I'm still fucking mad.
I'm still fucking mad
How much are they paying you?
Yeah? Well get over it, Kojimadrone.
What's there to be mad about?
I expect it to be pretty fun.
its not even out yet
You know a game is awful when only Sup Forums defends it because it means it has attracted the contrarians, like Hatred, or this one, MG Survive.
Oh yeah, it takes the formula of one of the most boring open world videogames ever made, and transforms it into a zombie game, the most creatively bankrupt idea of the decade.
Thankfully, no one outside here will buy it, it will bomb, and MGS will finally get the rest it deserves.
Considering MG Survive is 99% MGSV, I think only a Kojimadrone would defend this piece of shit.
It doesn't need to be out to see it's shit.
I completely forgot about this
looks great
I preordered, looks to be the best metal gear game so far. Can't wait!
Why? It looks fun
Why? It looks exactly as shit and retarded as all the other metal gear games
I actually think the game looks fine and since the gameplay in MGSV was so good I don't see how this will be terrible, especially if they actually put in enough new content to warrant it.
>nobody outside of Sup Forums will buy an open world survival-crafting game with zombies
>that also happens to have the Metal Gear name attached as a hook
Nuthin' wrong with retarded fun, huney.
>nobody outside of Sup Forums will buy an open world survival-crafting game with zombies
Why would they buy this one instead of the other games that are already available?
>that also happens to have the Metal Gear name attached as a hook
And every single Metal Gear fan either laughs at this game's existence, or doesn't even remember it.
Outside of Sup Forums of course since, like with Call of Duty, contrarians need to praise it because those evil normies hate it.
Thank god Sup Forums has no influence on this industry.
MGSV was great. I'm HYPE
>people on Sup Forums shit all over MGSV's gameplay
>people on Sup Forums say that MGSurvive looks fun with the same gameplay
I know it's easy to bait a reaction out of fanboys, but please, be more subtle about it.
probably GOTY 2017 tbqh
Barely anyone remembers this game exists.
That will be it's biggest failure, not that everyone hated it when they announced it, but the fact that the game will come out, and it won't get a reaction out of anyone.
Complete indifference is much worse than hatred.
Kojima's not involved with the project you unsalvageable dumbass. Not that that excuses this obvious attempt to suck what little money there is left out of MGSV.
That said, the gameplay of MGSV was great and if this game can find a way to make it more compelling, I'd easily throw €20 on a used copy, or maybe pirate it when I get my gaming rig. Just so long as I can play it without contributing to its success.
>the gameplay of MGSV was great
No it wasn't.
Control feedback was nice, but the game consisted of getting into repetitive outposts with terrible level design and fultoning something.
Considering they are reusing at least the Afghanistan map, the level design is going to be just as bad, and the only thing MGSV had going for it, the concept of a military stealth game, is replaced with a dumb zombie survival game.
It's a mediocre game, with the most generic setting of the past years slapped on top of it.
Why play this when I could literally play any other zombie game like Dying Light?
yes it was
I don't even think about it at all, I forgot about this game instantly and you should have too
Yeah, the whole thing is dumb, thanks for the explanation prof. But no, the gameplay was great.
Understand that your opinion is the minority in this area. And yeah, yeah, argumentum ad populum, blah blah blah, but everything you're talking about isn't gameplay. It's design.
Level design, task design, yeah they weren't great. Fultoning I can forgive because the wormhole makes it better and it's fun to build up a corps from the first pussy you extract to the last monstrous badass you get.
As for stealth, it can still be done. Just because it's dumb zombie bullshit doesn't mean stealth can't be an element. Mind you, if you're fighting large hordes, I can't see them doing much damage, which would render the stealth useless, so I share your lack of confidence.
Why would I play this when I could play MGSV, or any zombie game right now.
That would happen, and you know why?
Because Kojima would actually make a decent trailer.
Funny how this is the only argument MG Survive shills have, even though Sup Forums has spent 2 years shitting on MGSV and Kojima.
As always, pic related applies.
because you could be playing BOTH AT THE SAME TIME
Mixing those two seems like a stupid idea.
It's been canned
Kojima could take fucking Battleborn and make a trailer that would make you get hyped over it.
If you open up the MG Survive trailer and close your eyes, it's as if you were playing the trailer of a Call of Duty game, only thing it lacks is a popular Eminem song playing in the background.
I would like it since it means there's probably some artistic integrity in it.
>MGSV has "zombies" in it
>MGS has "zombies" in it
i could give you more actual arguments but you'd pretend to not hear.
>Why would they buy this one instead of the other games that are already available?
Mind sharing which? There are none. Only CoD has zombie shit, the rest is indie games that most wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
There are a lot of MGS fans that don't even know Kojima is off the franchise. Most people don't read the fucking news much less videogame shit news.
Then dont buy it
>MGSV has "zombies" in it
What actually happened is that people proceeded to shit on it for 2 years for being unfinished, having no plot, the little plot there is being dumb, Quiet, etc.
MGSV got ripped to shreds, but of course, your argument desperately depends on this, so you are going to ignore it.
>MGS has "zombies" in it
No, the game is ENTIRELY about zombies.
That's the thing, which Metal Gear game was about zombies?
Which one was a generic, personality-less, run of the mill zombie survival game?
What are you mad about?
>Kojima could take fucking Battleborn and make a trailer that would make you get hyped over it.
>that voice acting
ehhhh I don't know, he's great at making trailers but I don't think anything can make THAT look good short of a hypothetical kojima trailer for battleborn beaming LSD into your eyes
I am furious!!!
>Mind sharing which?
Oh, I don't know, Dying Light? DayZ? State of Decay? Left4Dead2? Dead Rising? Dead Island?
>There are a lot of MGS fans that don't even know Kojima is off the franchise.
The thing is, now Metal Gear has no marketing aparatus.
Konami has never known how to sell games.
Previous MGS games sold purely on hype about the story.
This is going to be the Umbrella Corps of MGS.
Just looks like an mgo expansion. That they wanna re-sell to us at full price.
Fuck konami.
>There are still people who actually think Kojima left Konami
>There are still people who think Metal Gear Solid V was MGSV and not MGS Vee
>There are still people who fall for literally the exact same thing Kojima did with the Phantom Pain leadup as Joakim Mogren
You guys are fucking retarded. Death Stranding IS Silent Hills and MGS5 is still happening. He told us he was going to do some extremely tabboo practices and this is what those were. It's no coincidence that his new studio is located in the same building Konami is...
>There are a lot of MGS fans that don't even know Kojima is off the franchise. Most people don't read the fucking news much less videogame shit news.
I doubt those people will ever know MG Survive existed at some point, since nothing has been said about it since they showed a gameplay back in September, and they probably have absolutely no idea of how to market the game, just like all their other games.
>implying Sup Forums praised this game at any point
U wot m8.
This game will sell, it won't be a big hit, but it'll sell. This is the part where you milk the cow til it dries off and you abandon it in a ditch in the road.
>It's no coincidence that his new studio is located in the same building Konami is...
Making shit up doesn't fix MGSV, though I certainly still enjoyed it.
>This game will sell
To whom?
This game has no audience.
The zombie fad is dying, and there's much better alternatives, while the MGS fanbase laughs at it's existence.
On top of that, marketing will be absolutely terrible since Konami has no idea of how to market games properly.
>Why would they buy this one instead of the other games that are already available?
>Dying Light releases
>"Why would they buy this open world zombie game instead of the all other open world zombie games that are already available?"
>new Call of Duty game releases
>"Why would they buy this first-person shooter game instead of all the other first-person shooter games that are already available?"
>new Mario game releases
>"Why would they buy this platformer game instead of all the other platformer games that are already available?
Why does anyone buy any game when inevitably there exists something similar to that game you could point to and say "why buy this instead of that"?
People don't typically buy one game and then play it for the rest of their lives, you know that, right?
The difference is that all of them give you good reasons to buy them and/or have good marketing campaigns.
MG Survive has neither.
>open world survival horror with zombies and crafting.
First the youtubers will play it and hype it, then their rabid fanboys will follow suit and bring their friends into it. It writes itself.
Also, the zombie fad has been dying for years now, yet it never truly dies and still brings people in.
>much better alternatives
These games are all about jumping onto the bandwagon of what's hype and cool at the moment. Not wether one alternative is better or not. You give the general video games fanbase too much credit, they fall to hype very easily.
>Konami has no idea of how to market games properly.
Youtubers and paid articles will do it for them anyway :^)
Imagine being this far gone. Everyone suffered with the death of MGS, but you got to move on.
>First the youtubers will play it and hype it
Why would they?
Konami won't pay them since they are completely out of touch, and now the thing is making videos about jumpscare games.
The zombie fad is dying.
>yet it never truly dies and still brings people in.
No, it has been dying since 2015, and it's at an all time low of this decade.
Even the zombie mode of Call of Duty games is now meh tier.
>These games are all about jumping onto the bandwagon of what's hype and cool at the moment
And like I said, Konami is out of touch, so they jumped into what was hype and cool back in 2013.
>Youtubers and paid articles will do it for them anyway
What I said before.
This game would have gotten bashed no matter what, but it came too late, and under a company that has no idea of what they are doing.
Youtuber games aren't working anymore, because why play it yourself when you can watch your favorite youtuber do it. Do you really think people actually played shit like i am bread and shower with your dad simulator?
>First the youtubers will play it and hype it
And kids will watch it...
And that's it.
The thing now is watching people play games, not playing them.
>it has been dying since 2015
Care to provide anything other than epic reaction images?
Nobody cares about zombies anymore, the moment The Walking Dead ends, it'll all be over.
>Nobody cares about zombies anymore
Shit, somebody tell Sony that.
The ones making Days Gone, the most ignored exclusive Sony has ever done along with Knack 2 and Little Big Planet 3?
And TLOU2.
I want to believe...
Ah yes, TLOU, the zombie game where you spent more time killing other humans than zombies.
Probably the only zombie game that could be succesful post 2015.
What's the problem exactly?
MGSV has a really fucking tight gameplay, and If I can play in coop with friends to do some zombie smashing I think it's a good idea.
Fags like you should be gassed. If you don't like it ignore it.
Of course, contrarians defend it because no one else likes it.
Fortunately, Sup Forumseddit opinions are irrelevant.
MG Survive will flop, and rightfully so.