What should I expect?

This is my first GTA game. I've played sleeping dogs though

Wide as an Ocean, deep as a puddle.
Good game though.


Honestly one of the worst

At least play 3, VC, or SA before this

That's not indicative of GTA as a whole BTW. I'd say play Vice City and San Andreas for the best the series has to offer but they're dated and newcomers might not be able to fully appreciate them.

it was pretty decent desu
I dont get the hate on it but personaly I think VC and SA are way better

Atrocious aiming mechanics, bad driving physics, characters feel like they're always moving through molasses, edgy liberal bias, boring setting, always having to turn off the radio every time you get in a vehicle, high attention to detail, large variety of things to explore.

Only play GTA if you're just looking for a way to waste time. If you have anything, absolutely anything better to do, do that instead. It's a game where you can do anything, but you do it slowly and clunkily. Its only saving grace is the detail poured into the world.

>1st gta
it's a good game you fucking underage faggot

Can't wait for VI to come out so that Sup Forums will start liking V.

I liked SD more than GTAV.

driving is like a racing game and the best in the series same goes for aiming

18+ please leave


3 and vice city are absolute dog shit.

(compared to 5)

What's up with GTA V? I've spent numerous hours playing I, III, SA and IV and had loads of fun in all of them, but for some reason I dropped V after about an hour and never felt like retrying again. Is there something wrong with the game or is it my crippling depression?

I don't understand why they spend so much artistic effort making a boring real life setting. As games approach photorealism, realistic settings are the WORST settings to replicate because they're so familiar. Let me see GTA in the year 2500 or something. At least Red Dead is interesting to look at.

epect to kys for being a consolecuck.

They gimped the single player campaign to focus on online.

Sup Forums only hates it because it took so long to get ported to pc desu
>muh shark card
>muh 4 is better
>muh crashing animations

they're just obese entitled little babbies

>fixed driving
>big open world, bought back planes and shit
>best gunplay
>seamlessly can switch between 3 characters whenever you want, also structured the story around 3 characters which complicates things a lot from a development point of view
>managed to hide almost all loading times in cutscenes
>somehow all this ran on the old toasters known as PS3 and XBOX 360

The single player wasn't gimped

Honestly one of the best games ever made, they perfected open world, with a shitton of fun stuff to do, theirs a reason it's still selling so well to this day and hasn't had a consistent price drop since its release.

It's genuinely a great game and you can spend hours upon hours fucking around with the mechanics in sp alone.

The online, although grindy has potential for limitless entertainment, as you can literally do just about anything.

It's a phenomenal game, objectively the greatest GTA ever made, and if you aren't some contrarian cuck you'll have loads of fun.

The series has better but it's still an exceptional game. Don't listen to the other faggots, Sup Forums is predisposed to disliking popular games. Now go play your vidya, and come back when you aren't 15, OP.