty ridiculous. But not as ridiculous as this. Pic related.


two bombs wasn't enough

>Not available in Australia
Sounds about right.

Seriously, fuck these Hillary supporters



Fuck you, dumb loli


Do you want me to go over there and hug you

I can take you to McDonalds playpen if you want

Damn it Hillary...

>nothing sexual pls 2natural4me
>oh boy oh boy time to fire up generic gory SHOOTAN #67431

>videogame has underage girls in it.
Instant buy from me.

Dank DongExpander

this desu senpai

Why are lolis so superior to old hags?


Disgusting Anus Bitch.
Well alright then.

cunny bunny

They already have. Christine Love's Ladykiller in a Bind has explicit (well-written and accurate) lesbian sex, which appears absolutely uncensored on Steam.

Turns out there was never an actual rule against it, and once she explained it, they were completely fine with it.

Gory shooters are TESTOSTERONE AND MANLY for mature adults such as myself.
Pedo cartoons are for weird sissy betas and should be considered a crime.

200% schlong weaboo

Nasty CockFaggot

enjoy delicious dick cheese, fag boys

>game lets you buy your own car

Compatibility and performance.

That one is like a loli GTA doujin.

Source me up famalams, looks like an interesting story.

Is this the gayest man on Earth?

>Prius drivers are all pedophiles
Wait what?
t, Prius owner


Hard Penis Massacre

Are you a pedophile?



Do you doubt chinese cartoons user?

No? i think.

You didn't start to wonder why everyone turns away from you in disgust? Especially girls?

Embrace it.

All english translations should have bogan versions.

its true m8
prius is a shit car

Who gives a shit what it is, newfag. Kill yourself.

Incredible Dick Revengeance

>owning a prius

You're a fucking meme

Uhh this is a good thing? Cowtits are overrated that only a vocal minority likes.

>Gay Titsucker
Holy fuck

>Taking your virginity and making you do a double peace sign

Fucking disgusting. Not even worth the energy to talk to. The only acceptable girl is one that takes control and makes the guy do a double peace sign.


Dangly Coconut Creampie

Also Gaben didn't recently say that they are not against R18 content, but need to find the correct ways so people who don't want or are not allowed to see it don't see the stuff and the correct tools/means for developers to also do/manage this.


Fuck yeah, it's the doujin/hentai/loli anime thread

Which means never basically.

>Hard Dong

yeah make way for superior western games like "gential jousting" and "theres poop in my soup"

Top Ballsack Man

please tell me thats a 僕っ子 and doesnt have a dick

Basically tie porn games to your set age. When you become 18 years old Steam promptly asks you do you want to see advertisements and/or have access to the porn section. Then the ball is with the consumer and any fuck ups like underage accessing content that they have lied to gain access to is not on Valve.

>online friend gifts me this game
>have brother, cousins, and IRL friends on Steam

How can I possibly even play this? Supposedly it's a good Metroidvania, and the artwork doesn't personally offend me, but why did an 11 year old fairy's developing tit lines need to be published right on the main banner of the page? Why couldn't they make that part more subtle and just tuck it away in the actual game? I feel like there's no way I can play this without someone I know thinking I'm doing so as a pedo. It's not really pedo, but try telling that to normies who don't browse Sup Forums and have sex with real people.

fuuuck you donald

>if a female character's breasts are too big you're a misogynist
>if a female character's breasts are too small you're a pedophile
can everyone just calm the fuck down and let me enjoy my virtual titties?

fug u m8

Why not have an option on your steam account that automatically filters all porn games and set it on by default for all new accounts.

This way people who are interested in this shit can just turn it off and enjoy their stuff.

you can also put yourself offline and play the game man

I wish there was a way to set specific games to never show play history.

>enjoying tits
you are literally worse than hitler

Titanic Coconut Creampie

Still a more hopeful answer than a straight up no. And since we have been constantly seeing more and more Japanese games for Steam then who can say if full blown onslaught of eroge will be a reality. Some stuff is already slipping through the cracks and developers even support sneaky bring back the lewd patches so might as well work to allow it properly and get more money.

Then again I'm also still wishful of something with a 3 in it.

Would work for me. Needs to be separate from normal stuff so you don't need to tick it see stuff like GTA though.

Even if you could they would still know you bought the game

That's what I thought too. But I think she means boku as in small child because she is 1000s of years old.

>being a fag

All the pedos in this thread should be banned for life.

I'm already past that, I bought a couple other games at the time to try to bury the notification. Anyway, I can just say I traded some fag for a bunch of games or activated it via a bundle code. I doubt they paid attention that Steam codes don't show you bought a game.