Birth year

Birth year
First video game

>Black ops 1

Those were the days

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off

You were born before January 29, right?

lol I can't wait for next year when people born in 2000 are 18.

Gotta be 18+ to be on this site.
Time moves forward? WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT?

So many people can't fucking handle it. Hell I still get shit for being "young" and I was born in fucking '94

Go to bed, old man.

Imagine Sup Forums in 5 years

>hey guys remember Overwatch? I was 12 when it came out!

I'm 18 years old but I'm never gonna start saying that shit even when I do start getting older just because of how annoying it is

Anyone born after 1990 is a newfag. Been this way since about 2010

You know it's a meme right

Everybody born after 92' should be redirected to reddit.

"hurdur you gotta be 40 to post here kids get out reeeeeee"

I was born on the 13th of January. Checkmate

No, there's people who actually say it unironically and its fucking annoying

Then stop being a newfag and not reveal your age

I think this was my first game, either that or Glover on N64.

I was born 1992, but I remember playing stuff on N64.

Most of them are already on reddit. Unfortunately Sup Forums came to accept reddit a while back.

>buzz bumble
Best game for the 64

Not him but I see people get absolutely ass blasted anytime you remind them daimond and Pearl was 10 years ago or shit like that.

>exposing yourself to data mining

Gauntlet was great, played this game with my dad all the time. The ps2 game even more, loved all the unlockables.

Why are you using "" instead of >

>tfw Black Ops is the best Call of Duty but since it came out directly after MW2 (the one that launched gaming into the normiesphere) it'll always have a reputation as being for dudebros and kids

Yeah like me, holy shit i had no idea

That bother the shit out of me. Not that fact that faggots make twitter/youtubers/streamers thread, its the rest of the faggots that dont sage and even participate there.

l blame Tortanic desu

"not using meme quotes"
Get with the times, gramps

>Earliest memory I have is playing pic with my dad.

It's not shocking to you because you were probably a prepubescent with a tight, supple little body when that came out. So time moves slower when you're a kid. But i was 20 when that game came out, and it feels like it was only a few years ago, not a fucking decade ago. It's an autistic thing to get annoyed over though

>mega man 2

I know exactly how you feel. Mass Effect doesn't feel like it came out 9 years ago. Hell the Mass Effect 3 shenanigans feels like two years ago when it was like 5.

> SNES: cartridge with Mario, Contra, Extreme Biker and other shit
> PC: Mortal Kombat 4

Yep. LPers are now generally accepted on this board, and only a few minority diehards refuse to accept it including myself. You should not be allowed to make money from playing video games, and you should be ashamed of yourself if you still play games over the age of 13. Which i am and i have come to terms with.

> 1998
> super Mario 64 at the hospital emergency room in 2004

>Halo 5

So fucking good my bros.

>You should not be allowed to make money from playing video games

>waaaah waaaaah why isn't the government restricting capitalism waaaah

You guys sound like fucking iidots

Is it true that Halo 5: Guardians has the best multiplayer since Halo 2?

Fucking cringe.

And you call yourselves oldfags.

Boggles the mind how some faggots think that its perfectly ok to WATCH people play games.

At least try to hide the reddit.

I don't dislike LPers because they make money off vidya per se, I dislike them for having hordes of fans that pollute this board with their shit, and because why would I want to watch someone play games when I can play them myself?

But the government does restrict capitalism. And I'm not asking the government to do anything. I just think publishers should sue the shit out of the cancer tweens making money off their product.

Calling yourself an oldfag is what newfags do

>tfw in just a few years you'll be able to pretend you were born in 2002 and that your first game was Halo 3

Didn't mean to quote this here.

>word is now reddit
Like poetry

>companies should shut down what is esentially bonus advertising and revenue because its hurts your feelings

You're not helping your case

>Spear of Destiny or the DOOM shareware are the first I remember.

A bunch of other MS-DOS games my dad got from a guy at work. I remember Math Blaster and a Wheel of Fortune game too.

Look at grandpa over here. Goddamn.

Nice wojak, did you get it at r/the_donald?

are posts like this just plain trolling or autism?

>Grand Turismo 4

oh fuck jesus christ im way too old to be on Sup Forums my life really is fucking this right now isnt it jesus christ i just wanna play diablo 2 with my brother

great game, those were better days

>January 1993
>have almost no memories of playing games before 2001
All I remember is some Mario on gameboy, Mario 64, and Banjo Kazooie at friend's houses.

Only reason you autists get so worked up about this is because it makes you realize you're still at home doing nothing.

tell you what I was told many years ago on Sup Forums.

Regardless you are a newfag or an oldfag. You are still a fag.

Memes aside.
Black Ops is best CoD

Should an art gallery guide tour person get money for presenting a priceless painting to the public, despite having no input into the product itself?

You can scream hur capitalism as much you want, but there is right and there is wrong. And most of these LPers have no trade or skill to get a real job, so they leech off videogames because they're manchildren.

Nice. Story?




>not ok to watch people play games
What? Like, the radbrad guy on youtube? Or like anyone playing anything? I agree watching an LP is retarded if it's like just boring commentary over a game that you don't care about or plan on playing yourself soon. But watching someone interesting or funny commentate over a simple game like a rogue like or something is fine. Shit it's usually my go to while I'm eating.

>cringe as fuck
>better say he's from le reddit since I don't have any actual defense against this, because I'm cringe as fuck
dumb nigger

Underage redditor detected.

not being diverse in a diverse environment

All memes aside


>all this autistic screetching about ages and "old fags"

Fucking lmao, as if there is any pride in being here longer than a week.

clearly if I'm here calling you a fucking retard I'm not on reddit jerking people off.

Also think of something new. reddit comebacks are the equivalent to "your mom". Just makes you look like a dumbass who can't think of anything smart to say.

>hes so new he hasn't seen that image posted before on here

Really showing your age

>Prince of Persia, for DOS

Shut the fuck up, reddit kid

First game was Doom
Still love first person shooters

Not him, but your writing style makes people believe you actually are a redditor, and I'd hazard a guess you're about 17.

The problem isn't the age, it's the shit games you love because of nostalgia.

I expected nothing more.

Super mario bros.

toki:going ape spit on the genesis

not even shitting you

>shattered steel

I only played educational games and click adventures like putt putt before that


Earliest I recall was a Galaga machine, Mario 64, and all my SEGA Genesis games. Not really sure which came first, mind you.


Yeah like pic related. I love this game but time wasn't kind with it.

Literally this

>Should an art gallery guide tour person get money for presenting a priceless painting to the public, despite having no input into the product itself?

The only way you could have made an metaphor worse than that is if you used food.

Let me explain to you:
>publisher releases a game
>popular person plays game and records himself doing it
>puts himself on a global website that millions can access
>spreads awareness and support for game
>person gets ad revenue in return, maybe some money by publisher
>publisher gets awareness and sales in return

Its nothing like a gallery.

l'm the guy you are actually replying to.

>What? Like, the radbrad guy on youtube? Or like anyone playing anything?
Yes, waching LPs of any kind makes you a huge fucking faggot. Literally the same as those kids that said stupid shit like "l dont mind watching guys, keep playing" at slumber parties.

If you wanna look for a game try watching a fucking silent playthrough without some faggot yelling at the mic trying to be funny.

>better say he's from le reddit since I don't have any actual defense against this, because I'm cringe as fuck
Fuck me you must really lack any sort of self awareness .

Either lurk more or go back.

>Luigi's Mansion


Maybe if you didn't like the worst installments of the franchises', we could have been friends.

>not simon's quest

how to spot a literal contrarian

Persona 4 is inferior in every way to 3 except for this song:
Calling Symphony of the Night worse than Simon's Quest is obvious bait.
Calling MGS2 worse than MGS4 or V is also obvious bait.

We can still be friends just step up your game.

I don't need to imagine that, I already see people having a nostalia over Crysis and Mirror's Edge because they were 12 in 2007.

>Super Mario Bros.

the joys of living a third world country

>Simon's Quest

Take that AVGN and Egoraptor nonsense and blow it out your ass. SotN was a bigger fault for needless backtracking than any other Castlevania game.
>Reverse Castle
Fuck off

Any '92 folks here? How does it feel to be old, brothers?

You have a lot to learn about capitalism. Having "exposure" or awareness has very little bearing on returns. Nobody goes to an art gallery to see their favourite guide tour present it. Nobody says "woah that tour sure was incredible, he showed me all the art, what a professional!"

No, you're just there to see the art. That is how you enjoy the product, as was intended. To enjoy a video game is to play it. Not to watch someone play it and therefore in turn earn him money for doing it. Because that person hasn't done anything. He's just leeched off the creative talents of others, put on a camera and said stupid shit over it. He should not be encouraged to make a living over that.

No matter how much you dress this up, call it capitalism or call them entertainers, they're just losers feeding off your dumb tastes. They have no positive attributes, no job prospects and most are high school dropouts.

I recently played the sequel and I think the part that suffered the most was the non-fluid controls.Ships are very eager to immediately stabilize and level out in a way that breaks up dogfights or strafing runs. The only ship that I really think handles in a natural way is the Falcon, mostly because aiming is assisted by a tracker. I really want an star wars reskin of ace combat.

It feels pretty bad knowing that I'm older than 80% of a board on a Uzbek Carpet Art website I should have left a long time ago.

I'm 21, and I browse the league of legends subreddit every now and then when I'm in a phase of playing the game, and occasionally I check the creepypasta subreddit before I go to sleep but it's always garbage. I don't have an account or post anything.

What's wrong with my writing style?

>Yes, waching LPs of any kind makes you a huge fucking faggot. Literally the same as those kids that said stupid shit like "l dont mind watching guys, keep playing" at slumber parties.
>Had slumber parties
>Watching a silent playthrough is fine but getting another person's reaction and initial experience of a game is objectively bad 100% of the time
This guy thinks of jacksepticeye and markiplier when he thinks of "LPers". Yes these channels and all channels like them are trash. But are you ignoring or simply ignorant of the channels that play games and just talk to their audience like normal people and play through the game like a normal person? Channels of people who don't put on a fake as fuck happy go lucky always loud and obnoxious mask while they play.

>Fuck me you must really lack any sort of self awareness
Be specific. Saying I have a lack of self-awareness without actually calling me out on anything specific makes it seem like your're using generic insults since you don't actually have anything to say.

P3 and P4 are both trash for different reasons. Go Eikichi or go home.

>Simon's Quest
Have you played it? It's cryptic, but nowhere near as mind-numbing as SotN's barebones level design. I won't argue that Simon's Quest is a shit game though.

>Hurr MGS2 is still better than 4 and 5
Doesn't make it a good game, that's for sure. At least MGS4 came packaged with the best Online and MGSV came with a free frisbee in the case.

>Croc legend of the gobbos on my dads PC.

I've been meaning to play Persona 2, I know there aren't social links so is it just a dungeon crawler akin to SMT games? Also what's the best way to go about playing it?

>Have you played it?
I have and I didn't care for it.

>Hurr MGS2 is still better than 4 and 5
You said the worst from their respective franchises which is false as 4 and V are far worse than any game in the original trilogy.

>pokemon yellow in like '02
Or maybe it was one of those flash games on the cartoon network website, or maybe it was miniclip.

>muh art gallery

Again with comparing apples to fucking carrots.
An art showcase has less outreach and economic ability then video games do.

>duck hunt