How do I get better at aiming with a controller?

How do I get better at aiming with a controller?

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The trick is to use both sticks to aim.

I do the final bit of aiming with the left stick most of th time

Don't work for Polygon.

The nature of D44M makes it pretty much impossible to play on a controller.

no way this is real

Turn on autoaim or change to real peripherals like mouse and keyboard.

Remember: to speed up turning, make sure you move your character to the right when you're trying to look left.

>these people get paid to play videogames
Do not give a single click to these kikes

use a mouse

why would they even publish gameplay that bad, holy shit

Because it's indicative of 99% of console players, so why not?

Polygon writers are hipsters who don't actually like video games, so they probably didn't even notice that there was anything wrong with it. To them it's just another quick video for some dumb violent shooty game that they need to push out to get their paycheck.

It's not their fault Bethesda made a game which discriminates against uncoordinated, unskilled morons.
The game should have an easy mode so that all people can enjoy it.

Maybe adjust your sensitivity?

There's no way this is real. Has this person never played a game before in their life?

please be joking

they had nvidia release a way better gameplay video after that shit

the way its meant to be played™

Crank sensitivity up, don't push all the way on the stick, remember to strafe.

nuDoom is perfectly playable on a controller, but you have to be able to do quick subtle movements on the stick which a) is harder to do than on a mouse and b) most console players aren't used to