Release date sure would be nice, plus I want footage of at least one more of the revisit stages just so we can see just how different and remixed they really are. If we're getting more old stages than new, then the reception of this game hangs entirely on how good those remix stages are. I don't just want to take Taxman's word on this one, I need to see to believe.

>Switch trailer is the same footage from July


>then the reception of this game hangs entirely on how good those remix stages are.

I know what you mean. I hate how some faggot is always frothing at the mouth and waiting to jump you if you commit wrongthink and express concern over more recycled levels rather than new ones. Same with pointing out that classic sonic has no reason for being in sonic 17 is also wrongthink. The new stages look brilliant but im not seeing the le depth that green hill has. Its act 1 and 2 taped together and is needlessly huge/expanded on for no reason as if it were a sonic 3 or CD level.

If I could be honest, im probably just going to pirate it for the new levels and disregard everything else.

Uh, sorry, what?

>Same with pointing out that classic sonic has no reason for being in sonic 17 is also wrongthink
To this day I still don't think I quite understand what Classic Sonic is doing in Project 2017. Do Sega not realize that, by having a direct comparison between Mania and the Sonic Team """"Classic"""" gameplay, it's only going to make Project 2017 look worse in comparison? Not to mention, there's just no need for it anymore. Let classic and modern be their own branches of the franchise. They don't need to fight for space in the same game.

>mfw Studiopolis is the ONLY new level

That would undoubtedly be hilarious but we've already seen a second new level: Mirage Saloon

The lack of new information besides that desert level and knuckles gameplay make me feel a bit worried, hopefully everything is okay.

Christian Whitehead said he wants to keep most of Sonic Mania a surprise for when the game comes out.

It'll likely come out at the end of April or in May.

Exact same seniments here. Now would be the perfect time to formally separate the brand but sega just doesnt fucking get it. They had it down a decade ago, with the gba/ds getting 2D games and letting sonic team experiment and do whatever with 3D console games. Once I saw CS appear in that reveal trailer i was so sad, confused, and disappointed. Generations will still be the last sonic team sonic game i buy until they make a brand new 3D modern game with no CS or nostalgia panderin


It'll be May. Also, i'm cool not seeing any more zones until release. want some surprises.

>tfw preordered the collectors edition
hope I don't end up feeling stupid for wasting 50 bux

You spent 50 more burgers on a plastic statue that wont do anything besides collect more dust and doesnt even come with a physical copy. If youre already having doubts id cancel your preorder and get the regular

They are playing safe, let's be honest here, even when Colors was pretty nice the series started to get more positive attention after Generations, and Lost World wasn't really the hottest shit, so the logical conclusion would be that classic sonic helps a lot when it comes to reception, and besides that Sonic Boom fucked everything up, so sadly I don't think we are going to get a new moder-only sonic game in some time.
Hopefully everything goes right with 17 and Mania so they start making something that isn't generation 3 & knuckles.

Colors sucked though

Replaying it today greatly magnifies its problems and makes it a 5/10 or so experience at best, personally id give a 4

I kinda want to believe in Taxman, but the things he said were a bit ambitious for me, like the game being longer than Generations.

>like the game being longer than Generations
Presumably he meant zone-wise, rather than hour-for-hour (Generations has all of those dumb missions). I don't see it being particularly difficult for them to top 9 zones. Hell, it SHOULDN'T be difficult for them to top Sonic 3 & Knuckles too, considering they're recycling zones

Generations is only like 4 hours minus side missions. S3&K is probably about that long if you play through with every character and make a point to get all the emeralds each time. Maybe longer.

Thats honestly not that hard since one is an HD production with the hedgehog engine and tons of detail along with accounting the length needed for modern sonic stages (all of which are shorter and slower than anything in unleashed while were at it) compared to mania.

10+ zones plus all the shitty little bosses sonic developers for some reason love throwing in, i can totally see it being longer than generations

The only game with midbosses was Sonic 3 & Knuckles and this game doesn't even have them on every zone.

Honestly what is your problem? I'm confused. Does fighting bosses drag the game down for you somehow?

>switch trailer has more views than the original

just buy sonic already nintendo

They said every level will have its on mini boss. I dont like sonic bosses because theyre unintuitive and simply not fun. If there has to be bosses, make them like heroes or unleashed where they can be cheesed in a minute or so and let me get on with playing the levels that are actually fun to move and play in

>and this game doesn't even have them on every zone.
If you're talking about Mania, then they've already said that the plan is to have mini-boss/boss encounter in every level.

>this game doesn't even have them on every zone
99.99% sure it does, they're just either not all in a state to be shown off, or Taxman and friends didn't want to spoil the bosses for the new zones

>it's almost spring
>full winter, spring doesn't start until March 21

Yeah, and never release anything new of it like every nintendo franchise besides the ones that miyamoto created.

I'd have lost my shit if Mega Man showed up in P2017 if Sonic needs a companion those two need to cross over.

Or I'd rather just M.Sonic be on his own, don't take away what made Sonic Generations its own thing.

>If there has to be bosses, make them like heroes or unleashed where they can be cheesed in a minute or so
That should be just fine then, nearly every classic Sonic boss, with the exception of maybe end-game bosses and that cunty tunnel """""boss""""" in Labyrinth Zone can be beaten in a minute or under. Hell, a lot of them can be beaten in 20 seconds or less if you know exactly how to jank them out.

>no Chaotix or Snively DLC

Unlike those games people care for Sonic.

Speaking of Chaotix
>tfw no rereleases

>Sonic/Megaman crossover
Didn't that happen in the comics? Although it'd still be all sorts of awesome if there was an official videogame crossover.

Sure but that doesnt get rid of the its not fun problem. I dont like when bosses are integrated into the end of a level. Just make the fucking thing its own act like the 3D games do and even sonic 4. Either that or put an invincible box before every box so i can stand there and it kills itself. Sonic bosses are this fucking boring

>tfw Mania will sell truckoads and Sega will allow Stealth and Taxman to make a sequel with entirely new zones

Nigga I will execute Taxman PERSONALLY if he tries tainting classic Sonic's legacy with comicshit

Chaotix r cool tho

Carnival Night Zone.

>I dont like when bosses are integrated into the end of a level. Just make the fucking thing its own act like the 3D games do and even sonic 4
This strikes me as a non-issue. What's the problem here exactly? If there's a checkpoint shortly before the boss anyway (and there nearly ALWAYS is in classic Sonic iirc), what's the difference between it being it's own act or it being the end of the level?

>tfw Mania will sell truckloads and Sega will take it away from them to develop the next game in-house and hog all the glory
spoiler: they don't do a good job

Snively is literally the only good thing to come out of the comics, fuck you

Back to r3ddit, both of you

>the insta-shield
>tails' tails
>knuckles doesn't even fight it

Because i dont want to crash into something 8 times or learn some stupid ass contraptions patterns! I want to touch the goal and be done and move on and get back to going fast, jumping, and rolling. Another game that did this that i just realized, sonic cd. Thats probably why its my favorite 2D sonic game.

Act 1 boss can be beaten in under 30 seconds with the right positioning and timing, or even in about 10 seconds if you're hot speedrunner shit. Effective use or the air slash can take out Act 2's boss in 20 seconds or less. Problem where?

Still can't beat Death Egg, huh kid?

Sega can't be this retarded right?

Well they did make Sonic 4: Episode 1 and thought "Yes, this is okay, people will love this"

>take it away from them to develop the next game in-house and hog all the glory
Take what away? Sonic is theirs in the first place

If you mean Taxman's engine, they physically couldn't

He's probably referring to the midstage boss that can only be cheesed if you're lucky enough to get the bottom in the right position.

How the fuck are they going to remake the sonic CD levels without the past and future mechanic?

You know what I meant, you faggot

Act 1: Elements of past and present combined
Act 2: Elements of both futures combined

ez pz

um no, it's got a cool genesis too

Use the present template...?

Sonic cd wasted so much resource wise. All those pallete swaps that were never seen or briefly used, all that wasted music. The game is so fucking wasteful

The fuck's your problem, I was just asking what you meant. I assumed you were talking about the engine Mania is ran on

>Elements of past and present combined

whenever i made a good future i would always hang out a bit in it to bask in earning it. Its easy to just zip through them

It all makes sense now! Taxman is basically Australian Noel Fielding, after all

I know what you mean, i did that too but you can only stand around in the same place for so long doing nothing

At least every other sonic after cd wasnt as wasteful

Until Nintendo declares no one cares for Sonic anymore, and the only time we ever see the poor bastard is Smash Bros.

>Until Nintendo declares no one cares for Sonic anymore
Eh, Sonic won't experience such a drastic drop in sales and popularity like say, F-Zero, any time soon.

how is this cringe? He is well groomed he has nice fitting clothes that arent baggy or sag.

All it takes is one shitty Sonic game, and we all know those aren't exactly an uncommon thing

>Slicked back hair
>Purple color scheme
>Skulls on tie
Pretty sure it's some kind of JoJo reference but admittedly I don't know enough about the series to say for sure.

Probably disclosed on Groundhog Day. They always do this shit.

I believe it's end of march/april

And yet people are still buying his games.
Even the bad ones still sell relatively well.

>Implying a shitty Sonic game would kill the franchise, under Nintendo's ownership or not
Even in it's darkest times, core Sonic games always break a few million.