Fucking hell. Did anyone else think this game, especially the settlement system, were awfully fun?
Fucking hell. Did anyone else think this game, especially the settlement system, were awfully fun?
it is until there is no satisfaction in improving the settlements. if they added perks or different lines it would make it worth it. also all the AI bugs break immersion
I didn't find building settlements fun at all, but crafting retarded kinds of weapon was great
It was ok, but i'm not a fallout fan so that's probably why i enjoyed it.
Get rid of protag voice acting, gib more choices
Building a perfectly planned system of living quarters and farmland and other utilities really soothed my autism, it's a great feeling to be honest.
Same kinda feel you get when you draw tessalating triangles all over your schoolbook
I unironically love this game and still play it regularly to this day. Settlement building is a major strength of this game - anyone that says otherwise just lacks the imagination necessary to make it fun.
Or has played better building games
It was ok, building my own homebase was pretty cool.
Wonder how they will add it into the next tes game
I think one of the biggest problems this game had was no level cap.
It didn't feel fun (LIke 3 or NV) in the way that you could get to the top level with the games' most powerful weapons and literally steam roll anything in your way.
>I remember encountering a randomly generated Super mutant group that took probably 10 shots each from the last minute to kill, bullet sponge enemies aren't fun
Does the ps4 have a mod for snow? Or any weather conditions?
jej, I knew it was for literal autists
Ive played through the game twice and i didn't touch the settlement system or mod system.
This garbage fluff does not make up for how much this isn't an a RPG or more importantly, a Fallout game.
Same desu
Don't you have to build settlements ?
I like how Fallout 4 is so polished and up to date, it has none of the shitty animations, flat lighting and abysmal gameplay the previous games had.
Too bad they fucked up everywhere else.
In Survival you do. Every other difficulty is so laughably easy that you can just build one water purifier farm and be done with settlements.
I didn't know it had difficulties. So I should play on survival even if it's my first fallout? Or is that too hard?
How do i get my Settlement to increase in its size?
And how do i remove synth from the premises?
save game, kill everyone in settlement to find the synth, load game and only kill the synth
i think size increases over time
It's very tough on low levels. You should expect to get instakilled by random explosives, traps and unexpected enemies. Since you can only save in beds, you have to be extra careful with everything you do. You also can't just bounce around the map via fast travel, you're going to have to walk and use settlements as outposts.
So, it would probably be an absolute pain in the ass for a first time player, but at the same time very rewarding. If you do plan on playing survival, you should spare no expense on making your character resilient and powerful.
I guess resources are a lot more scarce as well?
Wish that once I put a door on my home it turned it into an enterable building that's not connected to the outside
There's just no reason to play any difficulty harder than Hard, game turns into one/two shot deaths and enemies into bullet sponges. Shit ain't fun senpai
Nope, but you can't haul nearly as much junk. Cells also reset much slower, which means junk, enemies and other items will only respawn after a long time.
Settlement building was complete and utter shit without mods to remove restrictions on it, and even after you do that you'll still be punished for trying when a raider group spawns in the middle of town past all your defenses and wins if you don't fast travel back to stop them and all your shit gets smashed
If I wanted to play minecraft or tower defense I fucking would, it was a massive waste of effort when the game desperately needed more time spent populating the wasteland and creating interesting DLC regions
It's true that the lower difficulties are much more bearable, but they just lack some important stuff like ammo weight, realistic carry weight, eating and drinking.
Personally, I would just play survival with a fast travel and quicksave mod if I wanted to make the game more relaxed.