Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
For Honor
Nothing. It looks really good in my opinion.
Nothing. Ubisoft took a bold step into an industry cluttered with generic shooters and made something that was fun and exciting. It's nice to play something like this especially from the likes of a triple A dev.
Been playing it, not a whole lot, really. Looks great, feels great, though I wish there was there was a little more variation in combos.
Ubisoft has actually redeemed itself with For Honor and Siege.
Played since I got the beta key.
It's pretty good, the fights are super intense and way more tactical than they might look like.
Pretty cool combo variations and class variations, but I really doubt the game will still be as refreshing and cool after 3 or 4 months.
Nothing really its not super deep or complex but its fun also ladder damage is retarded
P2p connection is fucking dumb
Stop posting on this fucking board you moron. Calling shill on every positive opinion about a game destroys actual legitimate discussion.
The dominion mode sucks cock but it looks like a solid game otherwise and is a lot of fun. I preordered the regular version, fuck the special edition shit.
Not an argument
UI is a mess and the gameplay is clunky as shit. Not to mention the shitty moba aspects, the small as fuck maps and the gangbangs that happens every few seconds
>For Women
Fighting game neckbeards ruined any decent discussion about this game with their powerful autism.
You can customize the UI though and Citadel is a bigger map. The full game is sure to have more.
duel mode is fun, anything bigger than that quickly turns into a cluster fuck
might be a game I pick up on sale, not going to buy it full price on release
>dat kikecontrol
Fuck off. Come up with a better argument.
By ui i mean trying to duel in a crowd and you cant see the shield icon due to the zoom out and the crowd. Also, none of the maps they have shown are anywhere near decent size. Battlefield should be huge to create stratagey and prevent less gangbang bs.
Not to mention how many times I had faggots just runnaroundnin circles out of range until their friend arrived because i was tearing them a new one. Need a ranged item that can prevent that
Muh womyn warriors triggers weak betamales who are threatened by stronk womyn in a fucking fantasy game
Daily reminder that there's never been a successful third person competitive game outside of driving games
Daily reminder this game has been simplified for console players
Daily reminder there's a mechanic that literally boosts your health whenever you're out numbered because lock on is so bad in melee games there's no way to actually 1vX without adding a gimmicky health boost
Daily reminder this game is P2P which means any weeb roleplayer can grab your IP and DDOS you for the next week
Daily reminder this game is P2P which means laggy game
Daily reminder you can pay for cosmetics that also give you stat boosts
Daily reminder that the parrying system in this game is a series of quick-time events
Daily reminder a full priced game is also pushing a (((season pass))) on its players
Daily reminder Ubisoft are a terrible company
Daily reminder Siege still doesn't have functioning lighting
Daily reminder shills post For Honour threads every day on Sup Forums
Daily reminder Mordhau will blow this game out the god damn water.
>I want to play as a women
First person sword fighting feels terrible though.
>Not to mention how many times I had faggots just runnaroundnin circles out of range until their friend arrived
Catch them or concentrate on jerking points out of A/B/C bases. Projectiles would probably just ruin the game, imo.
You realize it's up to the player to decide if their character is female or male? It's no more SJW than any other game where you can pick your gender
So you didn't get in the beta then. It "feels" fucking horrible. It's nothing but mash rb and run away from enemies so you can stunlock and gangrape them with more rb mashing
Looked interesting when they showed it at e3 or wherever, became skeptical when I found out it was an Ubisoft game, and now watching gameplay on twitch it looks really slow/clunky and the UI is horrendous.
Everyone keeps asking me if I'll get it and I voice these complaints and for some reason they get mad at me for not being super excited about it.
>mordhaufag in every single FH thread
report for shilling and hide.
No, i didn't get into the beta. I'm just going off of youtube videos and stuff.
>It "feels" fucking horrible
It "feels" fucking great. It's actually like the characters were wearing steel and there's weight to the attacks. You can actually fence.
They couldnbe implemented with cooldowns and larger setups. Not like half the games broken anyway..
Maybe try playing ones that aren't skyrim
There is bows and crossbows and bombs on cooldown feats though. Try saving them until some ass clown runs away next time.
Combos dont flow for shit. If you dont mash they literally wont register
How do you use the warden cannonball skill?
When I press 4 nothing happens, and when I press it some more it lands in a spot I never even aimed at.
This post is literally fake news. The game plays great. The only thing that's shitty is the dominion mode.
I wish they'd redeem Clancy's name with an actually good, old school tactical shooter.
What game?
Are they those stupid moba actions that you have to fuck round to earn every match? Ok ill go fight some mobs that you can lck and defend against and 90% of singing attacks just go right fucking through them
Go back
>For Honor dev looks at it and thinks "Needs more lock-ons"
>Muh womyn warriors triggers weak betamales
Nope, but usually games where different geneders added "just for diversity" ahve shitty gameplay because devs cares about SJW more than about gameplay.
>Sup Forums
>ever figure out game mechanics and blame the game more then themselves
What's so terrible about the UI?
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
There is none. First person melee combat always feels clunky and unintuitive as fuck. Don't let anyone trick you into the Chivalry meme. Biggest waste of money in my life.
>needs more women
>Daily reminder that there's never been a successful third person competitive game outside of driving games
SMITE is pretty successful.
T. someone who hasn't played the game
You won't win any fight with RB mashing. We're talking about for honor not dark souls
>le Reddit boogeyman cop-out
How can one user be so BTFO
>stop insulting my flavour of the month
fuck off, who would win?
Vikings, Knights, or Samurai?
It's a big clusterfuck and reminds of the meme COD post that just has a shit ton of notifiers everywhere. I just think it's messy and not something that appeals to me.
Same problem as most AAA multiplayer games lately: Not enough variety for a $60 price tag.
Not an argument
It lacks depth, way too easy. Already bored of it because of it. Feel like I've already basically mastered the game.
Was fun while it lasted though. I just don't know what the full release is going to offer that i haven't already got from the beta.
not an argument
>Are they those stupid moba actions
>ill go fight some mobs that you can lck and defend against and 90% of singing attacks
t. someone who is bad at chivalry
Then turn them off.
You literally can.
People love it. Maybe it's not like old school rainbow six's (I was hoping for a next gen rainbow six too) but it's still fun and works as a competitive game. So yes they redeemed themselves with good games
MGS. Stopped reading
>what went wrong
The 4v4's
I just love it when I'm about to kill someone and a Nobushitter or Peacekeeper runs up to me and stun locks me with bleed damage
Literally my only complaints about For Honor are the class balance and the clunkiness of using active feats. The game is so chaotic and visceral that it just feels weird to have to stop for a second to use feats like Fiat Lux or Stalwart Banner. If you could use them on the move, they just stopped your character when used it'd feel a lot better. Also, Warlords are too damn good. Any decent Warlord can easily 2v1 with all-block and mashing shield attacks.
I'm already feeling this way after only 3 days. Don't want to sound like
>l33t h4xx0r sk1llz
But is everyone just fucking awful at this game? I've only lost a single duel, and it was my very first duel before I had learned the advanced mechanics. Once I got gud I literally haven't lost. If the game was just too easy, surely there would be other good players?
This feels like one of those games you only play because of friends otherwise you play with randoms who know how to take advantage of frames and bugs.
That or you are really into LARPing.
>competitve multiplayer
pick only 1.
into the trash it goes!
>you dislike the game you must be bad strawman
Classic underage Sup Forums
In reality? Knights. They're more organized and have superior weapons made of superior materials.
In game? Vikings. SO MANY FUCKERS PLAY VIKINGS. Every time the map updates it's Knights, 10, Samurai, 14, Vikings, 78.
Take advantage of frames?
>Metal gear solid is now a "competitive" game
You never started reading you fucking liar. Fucking dolt.
You're saying stuff that is simply incorrect about the game. Retard
Maybe you two l33t h4xx0r ski115 should duel and see which one is better, rather than claim to be fucking unbeatable and "mastered the game"
>what went wrong
It's too fun and I'm enjoying it too much. Sup Forums says I have to hate video games.
Same. I have like a 90% winrate. Everyone seems really horrible. And i'm generally average at best at games.
>Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
A game designed around 1v1, but didn't focus on it.
>SP campaign to pad it out
>shit like 4v4 dominion modes
>heroes completely lack personality
>full price
I can screencap my 90 something % win rate if you'd like
>comes out in the same month Nioh is out
Why should I buy this trash Ubisoft game when I could play the GOTY?
First person melee usually feels like shit. It always feels horrible being able to see the end of someone's sword and still take damage as if you're getting hit. At least in third person I can better gauge the distance between me and my enemy.
It's a good game, but it feels stuck somewhere between a comp shooter and a more tactical game. It's fun and it does seem to have more depth than any other shooter on the market, but goddamn if there aren't some cheesy as fuck tactics and a noteworthy degree of randomness to any situation.
Just remembered Deadliest Warrior did a Samurai/Viking match up. They gave it to the Samurai.
Knights went up against Pirates.
You don't need to shill an actually good game, user. :^)
Mordhaufags are just embarassing.
I was thinking of actually trying it when it comes out, but due to this one guy I think I'm gonna pass.
Same here. I'm literally boycotting Mordhau because of Mordhaufag. One less potential customer because of the powerful autism of one sad man who tried to start a nonexistant turf war between to wholly unrelated games.
It's not coming for consoles so you couldn't play it anyway
You are
post webm/vid or stfu
>new game comes out
>play it nonstop for three days
>why am I better than anyone???
>literally "no u"
>no u
The biggest problems with this game are no offline modes and p2p connection...
>shitty combat that amounts to guess work and lmb spam rather than any sort of skill.
>block that is only possible when locked onto one character, meaning that any time you go up against two people you are guarenteed to lose unless they are extremely bad
>the only way they came up to balance said 1v2 is to give a stupid health boost.
>4v4 consists of idiotic pushes with cannon fodder bots that have zero purpose as you can run through them without incident.
>switching stance is tied to the mouse, so it feels fucking awful to do and is prone to misinterpreting rapid movement
>which is all the time
Need I go on?
This is going to be atleast as big a failure as The Division.
Don't need your validation. Just pointing out that the game is really easy.
i need fighting game like side view spectator.
>shitty combat that amounts to guess work
What are you on about? Everything is way too telegraphed because of the UI.
>any attack has a massive flashing red bar making parrying an absolute breeze
Fighting games are autism