i don't see a problem here
I didn't want it anyway
i thought I read Nier was coming to pc or was I bamboozled.
>PS4 version is almost out
>PEEKEK still not even a fucking release date yet
>Partial Nudity
>Strong Language
All it's missing is Suggestive Themes.
I actually kinda hope it doesn't come to PC, because I don't want to wait longer than the PS4 version and I don't want to double-dip.
>Suggestive Themes.
goes without saying
>Sonyggers BTFO
Why is this game getting an M rating? Do we get to see her naked?
see PS4 gets NieR, and PC gets the waiting game
Suggestive themes is no longer in anything.
Because everything is suggestive and everyone can be offended by anything when they look hard enough.
>[backpedaling intensifies]
Sonycucks are really trying to force this meme huh?
>B-but we still get it first though
Nice exclusive you got there.
hopefully it gets canceled for PC. Buying denuvo for a title as niche as this would cause square to not make a return on their invesment so they should just skip the PC version entirely and I'm pretty sure they done that
Square reassures the PC version is coming
yes in 2019
>having to wait a year to play a game
the same literally happened to xbox and xbox normies were BTFO, you arent an exception
Nobody gives a fuck about a Skate 4 rumor.
Yes its a nice exclusive, you can enjoy when you get it someday
This. They essentially have to choose between keeping it a PS4 exclusive or essentially giving out a free game on or after release. They should just cancel it and work with Sony to make it PS4 exclusive. That's what I'm hoping as a PC user, if I had to choose between this and Ni No Kuni though I choose getting the latter for free, I don't mind keeping my PS4 for action games
I'm gonna wait and pirate it and there is nothing you can do about it
>not even nier is safe from platform wars shitposting
How are xbox normies BTFO for getting to play it first?
what the fuck?
No. Based on the ESRB site it'll be one of the male characters.
>Hello fellow PC users. Wouldn't it be the bee's knees if every game was PS4 exclusive?
Sonyggers are just feeling a bit down right now after the Ni no Kuni 2 and Ace Combat 7 news.
thank god they'll use denuvo
Thanks for beta testing.
TFW you get less and less reasons to get a PS4
>Bloodborne machince
>remains bloodbrone machine
Sure hope From comes to the rescue again. How will Sony recover?
jesus. why bother playing on pc at all if your just gonna suck sony's dick.
>>not even nier is safe from platform wars shitposting
By simply introducing PC into the fold that's where it stems from, a dual competing platform release. If this was PS4 exclusive this wouldn't happen.
Wow, we might have to wait one whole week after launch...
>If this was PS4 exclusive this wouldn't happen.
Not on neo-Sup Forums, where everything has to be a shitpost. No discussion allowed.
*5 days
>PS4cucks will test the game on 900p on a fluid 24 frames per second before the real product is released for the part of the populace that doesn't consist of poorfags
Nier threads have come a long way
You are retarded. If it was exclusive, there would be endless gold faces being posted.
Why do you keep making these fucking threads, holy shit?
What's your damage? You don't actually have FUN in these threads, do you?
And that populace will have to wait a half a year to get the product.
How does it feel to get sloppy seconds months after their prime?
RE7 had Denuvo too.
>A man impaled through the chest with a sword, resulting in large blood-splatter.
Did we just got spoiled? They're supposed to be androids and have no blood.
Nier was on Xbox 360
There would be one or two gold face replies in the thread if there were people port begging which they do often but most people dont respond to them because they dont acknowledge the cries of PC users and care more about the game. Ever since PC version of Nier was announced it has been endless platform war shitposting.
Leave Taros game alone
>pcfat has to meme this hard he has to wait
Are sonyggers the worst fanbase on Sup Forums?
A fanbase that calls others the worst is usally the worst
Probably Adam or Eve getting stabbed
They keep making this thread so probably
We have this thread literally every day now
PC version is delayed indefinitely, because Denuvo is cracked.
There is no exclusivity deal.
I sure like videogames
And Nier Automata is not on Xbox one and was thought to be a PS4 exclusive on release. What's your point? PC and PS4 are competiting, Xbox is completely irrelevant now
No, PC has been and always will be the most cancerous fanbase of the entire gaming community. Sony is used as a pretense to deflect criticism and circlejerk.
God you are retarded, who do you think makes PC port begging posts?
Face it, this is a never ending loop of shit regardless if there was a port or not.
>Paying to beta test
I thought Sonyggers didn't like early access memes?
I'm saying Nier was never an exclusive and that platformwar shitposting doesn't exist because of competing platform.
Also Sony can't compete with PC because PC isn't owned by a company. You can't compete with someone that doesn't exist.
>beta test
Nice rationalizing having to wait, PCuck.
Game is already complete, now they're just building hype for the release on the intended platform.
>Sonybros to beta test another game for us
Why aren't we thankful for their devotion to us, PC bros? Sonybros take it upon themselves to play the inferior buggy version so that we can get the masterpiece a bit later.
I just want to let you Sony fans know: I really appreciate what you are doing. Your service isn't going unnoticed.
>Platinum's latest blunder exclusively on Playstation
Why do you fucking think
>who do you think makes PC port begging posts?
Who else but the fanbase who has basically coined the term? Who else begs for ports? When PC is the sheer majority fanbase on this website there will be collateral. Some are fine sitting by watching PS4 owners get served up various games but some don't have that kind of will and will attempt to beg, bargain, rationalize or trivialize games through PC hardware. As I said you might get one or two people replying to port begging with gold faces but many don't give a fuck or don't want to make the person feel any worse than he dose so they just ignore port beggars most of the time
Stop shitposting
Will buy it on both PC and PS4, sue me
ITT: Sonyggers pretending to be PCfats and PCfats preteneding to be Sonyggers in an epic battle for who can shitpost the hardest
But I was getting it on PS4 first anyway.
Do I have to play the other nier games? are they on pc or do I have to go out and buy them for my ps4/ps3.
What are they like?
Sure thing. I don't see PC users making so many of these threads. Sonyggers are literally the worst shitposters.
And I say this as idort.
Not a single word of what you said is true. Once you've been on Sup Forums for longer than a year, you'll realize half of this board is made up of underage shitposters who only frequent Sup Forums for manufactured drama.
>Ni no Kuni
>Ace combat
>Now Nier
>more to come
>b-but you gotta wait though
How is Sony gonna come back from this?
>I just want to let you Sony fans know: I really appreciate what you are doing.
No problemo, I'll keep enjoying mad games for you bro.
>rationalizing shitposting
Fight on console warrior.
Do you guys actually care about the game?
All platform shitters that spend all day talking exclusively about their feuds and calling each other meme names are the worst people on Sup Forums, particularly since this is the only place I've ever seen that seems this terminally obsessed with and asspained over what platform a game is going to be released on and how many others or not. Like just utterly obsessed with at the expense of virtually everything else that could be getting discussed or even shitposted about a game if you will.
>NieR: Automata is a new third-person action RPG follow-up to the 2010 cult hit, NieR.
>cult hit, NieR.
PC are getting more and more games that when you don't see it most people are mad. its pretty cool that gaming pcs have gotten so big, all my friends and my brother have one now which I built for him.
>still not on steam page
>no release date even mentioned
hang in there
>wants it to remain exclusive solely because he needs to validate his Bloodborne/NiOh machine
F-fuck off, let us at least enjoy these threads.
>b-b-but i can play SOME of those instead of ALL of those so PC is superior despite getting less games
Why are PC users so cuky?
>half a year
Not long unless you're a teen.
Just spam meme images so the thread can die
>shitty game nobody cares about
how much you wanna bet sonyggers will praise this game to no end, we'll see multiple threads a day for weeks
>Atelier Sophie
>Gal Gun: Double Peace
>Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force
>God Eater Resurrection
>I Am Setsuna
>Dark Souls 3
>Toukiden 2
>Tekken 7
>Megadimension Neptunia VII
>Phantasy Star Online 2
>Nier Automata
>Guilty Gear X Revelator
>Nights of Azure
>Tales of Berseria
Now hold on a minute
persona 5,some jrpgs, and unless kingdom hearts doesn't a pc release is all you need it for.
The game was doomed to have shit threads as soon as they made the main character waifu bait
>all that literal who weeb garbage
jesus christ that's disgusting
>despite getting less games
There are games only on Xbox One console-wise getting PC releases. There are games only on Wii U console-wise getting PC releases