Anyone care to explain to me, why is the problem that Sup Forums have with this character?

Anyone care to explain to me, why is the problem that Sup Forums have with this character?

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She is a mary sue, Baba was so obsessed with her VA that he changed things only to fit with her. Also is hilarious how no one cares that she is an assassin and how happy everyone is with her.

too cute

>Baba was so obsessed with her VA that he changed things only to fit with her.

I'm curious now, what things did he changed?

People can call her cute or whatever but she ruined Zestiria
She has powers rivaling the main character just because
She does things that should make her a monster due to the laws of the world but for plot convenience it doesn't happen
She is never in the wrong or questioned about anything she does, including assassination
Throughout the whole game the party is always on her side at all times saying how great she is makes my stomach churn for a whole 60 hour playthough
The list goes on but these are some of the main points
Also Japan lost their shit when she replaced an early party member whom had a well loved voice actress

She wasn't supposed to have a main role in the game. She wasn't supposed to be of any importance, and the other girl was supposed to be involved the entire game as another MC.

It was sort of obvious, the one i can think of was the fact she can see spirits dispite not beeing "pure" she killed people and can still use the merge powers, that the game goes out of its way to say only the pure of heart can use. Then by some bullshit about her "not realy killing because a spirit did it" it is handwaved away and she became main heroine over the girl that was supposed to be the main at first.

>Throughout the whole game the party is always on her side at all times saying how great she is makes my stomach churn for a whole 60 hour playthough

This, is creepier than Toriyama with Lightning

>She does things that should make her a monster due to the laws of the world but for plot convenience it doesn't happen

The idea of having an assassin would have been interesting but they made Rose overly positive, it would have been cool seeing Sorey blaming Rose but nope, everything Rose does is good.

When will the "no overworld" and "All battles take place in the field" meme end?

She replaced the character who was advertised prior to launch to be the female lead just because the producer was a huge waifufag with her VA. It was just shameful and he didn't even have the balls to apologize for the false advertisement while the VA had to fucking apologize for him.

Who was the original female lead?

Alisha, she was even marked as the female lead in some card games but that was changed after the fiasco.

boring as shit 1 dimensional waifu character that the writers desperately try to make interesting by having her be the "hardened killer" even though this only happens like twice

Switch waifu with husbando and you've got Yuri Lowell

>the writers desperately try to make interesting by having her be the "hardened killer" even though this only happens like twice
Its funny how they failed to make these scenes have an impact. Cant say Im a Vesperiafag, but Vesperia did make it special in a way and it showed how the MCs actions actually meant something. I still remember both scenes while I already forgot who it was Rose killed and how/why she did it.

shit. she's way cuter

>Anyone care to explain to me, why is the problem that Sup Forums have with this character?

Yuri's actions had consequences and other characters called him out. Rose does it and no one cares.

She is shit. You're supposed to be pure of heart, but apparently her being a fucking murderer is no problem at all. And all other characters just gloss over that.
Also, Baba wanted to fuck her voice actress.

She's not much better than Rose in personality department though, she's exceptionally boring.

>Yuri's actions had consequences

Name a single one.

Even Flynn agreed that every person Yuri killed deserved it and the world was objectively better off without them.

Alisha was boring because she had a character arc that didn't go anywhere because she ended up being cut out of the script along with a ton of other story elements.

That's not to say she might have turned out better in the long run, but there was clearly a lot of potential there that never got addressed. Even in the DLC she basically just becomes Rose's flunky instead of developing as a character on her own.

Sup Forums and the internet in general consists of underages or manchildren that can't formulate their own opinion so they follow the herd even though they might have never even played this game in the first place; don't be a sheep and follow your own feelings OP

Oh fuck you for even implying that.

>passionate but lack an ability to see a spirit

sound like a good premise for character development

He also mentioned that it was wrong nonetheless. It was a major plotpoint that they went different ways to change the world. Yuri by doing what needs to be done regardless of the consequences and Flinn by changing things the moral way, even if it takes longer. By simply killing the people Yuri literally saved people in a single night while Flynn had needed much longer for it, Meanwhile Rose just kills because reasons. They tried to give her a personality and make her interesting with it and horribly failed.

True but due to how hard Alisha gets shafted, especially with the overpowered Armatization allowed for someone like Rose was just too much

>She has powers rivaling the main character just because

What's wrong with this? Does the main character have to be a special snowflake with the only special powers?

play the game before you post. there's a reason MC is special

Someone like Rose getting said powers despite the requirements to get them in the first place was the issue. The reaching made was so ridiculous, it basically clued people to Baba's meddling

She's a good character but than became a plot mary sue that somehow never should have been directly involved. I man she was already running an Assman business.

The anime gives her way too much screen time and she's still pretty fucking boring.

Alisha is boring because she's a naturally boring character.

From an design perceptive, why is her face to punchable? I never played this game but something about her face is so unsettling. No one else in their party has this aspect.

She has plenty of spirit, but she's just boring.

Not saying Rose is any better, Alisha is just not an interesting character. I can see why they would choose to replace her, she's the only character with a character arc in the game so she wasn't shafted that much.

Should I just watch the anime instead?

What's funnier is that Berseria is a massive antithesis to Zesty. It even goes so far as to paint Artorius in the light that Rose should have been. Not only that, but the entire party is the opposite of Zesty's POWER OF FRIENDSHIP bullshit. Everyone's a dick to one another. Except Laphicet.

Her character arc went somewhere, when the game starts out she's a princess knight moralfag whose incredibly out of touch with the average person. She wants peace but because she's out of touch, she's not getting anywhere. Over the course of the game you follow her fucking up and the game punishing her for it, up until Maltran tells her face what's wrong with her and she almost fucks up a peace agreement set up by one of the the council members. At the end of the game she's more down to earth and less of a moralfag on her high horse.

Alisha has a complete character arc, it's just not very interesting.

>power of friendship
The only "friend" that Sorey had in that game was really Mikleo, as when you stop to think about it with the exception of Mikleo the party members just really got in his way.

Sorey ends up doing more good when he gets separated from them when he wakes up.

Someone post the "pssh, nothin personnel, kid" portrait she has. You know the one, with her head tilted down while looking up

You can kill people and still be pure because as long as the people you kill are evil it is not problem. If anything that is a good thing because it means you're a virtuous being and doesn't tolerate evil.

You know, like in real life when US soldiers are killing ISIS because mudslimes and other terrorist aren't people.

Also the VA herself apologized and bowed instead of Baba because he's a coward and a traitor. The VA played Tsugumi, so fuck Baba

Funny if not for Baba's bullshit people just would have forgotten about Alisha anyway. Now her character has meme popularity from the whole controversy.

>Another Rose vs Alisha thread
Both bitches are irrelevant. Neither is the true heroine

What character?

>Is literally a terrible human being
>Resident moralfag does and says nothing because he needs her ability
>Her character never grows or goes anywhere as a result
It was boring and poorly written. But then you could say the same about the rest of Zestiria.

The fact that every store still sold spears was a constant reminder that Baba is a hack

>Does the main character have to be a special snowflake with the only special powers?
When the plot is that he's the only shepard and was raised to become one, yes

When the MC is actually. Totally fucking jesus. Yes.

Under normal circumstances I wouldn't recommend playing Zestiria to anyone, but since you seem to have no idea what you're talking about, I'll make an exception just for you.

Shit character from the worst tales game ever. She's forced the entire game and playing the afterstory only makes you realize how awkward and out of place she really is. Thank god Berseria is so much better. I can only hope talesof has learned their lesson.

Could you make it anymore obvious that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about?

>complete character arc

that's just the way they wrote her out of the party. not actual one she suppose to get

I really don't get her whole "she's an assassin but a good assassin that isn't malevolent because she stabs people's throats honorably" character. Everything about her is so forced. Plus Alisha was cuter

Baba doesn't dare show his face anymore after death threats from Japan

You do realize that she could have been in the party still gone through the same things, right? Except you would have had more characters calling her out on her bullshit straight to her face. There is no indication in the game that she was going to be written any differently. Hell there's no indication that she would have done anything remotely connected to the main story outside of the whole Maltran shit, which was a gloried side quest.

Dragonball taught us this decades ago. You heart can be pure killing intent

In the world of Zest, sociopaths reign in pure

not even gay and i would choose mikleo over any girl

>best cook
>best healer
>is the prettiest person in the cast
No wonder Sorey wasn't interested in any of the girls.


Rose a best!
And plus, she did nothing wrong.

Mikleo and Edna were the only decent characters in Zestiria, it's a shame to see them locked in a shitty game.

>Everyone's a dick to one another

That's not true at all though. Rokurou and Eizen are chill as fuck and are constantly giving advice to Laphi or just being bros in general. Even Velvet isn't much of a bitch unless someone annoys her directly. The only member of the party that gets constantly bullied is Magilou, and that's because she brings it on herself.

The Berseria cast is ironically one of the most well-adjusted groups in the series even though they're supposed to be "bad" guys.

It wasn't that she wasn't pure, she didn't have any malevolence because she genuinely believed in what she was doing was righteous. It's the same reason that one bishop that was doing some bullshit that killed people had no malevolence and wasn't a helion.

Rose still a shit, but she was at least more interesting than Alisha. Thankfully the anime is fixing that

>fixing anything
It's actually more boring than the game. The only way they made Alisha seem even remotely interseting is by making her Rose 2.0 and cutting out everything resembling a personality from every other character just so that she could stand out.

If you're still here user, yes totally watch it. The anime has been completely fixing the story and giving other characters more screen time while introducing other decent side characters

>introducing other decent side characters
Like who?

>The anime has been completely fixing the story
Like what?


Sorey wasn't interested in anyone. Mikleo certainly had a thing for Sorey but it was one sided. Sorey is a dense motherfucker who's probably asexual and if he was ever with anyone it'd be a sexless relationship probably.

its kinda meh desu.

>Anyone care to explain to me, why is the problem that Sup Forums have with this character?

It's not her we have a problem with. It's the other girl.... who was advertised as the heroine in the trailers.... and then basically gone for 90% of the game.

In the game Sorey outright says that his dream is to travel the world with Mikleo. When Mikleo isn't in your party he acts like he's uninterested in the ruins. In the novel which goes into Sorey's perspective he has an entire scene where he laments about Mikleo's appearance and Mikleo is the only one he recognizes as "attractive".

Sorey never shows an interest in any female characters (which was the point of his character) but to say that he was completely uninterested in Mikleo is blatantly false. Hell Mikleo is the reason for Sorey's dream in the first place.

>When Mikleo isn't in your party he acts like he's uninterested in the ruins
Isn't this because they're both so invested in ruins and their histories while collaborating possibilities that they just simply have a basis to discuss things over? Like with the one scene they come across the statue and the girls dream over it, and Mikleo / Sorey start fighting over how its age and the way its sculpted portrays different things. Likewise they meet together in the middle during collabs in a few scenes they say.
Seems like just an "I wish X friend was here so we could have fun together" like how doing something with a friend is always funner.

>In the novel which goes into Sorey's perspective he has an entire scene where he laments about Mikleo's appearance and Mikleo is the only one he recognizes as "attractive".
I did not read the novel so I'll take your word on it.

I remember someone on a shitty forum saying how the Dev or whatever said that "Mikleo and Sorey are for another" or something, hence the "Two peas in a pod" title Mikleo gets, but it was a Japanese article from FAMITSU and no one gives a shit enough to translate it so no source was really given.

Yes and no, Sorey just isn't intersted in the ruins if Mikleo isn't there. Keep in mind WHY Sorey likes ruins to begin with, it's an activity with Mikleo. When Mikleo isn't with him then he doesn't find the activity interesting.

>I did not read the novel so I'll take your word on it.
It's chapter 1 of the LN which was translated.
His description in the novel is this...
>“Hair the color of pale aquamarine, skin so fair as to seem almost translucent, sophisticated violet eyes. Even from his perspective, Sorey thought that there was a beauty to Mikleo that would draw the eyes of others.”

>I remember someone on a shitty forum saying how the Dev or whatever said that "Mikleo and Sorey are for another" or something, hence the "Two peas in a pod" title Mikleo gets
It was the script writer he said that Mikleo and Sorey were created to be two halves of a whole. "One and Only" is actually Mikleo's relationship title given to him in relation to Sorey in the JP version, which I forget was translated as. There are partial translations online but it also comes from the actual guidebook which no one ever translates.

Thanks for clearing that up, I bought and played Zestiria for their relationship but it didn't seem entirely wholesome and true that I walked away a bit sour because I wanted more romanticism between them and it seemed like everyone who said they were gaybos were reaching, but you've provided the best information yet that has convinced me.

The Nip version actually has a skit that implies that Sorey actually is in love with Mikleo and that Mikleo is aware of it. And then Berseria revealed that a seraphim marriage comes about when a seraphim willingly tell you their true name, which Mikleo did before the start of the game.

Probably the fact that the story literally states that the fucking edgelord Dezel was manipulating every situation she was in, and yet somehow still is supposed to be some bullshit master assassin badass when he's not in the shadows making sure shit goes as planned.

How is the audience supposed to accept that Dezel has been babying her constantly, and yet she's strong enough to contend with the rest of the cast.

Literally nothing. American moralfags can't handle or fathom her ethical code and call her a mary sue for no real reason. She's a good character, not even unrealistic.

It's not as if murder is something strange to video game characters, yes even the good ones and the heroes. She's happy go lucky and has a strong personality. She only kills bad or dangerous people, so she's pretty much a goody two shoes. Even if she was a apathic unscrupulous killer, that still wouldn't be an argument against her being a good video game character. Or must all killers be gloomy edgelords like in your hollywood movies?

She's much better than Alisha.

Nips hate her "pure hearted assassin" bullshit too and hate her for being a Mary Sue. No one would have a problem with her if was ever called out on her bullshit but that never happens.

>It's not as if murder is something strange to video game characters, yes even the good ones and the heroes.
Did you ever play the game, or are you just watching the anime?

>the fact she can see spirits dispite not beeing "pure" she killed people and can still use the merge powers,
>ou're supposed to be pure of heart, but apparently her being a fucking murderer is no problem at all.

The purity has to do with the certainty that you are doing the right thing according to your own views. That's why some enemies weren't actually Hellions when you expected them to be, or couldn't be purified. Rose kills bad people and is pure of heart while doing so. The game's morality isn't as good-bad simple as you'd think, it's more about inner conflicts and corruption without simply stating x is bad.

>Alisha was boring because she had a character arc that didn't go anywhere because she ended up being cut

No, Alisha was just a boring character from the very start to finish. It has to do with her character, not her story. In fact, her story and role as princes and relation to her teacher and politicians is the most interesting about her. Her character itself is utterly boring.

In zesty you're kind of the lawful good side, while in berseria more like chaotic good or even bad guys. It's reason versus passions, berseria takes the side of the passions.

Alisha was basically just a Natalia and Luke merged into one character but without the personality to make her interesting to watch.

>Rose almost literally killed the party by (accidentally) activating traps
>several times in a row
>almost gassed the party like a bunch of jews
>"h-heh, no big deal Rose, happens to everyone, welcome to our party :)"

What scene are you referring to?

the one right before she joins you.


I have no problems with her because zesteria plot is beyond fucking stupid anime cliche shit but basically this girl is even more special snowflake then sorey. She is a super pure mary sue despite being a killer for hire her entire life.

What the fuck are you talking about? All I remember about Rose being "pure" was that she was exposed to so much seraph resonance due to being mind raped every now and then by Dezel that she became immune to malevolence.

Honestly their bromance is too damn cute. It would ruin the best thing the game has going if it turns out they both gay.

Even the game itself it, in one moment of self reflection pointed out how bullshit Rose's "pure assassin" shit was

In Zestiria X when Mikleo was being a fag finding a way trying to help Sorey become a better shepherd, Lailah said "You really love Sorey, don't you?" he didn't even get flustered he stood up and took it like a champ.

Also in that skit where Zaveid was trying to talk to Sorey about babe hunting, Sorey used Mikleo as an example.
See Wicked Nekkid Wind

Fuck off Baba no one likes her

I dropped the game when she joined the party. Not because I didn't like her but because the game was boring as shit.