Can we talk about the Ringed City without shitposting?
This shield is giving me high hopes for some content being about the ancient dragons. Also who do you think is going to be the final boss?
Can we talk about the Ringed City without shitposting?
This shield is giving me high hopes for some content being about the ancient dragons. Also who do you think is going to be the final boss?
Other urls found in this thread:
best dragon
I'm really interested in the insectoid enemy and the butterfly thing. They're mentioned as being connected with the abyss, which of course is linked with humanity. What I want to know is what other forms can "Humanity" manifest itself as, other than humans and some other examples we've seen. Basically, what's "further down the line" for humanity.
And why is everybody obsessed with these fucks? I'm much more interested more background on the dragons and their nature, the rebellion against Gwyn, and Velka's role in said rebellion and in "punishing" the gods
dumping DaS shit
best lord
best armor/coolest enemy
Yes he is. The dude was a saint.
>Shit Souls 3
>last game in the series
>clear quick, unfinished, bland cashgrab
>the most linear of all the games, even compared to DeS and BB
>nostalgiafag reference pandering out the ass
>rehashed animations
>rehashed locations
>rehashed characters, right down to their model
>Lowest Boss count after DeS
>Most bosses are gimmicks
>Boss weapons shit as usual, despite having 4 games to draw experience from
>weapons in general are 90% quality based
>these quality weapons are also usually the best weapons in their class
>some weapons have retarded stat requirements where they don't even scale with said stats, which also happens to be quality
>armor system a horrible imbalanced mess
>the heaviest armors are the heaviest they have ever been in the series, while offering basically no additional defense over medium/light sets
>poise implemented in such a stupid way that only Greatswords and Maces get the most bang for the buck
>Some UGSs, GAs, and Hammers weigh more than entire armor sets
>Equip load is now done by VIT, which for some reason gives LESS per level than fucking dark souls 2
>a majority of the small weapons sped up to bloodborne speed, but some of the larger weapons have been made SLOWER and consume MORE STAMINA
>rolls cost next to nothing with extremely fast recovery and many iframes
>magic is garbage
>faith is garbage
>FP system is the worst system conceived
>Too many useless fucking stats
>WAs are mostly just special r2s or powerstance moves copypasted with an explosion or two at the end
>MLGS is the worst its ever been
>awful covenants
>covenants are stickers which can be changed on the go
>shitty rewards
>Dragon form the worst its ever been in both aesthetic and practical sense
>community now filled with normies who hold hands with their SL 800 Friends to get through the game
>invaders have the most disadvantage compared to all other games in the series
>First DLC was a 1.5 hour long disappointment with a rehashed arena
>Second DLC looks no better
There's something about the Black Knights that makes me so hype for them. Like, I'm not hype for fighting them, or for anything in particular, it's just some sort of awe I feel when thinking about them.
OP here, I really can't argue with you. I dropped this game hard after DLC1 came out. All I care about anymore is some kind of possible closure to the story with the final DLC
It's because they were Gwyn's most loyal knights who followed him into the kiln to link the fire for the first time, got fucking roasted, and now roam the land as lost spirits still trying to stop the player character from bothering Gwyn. That ontop of their great design
Getting it all out of the way so we can have actual discussion. You the real MVP.
best knights
Like they're going to give us anything other than meme references and fanservice. I've been waiting for some form of continuation of DaS 1's ending since DaS 2 has been announced.
The feeling is entirely justified.
Becouse the snakes make no sense and this is supposed the last ever souls thing ever
Check yourself
>final boss is an Orochi, an 8 headed serpent dragon
>frampt and kaathe were the same being all along
alright, that is a convincing shoop
DaS3 is a direct continuation of DaS1 ending, and yet you go on memeing autistically about fanservice
>final boss of DS3 DLC is Yamato-no-Orochi
>final boss of Nioh is Yamato-no-Orochi
>final boss is an entire playthrough of dark souls 1
>mfw playing through everything after Dark Souls
Nah fuck bamco and fuck these "sequels." Its clear the same effort wasnt put into anything after Dark Souls, yes including Bloodborne
There are black knights in lost izalith?
I sort of expect the Ringed City DLC to be killing the reincarnated four Lords again.
Why was all the coolest shit in Dark Souls?
Well...they're the ones who manipulate the entire events of DaS1. Where did they come from? Do they take orders from someone else? I'm assuming they're related, what caused them to directly oppose each other?
Not to mention that the tapestries in the Friede fight with the two weird fucks killing two snakes, and the snakes engraved in the doors...there's a LOT of questions regarding these two that are never so much as mentioned. They are, besides Velka, the most unexplained phenomenon in the game given their influence in the world.
Not exactly.
They're in smoldering lake.
What points to them manipulating the events of Dark Souls? All I understood is that they guide the Chosen Undead onto one of two paths.
Velka on the other hand seems more like the cause of all that happens. The crow in the beginning is likely her agent
>don't touch DS3 until 1st DLC comes out
>it's shit and doesn't add anything worth caring about for more than 10 minutes
>drop it until the last DLC comes out
I hate this game so much, but I keep coming back. I doubt I'll touch it ever again after the final DLC though. What the fuck did they do
I played DS1 & 2 for hundreds of hours but this one I barely give two shits about and just want it all to end
Quelana best souls girl!
> yfw you hit an illusory wall in Smoldering Lake and there's a group of demons getting KNIGHT'D.
You keep coming back because its the last game
You hate it because it repeats the same mistakes as the other games, and barely brings anything new to the table. Its also linear and short.
best girl
> Good taste confirmed.
Based Daughters of Chaos.
They brought back shit load of trash weapons but didn't bring back the Silver Knight Weapons. Literally why
its kinda explained real vaguely in dks1 that the primordial snakes are servants of velka in a real vague ambiguous way
best boss theme
best credits
Gives me such chills after the dramatic Gwyn theme. Just leaves me feeling empty and unsure of everything I just did
Forgot link
Well, I guess it's simply the fact that each of them seems to clearly have an agenda (Frampt=LIGHT DA FIRE BITCH, Kaathe=FUCK THE SYSTEM) that they actively interact with you to promote. I don't know, I guess that cognizant and well-spoken characters are so few and far between in Souls games that it bugs me that we don't know who these behemoth nightmare creatures are or where they come from. Like, not even the slightest detail. We know more about the Pilgrims in DS3 than we know about the Primordial Serpents, and the former is only really background clutter for the most part.
This, plus the fact that they are apparently unkillable and capable of doing immense damage to anything that opposes them [Frampt is implied to have outright forced the Crestfallen to hollow once he decided to confront him]. The only other NPC in the entire game that you cannot harm in any way is AN EVERLASTING DRAGON.
Kaathe has manipulated at least one, possibly two, ancient cities into falling to rampant Humanity and desperately wants to convince the player that an Age of Dark would be a good thing. Frampt is somehow a confidant of Gwyn from the times of the Age of Ancients, despite never being mentioned in the intro, and is probably the only other being in all of Lordran apart from Gwyndolin that knows the truth about the Undead Curse. The games keep throwing hints and nudges and imagery that snakes are despicable, selfish, greedy beings that want nothing more than to devour whatever prey they can find.
Even if the devs have had no greater plan for them, there's a lot of potential there for an interesting story.
I haven't even played through the first DLC.
I haven't even looked at it at all. I haven't played the game at all before it was released. I used to be so excited about the series. Why doesn't this excite me anymore?
Majula & its music were so fucking comfy with the sound of the waves ..
The Soul of Cinder version was fucking perfect. It legitimately made me shiver.
>reading the wiki
>enemies falling off the ledges in Valley of the Drakes have the chance to show up alive and healthy in the Abyss
What the fug
Imagine fighting the Four Kings with seven of those drakes swooping at you.
>Final boss of DLC2 is "The Dark Soul"
i dont care if its stupid, this shit would make me happy
Beat him first try every time.
I bet the final boss is gonna be an enemy that jumps around really fast and has a big healthpool and does alot of damage. Also it has 2-3 health bars
>tfw we get a ten stage boss fight
>Final boss of the DLC
>The Pain of Ages
>barely even flies
>fights like a dog
Yeah sure, best """""dragon"""""
>Final Boss of the DLC
>barely even flies
not sure if b8
Bloodborne is brilliant, at least on par with Dark Souls 1
You're a nostalgia fag
Bosses of the DLC already got leaked ages ago
The Grey Giant
Demon of Feces
Smelter Demon
The Pain of Ages
> The Soul of a Shitty Demon.
> One of Twisted Souls, steeped in strength.
>Smelter Demon
>Smelter Demon
This time it's flames are purple.
>dark damage
>builds up curse when you're near him
That actually doesn't sound that bad. Better fix the retarded fucking plunge hitbox this time though.
> Demon of Feces.
> It's another Soul of Cinder style "player boss."
I loveh ow there could literally be a boss called Demon of Feces but no one would bat an eye because we'd all be too busy being mad about the Smelter Demon being copypasted again.
There was a boss in Bloodborne called retarded spider or something so demon of feces is easy to believe
Imagine if the final boss was the Everlasting Dragon from DS1.
>implying these aren't the real translations
Sen, The Divine Architect
Velka, Goddess of Sin
The Primordial Hydra
Dragonslayer's Plume
>Demon of Feces
>It's Giantdad because it's a shitty meme
What is the shields L2? I'm expecting it to breathe fire or something.
>cant experience the pure janky gameplay that was DaS1 like we used to
>Dragonslayer's Plume
>literally can't be hurt
>tfw the final boss is a "you're supposed to lose" fight
I'm sorry, do I smell a fucking casul?
Hopefully the Twinkling Dragon Head Stone ability
Probably a flaming shield bash
>Dragonslayer's Plume
>you get the plume
>all NPCs congratulate you on top of the world
I hope the new boss is bullyable
I swear they patched her and made her harder than release day
shes annoying as fuck to fight now
Bullied her just today
Maybe you had a better weapon
> Firekeeper: Congratulations Ashen One!
> Yuria: Congratulations Ashen One!
> Painter Lady: Congratulations Ashen One!
> Chosen Undead: Congratulations Ashen One!
Don't do this to me, user. Those are the two figures I NEED more info on. Sen being called the "divine architect" might imply he designed Anor Londo and all it's moving parts? Fuck
>took 30 tries with my SS build, SL around 60-70
>1 try with Curved GS and Catherdral GS builds
I got fucked hard the first time I tried to do it. I also didn't know you could parry her.
Shes harder with people, I lay down my sign a lot to fight her and still only have like a 20% successes rate because the shitters who summon me die on her 3rd phase.
Wish the game had a boss rush mode so I could avoid other people to replay bosses
>The DLC is playing out how they fucked up the end of the Age of Dragons
Fund it.