Are you a popular Youtuber yet?
Are you a popular Youtuber yet?
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Not video-games
Take your self-shilling / e-celeb thread back to reddÃt
It's funny. I'm uploading my first video right now.
It's the first part of a Resident Evil VII playthrough.
I've had other channels where I uploaded Super CastleVania IV, Turtles in time, stuff like that.
>he's not popular
i just stream/upload for shigs
>I've actually thought about making Youtube gaming vdieos before
>I'm really shy and wouldn't want to show my face plus there's a risk of getting doxed
Just do it faggot.
I'm socially awkward as fuck, but I got over it after the 5th video or so. You don't have to use face cam either.
>someone requests a racist song
>tfw you got 50,000 views on a video in 2008 and were too young to capitalize in the popularity
Fucking kill me.
>tfw 5k views in a 2011 video
>didnt realize what was going on
>video hits 1 million views in 6 days
>only make like 800$ because it's January
Fucking god dammit.
here, look at my routine
>have idea for video
>too lazy to actually go through with it
>have idea for video
>go through with it
>look at the result
repeat forever
>complaining about making money on YT in 2017
>spend all day recording footage
>too lazy to edit
>get 50 views
>no one dislikes or likes
I have 700 some subscribers by accident. One of my videos got half a million views.
I don't know how to capitalize on that. I'd like to do let's plays but those really don't pull people in unless they come to you to see you play said game.
I'd make small videos about things but I haven't had any ideas lately. I sometimes stream stuff but I only get a couple people checking it out. I don't use a mic or anything.
This. Also this:
>be somewhat satisfied at video
>publish video
>look at own video later, cringe, delete
also repeat forever
No, I'm a popular Steam reviewer
Basically the lowest of the low.
>record video
>quality is nice
>upload to YT
>quality is shit even at 1080p
>Dont look at render quality
600,000 subscribers but i'm not going to shill myself because I'm not a faggot.
this board hates me anyways
>forgot to disable sony vegas sampling shit that blurs everything
Any tips?
Overreact to everything and call your subscribers your family and pretend you care about them to attract the retarded 12 year old crowd.
I got a surprising amount of views on a video of mine so now my channel is at 40K+ views.
Should I post?
>Stream for friends because we all live around the world now due to growing up
>One friend lives in buttfuck nowhere with terrible internet so I archive my streams on YouTube so we can watch them together and laugh at my failure
>People probably look at my channel and think I'm some autistic loser who refuses to give up
I've only recently gotten into streaming. I'm actually about to have a Race War in X4 right now to see if I can beat one of my friends.
why isnt chadunda making videos anymore?
Not especially. I tried to do Let's Plays a while ago but I'm terrible at them. Now I just use my channel as a dumping ground for my OW PotGs.
I made a video today. It's based on a post i once saw on Sup Forums.
Nope. I just do reviews to entertain. Always good to get viewers but it's become harder to do vidya reviews since my computer is getting on:
Been shitting on Star wars instead:
I literally live off youtube. I pulled in 3600$ in September and I only had like 30K subs.
channel link?
Your gimmick and your production value is good, but the shit you say is so insanely boring and half-assed that I couldn't watch more than 3 of your videos. You haven't said anything interesting in any of them.
Are you and the guy on the couch in the one video with the alien a couple?
Be sure not to have anything bump the table your yeti is on since it will cause awful bumps in sound quality.
Tried to do that and literally couldn't keep a straight face
how do they do it
By losing all dignity.
Moon man moon man can't you see
Love your work man, keep it up, been subscribed to you for a good while now.
Nope, but the channel i'm part of never searched glory, money or anything similar; it's a bummer not having much people commentating the videos just for feedback or for a simple discussion/debate, but i suppose it's better than risking of drowning in cancer like the vast majority of channels' comment sections are.
>used to get 10k views on average when I was about 11 in 2008 uploading random gameplay clips
>didn't do anything with it and just closed down my channel 3 years later
Fucking catastrophical, lads.
Never going to happen, it's not a gaming channel anyways.
Pls respond
You both are cute
ya that one
and the smash mouth one
mabye it was my fault for streaming san andreas
No. He's a good friend of mine who helps me film stuff. He was really helpful in being cannon fodder in my 80's film:
I just want to entertain people, but not like this.
I have one minecraft video planned that I think will attract that specific crowd, but God help me if I have to resort to shit like that just to get a viewerbase.