So why is he suddenly working with Umbrella?
So why is he suddenly working with Umbrella?
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He's not fucking Chris.
It's a ruse of some sort.
Credits said it was Chris
Credits are irrelevant.
"Redfield" looks nothing like Chris and works for somebody Chris would never work for. It's not fucking Chris. You're being tricked.
It's probably Hunk or maybe a clone of Chris.
Maybe Hunk has been a clone of Chris all along.
That'd be a good twist.
This, credits aren't gonna spoil his identity. The Japanese dub has 5 different fucking people listed as Chris in the credits.
They wouldn't retcon his entire appearance AND voice when they've got another CGI movie with RE5/6 Chris in it.
what's if Chris is a clone of hunk?
He's either a 40+ year old Chris or he's Hunk, codename "Redfield".
Pretty damn sure it's just Chris though.
>People still think this is in the main universe.
There's no hint that this version of umbrella is bad. Perhaps they're doing counterterrorism against Tentsu? Umbrella had been dead since 2000 in the main universe it wouldn't make any sense for it to revived with the same exact name after all the bullshitit caused
He ain't my Chris.
Or Hunk had viral therapy to make himself a Chris.
The guy punched boulders and beat Wesker while still human.
>There's no hint that this version of umbrella is bad
Raccoon city still happened user. Plagas still exist. Most of what it took to create Eveline is from previous studies in BOW development. Eveline is a combination of the G Virus and Las Plagas.
It's the main continuity.
Redfield is an extremely common last name. People are just jumping to conclusions that it's Chris.
The credits say so.
See It's a deliberate trick.
But where's the evidence. Similar events can still have in an alternate universe. I dont recall mention if plaga in RE7 nor the G-virus. Jacks final form resembles a G-virus infection, and the molded resemble Oroborous but thats it. No clear connection.
>I dont recall mention if plaga in RE7 nor the G-virus
Read the docs.
It looks like they just mixed all the viruses in one vat and out came the moldmen. They have features of G-Virus, Oroborous, and T-Aybss.
So kinda like Carla did with Ada?
>why does he look so different?
New art-style, it's pretty fucking obvious that everyone's look is less exaggerated than 5/6
>umbrella aren't a force for good
It's been 6/7 years since RE6. Rebranding Umbrella as a clean up crew during that time is not crazy. Fuck maybe it was Chris and co that did that
It'll be explained in the next 2/3 months probably and everyone can stop expecting some crazy twist. Just because RE7 emulaTed PT doesn't mean they're gonna rip off Kojimas bad plot twists
But RE has always had bad plot twists
>your boss is the villain
>the police are in cahoots with the evil company
>the Russian betrays you
>Ada's working for Wesker
>everyone can stop expecting some crazy twist
Speaking of PT, remember how everyone was sure that the first version of the Beginning Hour would have some super secret ending they just weren't trying hard enough to find, only for it turn out that they just hadn't put the final ending in yet, good times.
This new Umbrella is supposedly going to be explained in Vendetta.
And it's not 6/7 years since RE6. The game doesn't take place in the 2020.
I've read the docs nigger. No mention of either. Stop spreadin Fake News
Only the police chief, they were Umbrella soldiers the entire time, and Ada wasn't Wesker's dog but just using his resources while working for him for her own purposes.
Wesker was about the only twist.
what if he's Claire ?
I fucking hope it's not a reboot... If it's a reboot I'm not buying the next games
RE6 I think was 2012 though
gee, idk. it's probably a marketing ploy to get ppl interested in buying their dlc...
where did you find about those things? Everything in the last files were crossed over
next dlc is free
Wouldn't be surprised if Capcom was forcing a sjw agenda now too.
the chris dlc is free my good man
It's not. There are references to older games, like pic related.
Next DLC is the Banned Footage 1
Not a Hero doesn't come until Spring.
I just want to see Evil Natalex. Fuck blonde Chris and blue Umbrella
Yeah, but even so . blonde Chris and Blue Umbrella is too much and there is no evidence from those references that people knew Umbrella was behind all that shit
Hunk is Chris?
Someone at CAPCOM's been playing too much Metal Gear.
What did you guys think about the game in general though?
It starts in 2012 with Sherry, but the bulkd of the story is in 2013 due to the 6 months timeskip.
Pretty underwhelming story and character wise.
I work at Capcom.
It's Clay Redfield: i.e. Claire Redfield after her operation.
You just want it to be a new universe. Capcon announced in the beginning that they weren't retconning anything, that they were continuing the story of the world where they left off.
It's obviously a fucking trick, of course it isn't Chris, the fact that we're even debating this is ridiculous.
>looks nothing like his past model or the one in the upcoming movie.
>comes by in an Umbrella chopper.
>gives the player Albert fucking Wesker's gun
This, same as every RE desu, except this one was a 6 hour walking simulator with occasional shooty things happening.
Why is this series still a thing? Evil Within wasn't perfect, but it was better than the last 3 mainline REs + spinoffs + remakes
I don't want it to be a new universe, I'm not the other user who said I'm genuinely scared that it is a reboot because Chris looks so different and the fact that Umbrella still exists and they have pulled shit like that with DmC before. The gun you get is named Albert too.
I really hope you are right, because I don't want all the other games down the fucking drain. But every paper and shit you find in RE7 never says it outright that Racoon City incident was caused by Umbrella etc. There were never any clear cut references, just soft references like "oh a picture of the Arklay mountains" etc
>>>gives the player Albert fucking Wesker's gun
The one that either got sucked out of the cargo plane into the ocean, went down with the plane into the volcano, or went down with Wesker into the volcano?
Good tension and atmosphere
The encounters with the Bakers were fun
But could used more enemy types
The 3rd act and mainly the final boss were a bit lackluster, thought the whole game would take place in the mansion while taking on the Baker family, nice twist switching characters though.
Overall, 8.5/10 for me.
It had the most human scene of any RE, ever (The real Jack talking with Ethan about Eveline)
Very well made overall. It doesn't have any of the Japanese weirdness/stilltedness of the previous RE games. If you didn't tell me otherwise I would have never guessed it was made by Japanese people. Graphics and Gameplay are great, pretty scary without relying too much on jump scares, just wish it was a little longer. Overall 8/10
yeah, I hated the lack of enemy-types too. Bakers were fun, but the part of the game where Jack can pop up in any room was over too quickly if you ask me. I liked the game otherwise, it got me focus on looking for ammo and health tems which felt good
(cont) the thing is, if you think about, if they do a reboot, then the next games will explain all the shit that happened in Raccoon City and I can totally see Capcom milk that shit like crazy too. It's hard to NOT be cynical
That was a warm scene, but I like Natalia hugging Barry more if we are going to compare.
Was thinking too that a lot of it felt western. But I like the old style. It's more dramatic. And silly I didn't like Ethan at all. He felt like an asshole.
This is marguerite's voice actor!
And silly.* I didn't like Ethan at all.
well it was written by westerners this time around i think
somehow still handled better than silent hill by westerners
It's a C-Virus copy like the fake Ada in RE6
We need a good big bad replacement after Wesker 's demise, Chris's cousin/clone/brother might work.
Another thing though, an official Umbrella helicopter and Umbrella altogether showing up when they're supposed to be dead and fucked by Wesker for more than 10 years ?
Fake Ada looked like Ada though
They already set that up for Natalex in Revelations 2. She is the one that funded Carlas Neo-Umbrella.
Re7s style is quite different, a bit more realistic, so could be just another redesign as boulder puncher Chris would be quite silly
I would never work for a company like Umbrella... And Wesker, you were formally with Umbrella.
RE5 Chris didn't look like RE1 or Code Veronica's version of Chris either.
more likely dumb western writers decided to fuck with the franchise, just like how dumb western developers were going to make Dead Rising 4 fun, because Dead Rising was appearantly never fun...
There was way too much profanity in RE7. I don't mind it but too much really makes it look like they're trying to be edgy and it takes me out of the experience. Like Ethan screaming fuck over and over again when he lifts the pot lit and a roach gets on his hand. Normal people wouldn't react that extremely to just a bug, especially if they're from the south and see bugs twice that size on a daily basis.
but they explained that in files that he had been working out.
How are they going to explain this? He just lost weight and now is blonde and... looks younger too...
Should Lucas not die in the DLC, then it will probably be him.
>How are they going to explain this?
The Not A Hero dlc?
Why doesn't he look 50 though?
Why is everything about his character wrong?
Even a skinny Japanese dude was more convincing.
Christopher Alan Redfield, Jr.
>How are they going to explain this while not playing the reboot-card
I want to see that
If they could asspull Wesker having a son, I really won't be surprised to find out this one is Chrises. People in B grade fiction tend to have estranged kids no one knows about
Yeah, that felt weird. I played Resident Evil 0 not long ago and the dialogue is way different.
Even Resident Evil 4, which is arguably the edgiest of the Resident Evils don't curse that much
Old man Redfield went around playing games?
Claire and Chris have a half brother they never knew?
I could almost believe that since you mentioned Jake Muller.
why name him Chris though?
Is he blonde because of Jill had him while being infected by Weskers shit?
Because Capcom would have obviously revealed that it wasn't Chris in the fucking credits
If he was born when Chris has already bailed (I'd assume he concieved him when he was in USAF doing missions abroad). the mother could have named him that for whatever sentimental reason.
Would it, though?
Kojima has fried your brains with inane twists.
Why not just entertain the idea that something has happened in the 14 years since Umbrella has been officially publicly defunct and other pharmaceutical companies have been doing other shady shit(e.g. the events of RE5, RE6, Revelaitons 1 & 2, and 7 obviously), and that for Umbrella to be flying helicopters around fucking Louisiana in broad daylight with their logo plastered on the side, publicly working with a member of the BSAA, something had to have happened in the years since RE6?
Claire is on weird dating-failure-streak where all her boyfriends mutates into monsters for some reasons, so I should be Chris's son
didn't umbrella died in 2005 why is it back again why does this game take place after re6 if it has nothing to do with the main series, why wasn't it a spin off if no character comes back from previous entries like wtf is the fucking point of this game, it's a 60$ prequel to an actual RE game or what
I just don't find the idea of reviving a company under the name 'Umbrella' when it's responsible for getting cities nuked and thousands of people killed because of selfish reasons very convincing
yeah it's more likely that Capcom lied to us and Resident Evil 7 is actually a reboot...
>RE7 is a reboot
>game openly acknowledges the events of Raccoon City, including Outbreak
Wasnt chris an alchoholic mess around the time of res 6? How is he functioning and looking like a goddamn model now?
Also was umbrella around all along? I thought they went ybder officially? Is this nu umbrella?
Yeah they do.
But then they release next game and guess what? They are about the Raccoon City incident, because RE7 never acknowledged that things went down exactly like they did in the old games. Might be a new story and an even younger Chris and Jill and a Wesker who western writers are more okay with, someone they think is better written and says fuck a lot
and Barry is black homosexual man, because get with the times
Did any of the files ever say there was a zombie outbreak in Raccoon City? They just say incident in the files I read
>getting this upset that someone might change the tone of evil saturationman
grow up bud
>But then they release next game and guess what? They are about the Raccoon City incident
No shit, the next game's the resident evil 2 remake you dumbass
Does Zoe show up if you cure her instead of Mia?
Prolly the best RE game lacks enemy variety but overall pretty good. RE in first peron saved this shit franchise 2bh.
go fuck yourself. I don't want a reboot. Reboots are shit. If they don't wanna continue the old continuity they should just man up and start a new franchise instead