Does anyone remember that game?
it's litterally god tier
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6 was better but 7 is still fun.
>Not Isles of Terra/World Of Xeen
Literally trash tier taste!
I love the music in this game.
3-5 are good but they're piss easy and not as fun to explore.
it seems that people are divided between 6 and 7
I love 6 but I think it's a little bit too "generic" in terms of gameplay, ie most classes can get the best profiency in most of their skills, or you can learn the top tier spell as soon as you can buy it etc
In 7 the game is smaller but it feels more like each classes and paths are different from one another
also fucking HD remake when?
Pretty good dungeon and world design.
Combat was always bad. It's only interesting in the first hour. After that, cast Day of Protection+Sorcery and auto attack everything.
I know the main point of the series was to be a counter to Wizardry and it's clones bullshit difficulty, but they made things too simple.
Why did they let this series die man.
8 was the last good one. 9 was utter garbage
After 9 they just let the series die for years.
And 10 simply doesnt feel like the MM games i liked the most.
The class restrictions in 7 were poorly thought out and didn't make the game better. Tying spells to proficiency levels was shit too.
I don't think that really matters. Both 3-5 and 6/7 are over 18 years old.
>tfw you are legally allowed to fuck MM7 at this point
this is still the best
Really? I heard M&M X was actually surprisingly decent.
It's an okay blobber but a terrible Might and Magic game.
Where original games had charming DnD simplicity to its concepts you have unintuitive class and skill names like freemage or blademaster or whatever the fuck
Instead of an open world you can explore at your own pace or even break in half if you know the how-tos you're railroaded through the storyline from location to location - not even MM9 did this
The setting is uninteresting and the visuals are bad and recycled as the game is made in Unity, and you might think, well, M&M isn't really known for its visuals, well sure, but MMX came out in 2014 for fuck's sake
It's basically nostalgia bait made by people who don't really know or understand the old games that made the brand what it is and this pattern will repeat itself with Heroes 7, only much, much worse. MMX is actually an okay game taken on its own merits. Heroes 7 is not.
idk, I think it's a weird design that basically 100% of the game is available without restriction
it's the same with the world were they created tons of HUGE dungeons that are sometimes too empty
But yeah basically MM7 is a casualiazed version of MM6
It is
It's just not like MM6-9 but like MM1-5
Freeroam dungeoncrawlers were never as widespread or popular as the tilebased ones for some very weird reason.
Most wiz clones are about mashing A six times anyways and using a spell or two. Blobber combat was never deep and M&M just focuses on open world and exploration with simple rulesets instead of multiclassing D&D inspired messes
>but like MM1-5
No it's not. MMX is nothing like MM1-5 except for having tile movement. Fuck off with this bullshit.
>cast wizard's eye
>Playing MM6 with friends as kids
>One on mouse, one on movement, one on hotkeys, etc
>We each have a character for whom we are responsible for making the decisions for
Best vidya experience of my life
>idk, I think it's a weird design that basically 100% of the game is available without restriction
That's the appeal.
I enjoyed the games when i was a kid but they aged horribly.
The game play is kinda way to simple for my tastes.
Wizardry was better if you asks me.
>aged horribly
M&M aged far better than any Wizardry game
>Emeral tutorial Islan
>Dragon Cave where I'm not supposed to kill the dragon and just run to steal loot
>Attack the dragon with bows for 15 mins while straffind and dodging
>Dragon is finally killed
>scum save his loot until I get god tier artifact as loot
that game is fucking good
however the people of the Island should have acknlodged it at least
>MM7 engine remake in Unity being made by slavs
>looks like shit and 0 charm
>everyone is creaming themselves because it's real 3D
Modders have bad taste. Same thing with DF unity where people are replacing nice looking sprites with ugly 3D models.
I agree that 7 had better gameplay. Physical classes were actually good unlike in 6. I liked the Grandmaster skills too.
But 6 had better everything else.
>there will never be a game with 6s dungeon/overworld design+7s balance and polish+8s race/class variety
Grandmaster skills were mostly shit like weapon skill being a bonus to AC. MM7 didn't have enough playtesting/balancing time and a lot of changes they did broke things more. They ended up making light/dark magic even more overpowered with elemental resistances while nerfing elemental magic.
Nailed it.
8s didn't really have a particular class variety it was the same classes from 7 locked to specific portraits. Vampires were the thieves, Minotaurs were paladins, Trolls were knights+ but then there were also knights, necromaners were sorcerers, night elves archers and clerics were... well, clerics. They threw monk out of the window which was unfortunate and also the druid which is whatever since druid was shit but yeah.
>MM 3-5
ma niggah, patrician taste there user
dont listen to the casuals who prefer rt kiting
>Grandmaster skills were mostly shit like weapon skill being a bonus to AC
they also made stuff like
>Grandmaster guarantess a 100% chance to [ID object/disarm trap/sale object at exact value]
which I think was a good idea, but most people seem to not like it
>you can only recruit specific NPCs besides your initial character
It'd make the game 10x better if they allowed you to create a full party from the start.
Now basically every party is :
>my hero
>the first 3 NPCs you get in the first town that creates a balanced team
>a dragon later
this idea was retarded. At some point you end up finding overpowered level 50s NPCs with all skills etc, so you either recruit them and become overpowered or keep the guys you've become attached to
For a 2014 ubishit game, I'd say MMX is surprisingly great. but of course it cant compete with the classics. Mechanically it is more akin to 1-5, but with the stupid Trainer system from the "new" games.
What really drags the game down is the terribly misguided effort to create a unified "Ubiverse", homogenizing MM, HOMM and the card game (RIP)...
I still don't get why Ubisoft rebooted the setting and retconned anything interesting about it. I blame NWC for scrapping Forge instead of making it blend with the other towns.
Also MMX didn't have a god tier comfy soundtrack
In fact I'm struggling to remember if it had any music at all, probably because it was shitty LE AMBIENT XD by Roc Chen.