Beautiful video game areas

Beautiful video game areas
points for obscurity

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skyrim, sovngarde
the place where you fight the dragon at the end of the main story. it's really pretty, especially the skybox

>points for obscurity
As in the game or the area?

the spaceship in Crysis

the area i guess if you feel it's underated in a game

no one ever talks about how cool this area was in GR1


>not age 223


who are the builders

I like that little island, but from the other direction where you can see the huge stump and little building.

I was JUST thinking about this area for some reason.

I consider myself a Myst expert and I don't understand this.


Then again most of the areas/zones in this game are beautiful

that prison island triggered my autism fantasy hard when I was a kid. I remember just looking around for an hour when I discovered it.

Alice madness returns is chockful of gorgeous areas

One of last gens gems, play that shit faggots

Myst/Uru circlejerk thread?

I'm up for it. That series (and Obduction) just ooze incredible design.


that place piss ed me off when Dusty was sick

Because it wasn't cool. The fire place was much better.

Guys. Come on.