Is this true?
Is this true?
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Well it is a fantasy game.
Yes, because making a game where women are inferior to men without a meaningful (narrative, contextual, etc.) reason behind it would just be stupid. You would simply eliminate a large portion of your audience.
-4 STR
No, otherwise they wouldn't make a point of specifying gender.
Also drows are reigned by women.
I liked the text about katanas
Except for the part where they have -4 STR.
They can't "easily be the equals" of men in the 'having a penis' respect though, can they
Can they?
Women should have less STR and agility. More magic bonuses of some sort.
>tfw no femdom society in real life
And they wonder why men spend so much time with fiction. For all the talk they have about being strong&independent&dominant they still won't take the lead in bed.
They're better
are there any games that give women overall worse stats than men?
Only if another stat other than intelligence increases magic
no. remeber that time bill gates ruined everything for white men by dragging tom fulp around and him and tom fulp saying racist shit which was caught on tape thanks to smart phones by a sony executive which allowed them to play a game with bill gates in which they had a sony executive pretend to hand it over for money then comit sudoku only to not have handed the only copy over and recorded b9ill gates braging about having screwed over the gooks in his response to having paid for the vid
yea even slopes are higher lifer forms compared to women. since none of the wives of the men out smarted by gooks knew they were about to be fucked
>tom fulp
The Newgrounds guy?
No. They should have -STR\+CHA or something.
-Ability to resist manipulation by women
+Ability to manipulate men
Gender shouldn't be a aspect you need to minmax.
sounds like personal issues.
>You shouldn't have to minmax at all
>Ability to resist manipulation by women
Now that's too much fantasy. It should just be
>men +str
>women +Ability to manipulate men
Bonus to mana Regen or some bullshit. Not a bonus to int.
+CHA :)
They are more than our equal in theory since they aren't as preoccupied with infighting. However they dont have the need to prove themselves since the are already deemed good enough through virtue of their genitals.
That too. Also, Bonus to healing given.
>+1 to all stats
>-5 to all Con checks from females
>-5 to all Con and Wis saves to male targets
>-5 to mental Save
>+10 to Boy Pussy and
>+5 to Chr
>Every year do a Wis and Int Safe to prevent insanity
This is actually good idea
>aren't as preoccupied with infighting
>they aren't as preoccupied with infighting
- to intimidation
+ To passionate
Bonuses amplified based on amount of armor worn.
if its a fantasy game then I guess sure why not. If its IRL or in a "realistic" game then no.
mountainblade has a realistic society in that if you play a female character its harder to get respect from the nobility.
Free Cities
It's one of the reasons I reckon most guys like fantasy games, because you can have this thin, barely armored woman swinging a massive fucking axe effectively. Even more subdued examples like an armored lady knight with a normal sword just don't work in reality with a vast majority of women (we're talking like 96%+ here.)
If we're talking about real life, it's not even close. To compare it to RPG stats, women essentially have massive stat drawbacks in most categories order to budget in the whole womb thing, which does confer added benefits such as protection, ease of living, and targeted manipulation.
If you don't give a shit about babies, women are basically just shitty men.
Introduce magic based on emotions and feels. Bam, problem solved.
Wild PMS mage
>create a world where women and men are just as strong
>this does not change the gender dynamic at all or anything else for that matter
Probably the thing that disturbs me the most about this idea. Women are still considered to be prizes, evil men are still out trying to rape women even though they're just as strong as him, women only do housework even though they're just as likely to be stronger than the man whose a lumberjack etc etc.
>a realistic society
Let's not go overboard. It's not all that realistic for some random woman calling herself a mercenary captain to walk up to a noble, get a meeting with him and then challenge him to a duel when he tells her to get back in the kitchen. And then the noble just accepts he got his shit slapped in front of all his men by some random bitch
>they still won't take the lead in bed.
And that's good. You don't want to have your erection broken, do you?
professional sports women are beaten by amateur league men, it's more like 99.9% percentile. as in 0.1% or less women could compete well enough.
I was mainly giving stats off combat, wherein less than 4% of women can meet male military standards. I'd imagine sport has an even narrower margin since it involves full body motion, whereas combat might only involve cardio and marksmanship in a typical day.
Basically this.
The reason that we historically as a species sent men out to battle and do dangerous jobs, while we protect women is solely because women have the womb. If out of a population of 10 women and 10 men, if 8 men die, those two men can quickly populate the group back by getting with those women. If 8 women die, 10 men are left fighting over who gets to breed and "use" that women for the year, and this would take much longer to produce loads of offspring.
If you remove the birth factor completely, or give it to both men and women equally, I'm almost certain women would be put on the frontlines as expendable meat-shields, while the strongest men would be kept in the back as the last hope of the group, should they suffer lots of losses. The strongest would just repopulate with strong offspring.
Didn't first edition cap female strength at 18/50 while a male could go as high as 18/00?
Apparently women in the realms now have access to testosterone injections.
This is literally the only one that makes sense.
Only for game balance purposes.
In reality, men are physically stronger.
You just have to kill a whole lot more people when you play a female character, thats really the only difference gameplay-wise. You can't negotiate your way to owning a castle so you just earn renown by destroying armies.
>fantasy game
>has to explicitly point it out as part of their fantasy setting
>they still won't take the lead in bed
Works for me. Nothing beats good ol' maledom.
Well yeah, didn't you play it?
>I have never actually talked to a real woman
Obviously not, but it makes people feel better.
Why even have a choice of male/female if the only differences are cosmetic?
Next you'll be asking why you can change the colors of your character's clothes
First thing I did for every new party member when I played Baldur's Gate
>those colors that were exclusive to certain characters and you could never use on your own dude
Only in a fantasy game.
>since they aren't as preoccupied with infighting.
You've never been around a group of females, have you?
I think that's pretty cool, but it doesn't really do them many favors if they're stuck living in an underground shit hole. You need men in charge to lead you living under the heavens and their endless beauty.
>underground shit hole
>has all kinds of crazy mushrooms, tasty moss, cool architecture, nice neighbors like deep gnomes and dwarves, favor of the spider goddess and endless arcane secrets ripe for the taking
>heavens and their endless beauty
>gets cold as fuck in the winter and hot as fuck in the summer, gravity could reverse and you'd find yourself in space instead of a comfy cave ceiling, surfacefags don't like dark elves, too many fucking bears, just has some gay moon goddess or something, all the magic items are strapped around adventurers' waists already or are being sold for exorbitant prices
it's a sexual fantasy user, ofc men realize that it's very hard to find a female domme, even harder to find one that actually likes it and doesn't just do it for money/to satisfy her need to hit men
and in "professional" BDSM stuff there is a lot of hitting and very little release aka cumming and that's just assbackwards way to go on with the whole thing imo
drows in forgotten realms literally get fucked because of internal struggle and just the pure greediness of their female leaders
they use vemon whips to kill slowly just for the fuck of it, kind of like in hellraiser expect very little pleasure
what are you on about? got source? your post is just a mess
Always thought women should start with a -1 in strength and constitution, but with a plus 2 in charisma.
>without a meaningful (narrative, contextual, etc.)
Basic human biology is fine
Also more males play games than females
if you deep enough in those caverns you can get to demons, there is a whole another world down there
>enabling lazy fatties that just expect to get a good dicking and their click licked without wanting to suck a dick
Well sure, because it specifies females of the Realms, not females of our world. I can definitely believe that in this fantasy setting sexual dimorphism is different.
>kind of like hellraiser, except very ,little pleasure
This can't be serious. Were these amateurs having a go at professional circuit or something, or is that actually how they earn their living?
>worse reaction time
>smaller and weaker frame aka skeleton
it boils down to this, also estrogen makes you submissive and this info is from the people in UFC, they have very tough bitches there but that 1 shemale just threw them around and dominated before they found out it was a (s)he
>new chapter
man, on the other side i kinda wanted it to be vanilla porn with methonium dark elf
it just means the stats are same but society's rules still apply
I do.
Heroes do not match the averages of their race nor gender.
In most systems and games with comperable stats, heroic stats start at 80% baseline, and increase up to 200% percent.
A woman with 200% strength is perfectly acceptable, because she an exceptional fighter... Focus on the word "Exception".
The average man and woman are a different story. Genetics, gender, nutrition, injury, temperament, training and conditioning muddle the issue further.
TL:DR Heroes are heroic. Statistical analysis is not relevant to outliers.
it's funny how maledom in bed is seen more manly when in fact it's way more manly if woman is active and does most of the work for you
Source? iqdb and GIS hate doujins.
the older I get, more and more I understand why women were kept between the fist and the oven
when they just talking they just create trouble and misery around them and now combined with feminism they don't even want to be corrected, they just want you to accept them no matter how shitty they are
Obviously, although it'll be taken out of context for 'lel women'
Women BMX (Bicycle) is actually pretty good.
>It's more manly to have a woman on top of you, insulting you and stepping on your balls
Man seriously, don't even start this shit. If you're into femdom, that's great, enjoy it. It's a HELL of a lot less stigmatized than maleDom, hell, it's about the only fetish as PC as cucking.
The world's drowning in femdom, there's a boatload of stories/doujin/games for it. And, especially in the west, far more characters and settings are setup for that than vice versa.
Meanwhile, with maleDom 90% of what's available is some fucking fatso magically subduing a girl with his magic cock/stamina (fat people are known for their inexhaustible endurance after all) and crappy "rape till she loves it" nonsense.
I write maledom and I constantly have people saying it's disgusting, it's misogynistic, it's degrading to women etcetcetc
Fuck that.
>imoen romance mod
Name a better romance in vanilla Baldur's Gate 2.
I'll wait.
I said it's more manly when the woman is active, I didn't say it's manly to whimper in legs a domme woman and then get pegged or whatever
If it has to be said so explicitly it probably isn't.
Elf-san wa Yaserarenai
Link me something interesting. Playing a lot of /d/ games anything that isn't femdom is horrible brutal rape, but I don't really like that kinda stuff.
good femdom is hard to find you don't wanna pay for it, most suck at the verbal side or they just hit the men and it's more of an abuse video than anything sexy and on the other hand maledom is often binding the girl down and forcing her to have orgasm with the neck massager thing or just vanilla fucking with a collar or something which is stuff I wouldn't even consider to be BDSM porn, just regular porn or hc porn with rough fucking
>sexual dimorphism is different
it's called MAGIC, you dumb nigger
It worked well in Mount and Blade.
But both sexes can use magic, and at an equal level at that
>a large portion of your audience
maybe if you're a mobile game developer.
>Elf-san wa Yaserarenai
Arcanum had.
Men +1 STR
Women +1 CON
Don't hit girls who aren't attacking you user, that isn't nice.
you gotta keep the wife in check
underrated as fuck, you deserve more (you)s
I don't to shit on it, since the remake of it is fairly good, but eeeh. It's still worse than the Canon ones (esp Jaheira, since Viconia is better in ToB)
>Makes Imoen a rape victim for no reason, pretty much a throwaway line
>Imoen gets the most teeth grindingly "quirky" dialogue at times
>She's a massive, massive Mary-Sue
>Author doesn't know how to STFU, conversations are at times 3x longer or more than equivalents
>If you show her your hold before the Bodhi encounter you miss a tonne of dialogue
>No clear progression, it just suddenly ends, then you get her soul back and you now get some additional context dialogue but that's all
>That fucking mary-sue quest with the bracelet. "Oh, she called it Bob! Lol so random! XD"
>She solves Aeries entire character worries in literally a single conversation.
>Literally zero resolution to the missing memories stuff
>The dream conversations are so fucking long. Again, author won't STFU
Bleh, that's just off the top of my head, I'm sure I'd have other complaints if I thought about it.
ToB amplifies most of those even worse though.
>A conversation with Aerie that WILL NOT FUCKING STOP. It's by far the longest conversation in the entire game and 90% of it is about nothing
>Zero development with anything, suffers the same problem as Jaheira, no where to go with the relationship
>If you're not fucking her, she uses magic to forcefully change Aerie's sexuality to be with her
>THAT FUCKING EPILOGUE! Not only is it the most ridiculous Mary Sue nonsense (which is bearable, most epilogue are a pandering to one degree or another) but it just goes on and on and on. The other endings are 1-2 paragraphs. Hers is multiple pages