>Underpowered console you can take on the go.
>Strong handheld with poor portability.
Which is it?
>Underpowered console you can take on the go.
>Strong handheld with poor portability.
Which is it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ice cube simulator
>>Strong handheld with poor portability.
How is the portability poor? The battery life is on par with 3DS and you can remove the controllers to fit in the bag. Hell you can even play two players with just the handheld.
Nintendo is making a mistake marketing this as a console first and foremost when it's just a really good handheld with TV functionalities.
its a hard pill to swallow
thanks doc
thanks dr. mario
it's both
is this a meme? how does it relate to the switch
lurk more newfag
Because most portables don't require you to carry around a bag.
>battery life on par with 3DS
Either you never owned one, or yours was defective. Under no conditions does 3DS only get 2.5 hours.
Ever since the Wii Nintendo has been trying to recreate its success with more gimmick shit instead of just releasing another straight up gaming console.
Leave and never come back.
I can fit my vita and 3ds in my pocket, why would I have a bag I'm a dude.
Thanks doc
portable nogaems machine
like a PS4 on the go
actually incredible
>le srkret club!!
sorry i don't autistically browse Sup Forums every day to know the freshest memes
fucking christ
Wikipedia literally says 3ds battery life is 3-5 hours whereas switch is 2.5 - 6
I really don't see an issue but maybe that's just me
Needing a bag is a big no no for me. I'll wait for the slim revision and for the games to come out, if it gets any with its horrible sales.
When Nintendo says "Portable" they mean noone will want to port games to it. :^)
>freshest memes
You're just embarrassing yourself further newfag.
>freshest memes
yep, you need to fucking leave
>freshest memes
Youre pretty good at this.
Seriously what color is that "red" supposed to be?
It's different every time I see it.
Also what the fuck is neon red anyway? is that just a fancy name for a kind of orange or pink or is actually ionized gas?
It's the Funnyjunk colors ;)
>Under no conditions does 3DS only get 2.5 hours.
>holy shit it only gets 2.5 hours when running the most intensive games on the system? that must be its max battery life
By that logic your average gaming laptop has a battery life of about an hour because that's how long it lasts while running Battlefield 1 on ultra.
virtual boy was advertised as portable too
What fucking jeans are you wearing that lets you put a fucking Vita in there? My phone barely fits.
3DSXL and Vita were big enough for most people to warrant a bag and not pockets. Switch is said to be 3 hours with BOTW. We don't know how it fares against less demanding games.
The difference is that 3-5 hours is the actual time for the 3DS whereas the 2.5-6 hours is just a number given by Nintendo and these numbers are ALWAYS better than reality.
>Sup Forums sperging out over someone not knowing a meme based on shitty switch colors
sounds about right, thanks m8
kill yourself redditor
top lel
Not that guy but I put my Vita in my back pocket like this . Of course Vita being much shorter means it only comes out of your pocket a bit.
>Strong handheld
Isn't it comparable to a mid-range tablet though?
How is it strong in any way?
No you fucktard, 3-5 hours is literally the official battery life
You can get the answer typing 'thanks doc' in Google. It's not that difficult, gosh.
Uhh, khakis.
My washing is on the line but by memory they fit in my "Jack black jeans. To be fair if i have a need to take my vita I would take my vita if I'm not afraid of dying on embarrassment for wearing cargo pants
And then the Vita comes flying out of your pocket when you make a turn
Zelda is 3 hours and it looks like shit.
2.5 doesn't sound unreasonable at all. It's probably inflated, in fact.
yo senpai I got the perfect jeans to fit your switch
being this desperate xD
It looks autistic either way.
Look up BOTW handheld gameplay. We don't know the exact specs yet but it's a major upgrade from 3DS. Probably the biggest upgrade Nintendo's ever done in a generation shift. I guess also removing dual screens and 3DS gimmick opened up tons of spare performance that could go directly into the games.
except thats not the meme you fucking idiot
if you're straight off the boat from reddit you should at least browse for a while before posting
No not really. About 90% of it will be inside the pocket. The average wallet size is about two thirds of the OG Vita size.
Will I be able to buy "Crystal armor" for the switch, because I want the best protection.
Step it up kouhai-kun
>play 4 hours in 1 charge of DQ8 on my n3dsxl
Really now. Im yet to find a game that last me 2 hours and 30min let alone 3 hours flat. And i have a bunch of power consuming games
then link me to a kym article oh wait you can't because its a shitty forced meme no one cares about
>"Get fucked do you have a purse or some shit"
>put my wallet against my vita
>he's right
>then link me to a kym article
oh christ
> that's the number given by nintendo
> N-N-No retard that's the OFFICIAL number!
Are you retarded?
most wallets fold except the hick ones that want to be robbed
>quoting a 3rd generation revised model for battery life.
Yeah no shit sherlock, the regular 3DSXL also has more battery life while we're at it.
Battery tech keeps improving throughout a console's lifetime. If or when the switch gets a new model, it will also have improved battery life.
Fact remains that having approx. the same battery life as the original 3DS isn't bad, specially given the absolutely massive technological leap when comparing the two systems.
I think first year will be all about home console and in 2018 they will put also Handheld games in their and the switch will fly.
nope, you're the only retarded one. Both numbers (3ds and switch) were given by nintendo but you believe one and not the other.
Why? Because you're just a dumb shitposter
It's stupid they're still clinging on to 3DS as their handheld because they are afraid that Switch might bomb leaving them without any platform to rely on. 3DS is shit and Switch is objectively better in every way. Hurry up and kill that shit so we can get a proper Monster Hunter that isn't a PS2 rehash for once.
You must feel lonely, being the only fanboy that still believes nintendo's lies at this point. They are just milking you for your last penny. Feel free to give them money.
>We don't know the exact specs yet but it's a major upgrade from 3DS.
Woah you mean it outperforms a 240p screen in 2017?
What an achievement.
I mean I see what you are saying but I don't think that makes the Switch a high-performance handheld just because Nintendo's last product was trash.
they're transitioning
the wiiu failed completley so they just flat out dropped it like a turd but the 3DS still sells hardware and software so they'll phase it out over time.
E3 2018 will not have anything on 3DS, guaranteed.
Why did it have to be a handheld though? Why couldn't it had been a XBO level home console with the same joycon tech?
because japs
This post officially let me know I'm too old for Sup Forums now
>no argument, gives up and insults
feels great to BTFO of shitposters to be quite honest with you famalan, it's easy as fuck.
But it's not a handheld, it's supposed to be a home console.
And as it stands, it's not even an upgrade to the wiiu. It's infact less of an upgrade than GCN to the Wii.
And it barely outperforms the Vita, which was released years ago.
It's a shit console from every perspective, m8
wear cargo pants and the switch wil fit easily
because adding a third identical console, specially this late in the game, would be flat out retarded.
>it'll never be socially acceptable to play on handhelds in public here like it is in Japan
are you retarded?
I went on the densha once and it was just a bunch of salary men playing MonHun, I pulled out my Vita and asked if I could join their fun and they all started laughing at me and threw dakimakura at me until I left.
But the joycons are what would set it apart.
there are 60mio people with a 3ds do you just think they will throw them away?
Not everyone will just buy a new console for 330 or do you think everyone who had a ps3 have now a ps4. They miscalculated this shit with the wiiu and won´t make another mistake like that.
>caring of what plebs think of you
like fucking over anyone with a 3ds?
>But it's not a handheld
it is
>The Switch's screen is 720p
Japanese survey of 1,400 people male and female aging from 20s to 60s asking whether they will buy the Switch or not. Only 10.7% said yes.
It doesnt have poor portability though. Its a strong handheld that you can dock to your tv and wave wii remotes at.
>2 and a half hour battery life
In the trash
You're an idiot. It's been confirmed that Zelda barely lasts 2 hours on the go.
Bruh, I got at least 5 hours playing MK7 back when I had my 3ds XL
no it hasnt
>And it barely outperforms the Vita, which was released years ago.
>not caring about social standards and status
we call that autism
It's because of the hardware.
It uses the same specs as the Nvidia Shield. The Shield's screen can go to 1080p just fine but in certain high detail games the performance will start to dip, framerate takes a hit.
If you set the resolution down to 720 it works much smoother.
I'm certain this was a decision not based around what screen they could get but around performance.
Rub my lamp
and hello, master.
>fucking over owners of a massively successful 6 year old console full of games that will still have games released after the switch is launched
What could they mean by this?
I've been asking this question to fanboys a lot OP, can never get a straight answer.
what do you mean "only"? That seems high as fuck
nope, it's actually confirmed on their official website that zelda specifically lasts 3 hours
BTFO again, fuck this is so easy
Don't japs give you shit for reading manga in public? How is it different for vidya?
Yes, everyone in society strives for beta status user
The question is if we will get a Switch XL
>poor portability
It's portability is pretty standard.
they will feel abandoned by
very shameful
sometimes I see people watching steven universe, adventure time, etc on their laptops in a train, not that many people care about such things in my country
The kicker is the three hours it takes to charge the thing.
These jap dinosaurs skimped on every facet of this turd and yet have the hide to charge through the nose for it.
That's not an excuse. The battery should be doing a lot better than what the 3ds did at release. 3 to 6 hours while 3 hours is the standard for their game unless is some 2d Tetris game. Battery should be powerful enough at todays technology to make Breath of the wild last 4 hours at min along with those other big games. 4 hrs to 8 hours or 4 to 6 should have been the standard. 256 gb of internal should also have been standard.
But shills and drones will defend anything and eat any shit that is thrown at them. You cant justify this and they will still pull shit to do so. Expect the inevitable 2nd version with proper shit