Handheld appreciation thread.
What you playing? What you looking forward to? Gabe handheld?
Handheld appreciation thread.
What you playing? What you looking forward to? Gabe handheld?
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Been playing some MH4U, looking forward to what comes next for 3DS after the Switch drops. And MHXX.
Also bumping, love handheld threads.
Meant fave handheld.
Currently playing dq8 after going 30 hours into dq7. It really is fucking long.
Also playing mgs3 on the vita and AC!D on the PSP
> Appreciation thread
> Sup Forums
Its not gonna happen plebbit
How is MGS3 on N3DS? Considered it for portability and don't have a Vita. Still have the PS2 one if that matters.
FFTA2, while watching Star Trek:TNG
MHXX, got my japanese 3ds all hacked up.
3DS cause it's a mohun machine.
>I am a fucking sheep that fell for the le Sup Forums hates everything maymay
Use your brain for once
Playing Fire Emblem: Awakening. Played a bunch of it years ago but never beat it for some reason. It's hard as shit.
Just finished Persona 4 Golden, currently playing Pokemon Moon while waiting for the Switch and Persona 5
>Gabe handheld?
Quality thread about actual games, OP. Sup Forums needs more OPs like you.
I'm finishing up Revelations path in Fates and playing some Dancing All Night on the Vita. Little Pokemon Sun breeding for shinies in between.
Excited for FE Echoes, Heroes, and the Switch (Disgaea 5!). Also getting Yoshi and Poochy delivered in a few days.
It's a locked 20fps iirc
How did you like it? It's one of my fav games of all time
Awakening, hard?
Wew lad. I hope you're on lunatic at least. Also don't buy Apotheosis dlc
It does the job. There's some gimmick stuff thrown in there but you can ignore it all. I don't think the framerate is great, but it wasn't great on the PS2 either.
Just get a PS3 and get the legacy collection for pretty cheap.
Playing Dragon Quest 8, finishing Pokemon Moon and starting Stella Glow.
I wish I started and played only one game.
Nothing on my vita, although I'm thinking about playing Steins Gate and Eiyuu Senki.
Not him but I recently got best ending in P4. Can't believe I waited so long to play it, way better than the slog known as SMT4. Dungeon design was pretty bland aside from visuals and music. 9/10 would new game+
I'm on Classic Hard. Chapter 11 is kicking the shit out of me. So many reinforcements ;_;
Visually more impressive in terms of higher poly models but worse performance.
Playing OPW3 on the Vita. Might give Uppers a try since someone made a partial translation.
I'm playing D4 on my Vita right now. It's pretty addicting building up all these stats and such.
I'm finding the combat a little simplistic. Like the game would rather have me grind and build the perfect party then anything else.
Phoenix Wright Trilogy on the 3DS, never owned a DS so I never played them and I really didn't care much for the ds emulators during the time.
It's pretty fun.
I'd play MH XX but to be honest Gens stupid ticket system for the Deviants really burnt me out.
Been playing digimon redigitize decode in nip language with the help of Google translate in my phone. Been having fun so far and raising different partner digimon is refreshing.
Plus the selection of mon is quite big
Even on a hacked 3ds to overclock it?
Yeah, the random dungeons are definitely a downside. Thank god they're changing it in P5
Dunno, that's out of my depth.
If you've got a hacked 3ds then you should just pirate it and see for yourself anyway.
Ok, I'll give you a pass.
Sit on empty forts to block reinforcement spawns.
If you still have trouble, only advance with Frederick and double up everyone.
Own both a N3DS and a Vita, and I like the Vita infinitely more. The 3DS is absolute trash and I regret buying it, even after hacking that garbage recently.
Yeah, I played that a few months ago. Really, REALLY focused on grinding and stats. It was pretty fun for a bit, but it's not gonna be one of my favorite games or anything
Like peace walker on psp, it's hardlock 20 fps
Vita is definitely superior hardware, but 3DS has great games
Yeah that's what I've been trying. They all swarm so fast tho. One time, I was about to win, but fucking Nowi missed a 80% hit against Gangrel and died.
Disagree. Yes, the hardware being trash is one of the main reasons I dislike the 3DS, but I had a lot more fun with the things I've played on the Vita than what I bought and later pirated for 3DS. It really is a shit console, specially compared to the DS which was one of, if not THE best handheld ever.
Ouch, that's rough. You may want to grind supports and exp if you have EXPonential growth dlc (if you don't, buy it). Also, make sure Chrom has an S support before beating that chapter or the story will force a bride on him. I recommend Sumia or FeMu.
not him but it's literally impossible to have a civilized vidya thread on this shithole
Hey shut up! This thread has been GOLD so far, don't jinx it
I mean, this thread has been good so far, has it not?
Sorry you feel that way user. I enjoy Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Zelda, Bravely Second, Phoenix Wright, Mario Kart, Star Fox, and Azure Striker along with VC games. Vita only has Persona 4 and remote play for me.
Lime green GBC master race.
Clear/purple GBA is GOAT.
Silver SP is top tier.
Silver DS phat a best.
Any DS Lite is a good choice.
Black DSI or go home.
Can't go wrong with any 3ds, N3DS is king though.
Prove me wrong.
99% of those are shit rehashes that are worse than the games that came before them, which is the reason I think it's a trash handheld. Played all of those, and was disappointed with everything not being as good as what was available on the DS.
I'd take the ports of actually decent games I can play on a single console on the go for the Vita over emulated crap and bad sequels any day.
N3DS is my favourite because of its added value (basically everything up to 16bit, GBA and DS), but PSPGo is very very close with the PS1 emulation capabilities and EXCELLENT library.
>Black DSI or go home.
There wasn't really a bad looking DSi.
But then I like pastel colors.
Dude, you should get a flashcart and play DS games. It is one of the best consoles of all time and the 3DS is but a mere shadow of it.
do you even know what is a pastel color?
Delusional sonypony. I pity you.
I owned every Nintendo and Sony console since the N64 and PS1, and Sony was always superior. Blow me.
What added value? Just Xenoblade and Isaac, right? And the extra buttons.
Atelier Shallie. Waiting for Etrian Odyssey V and EO VI on the Switch (hopefully).
Funny, Star Fox 64, OoT, MM are all considered the definitive versions of their games. I loved OrAs as well but gripes about it are legitimate.
I named 7 non ports, remakes, or sequels.. How is that 1 percent?
And what Vita games do YOU like? Genuinely curious as my Vita library is small.
Can't wait to pick up a Switch next month. Been playing Dragon Quest 8 on 3DS in bed, but the resolution is so eye bleeding. Got my Vita preorder of Danganronpa V3 ready too. What a great year for handhelds.
I thought that image had the baby blue one in it, but yes.
>Fire Emblem Echoes
>New 3DS SMT project.
>Shitload of DQs to choose from.
>Lady Layton.
>Ever Oasis mite be cool
And here I thought that stupid looking Pikmin spin-off was all I'd get for 2017.
Am I the only one who thinks the DSi is a piece of shit? DS Lite is infinitely superior.
also my junk:
DS Lite crimson r4
PSP 2000 white Darth Vader hacked
3DSXL gold Zelda
and silver Mario/Luigi hacked
Vita 2000
of course 3ds won't die so fast
it'll do in 2018 tho
just bought a 2DS + New Leaf because it was cheap and i haven't had a handheld in a while.
any game recommendations?
Currently playing Demon Gaze on my Vita and Gurumin 3D on the 3DS. Liking it so far.
The New 3DS has SNES emulation capabilities and those games you mentioned. However, I was referring to the libraries the 3DS itself endorses (retrocompatability with DS and GBA if you know what you're doing) with portable emulation generally better than the PSP (outside of PS1). 3DS, on itself, I consider a bit underwhelming.
What's your favorite genre?
The next 3ds is the switch. Accept it.
Been playing Pokémon Sun on my 3DS to stave off buyer's remorse, with some Project Diva F2nd on my Vita when I get bored of Wonder Trading.
>Can't play GBA games
>Stretched out games, making it look even shittier
>Bare minimum in exclusives, no reason to upgrade over it
>Terrible internet browser
Nah, you right. Matte finish is the only pro. Great shit too.
Ah, yeah. The 3DS is such a good emulator.
I pray that the 3ds has a very quick and painless death after switch launch.
I've been ready to say goodbye to that 240p 3d gimmick shit for a long time
The switch is gonna be fucking great once the console part of it stops being pushed and handheld franchises move to it
The day GF announces a DPP remake for switch is the day I literally cum buckets
I don't care about the next gen S/M were shit
DPP had GOAT music/atmosphere/gimmicks
As long as they don't fuck it up like ORAS I'll be happy
>I named 7 non ports, remakes, or sequels..
What are you talking about? They ARE all sequels, ports or remakes. I bought a N3DS mainly for Pokemon, with RS/E being my favorite gen, and OrAs was absolute trash. XY and SuMo were also terrible casualized sequels.
As for the Vita, just the fact that it has good ports from like 5 different platforms on a hardware that's miles ahead of the 3DS is enough for me. There are tons of PSP, PS1 and indie games I play often, but apart from that, there's P4G obviously, everything Vanillaware, lots of great rhythm games like PD and Superbeat, Wipeout, Tearaway, Dragon Quest Builders, the Neptunia series and lots of MonHun clones (that I think are better). I had more fun with my Vita in the first week that I bought it and played it more in the first month than my N3DS since I bought it on release. Every time there's a thread like this people name the same handful of rehashed Nintendo shit as if I haven't already played them and if they would change my opinion on it. Still awful hardware and a bland library, which I'm not saying is much better on the Vita, but I like the games offered more and the hardware itself makes a massive difference to me.
Atelier Shallie plus. Enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. Going to pick up Dragon Quest 8 once I'm finished with it.
>X and Y and SuMo somehow sequels despite being in new regions with new stories and pokemon
>Awakening and Fates
>Bravely series
>Azure Striker
>somehow all ports, sequels, or "rehashes"
>meanwhile praising Monster Hunter clones, a blatant Minecraft ripoff, psp and ps1 games
Cmon man... I don't have an issue with you liking those games, but don't be a hipocrite and dismiss 3DS remakes and sequels when half of YOUR listed games are just that.
Playing Persona 3 on vita.
It's interesting.
I couldn't stand P3P, personally. It completely killed the presentation of the game. I get that the combat is better, but the trade off was too much
It's weird. Sometimes I like handhelds, but sometimes I hate them and would rather play on a big screen.
I'm playing trails of cold steel on my vita
I fucking love my vita
It's the perfect PC companion.
I keep seeing people referencing the DS in this thread. Can anyone recommend some good DS games to me?
I'm genuinely curious because I have a flashcart that I want to use more often, but I don't have very many games on there. Show me the games!
the only trade off is you lose out on FES content which fuckin sucks
I alternate between Pokemon soulsilver and Fire Emblem: Awakening on my 3ds. After I'm done both I'm going to get started on MH4U which I've had my eyes on forever.
My nintendo DS lite broke a long time ago so it feels good to finally play handhelds again.
Retro Games Challenge 1 and 2
Any pokemon game except Diamond or pearl (get Platinum)
Jump Ultimate Stars
Final fantasy tactics advance 2
Ff3 and 4
Advance wars
Ace attorney
World ends with you
Mario and Luigi: Bowser's inside story
Chrono Trigger remake
Elite Beat Agents 1 and 2
Rhythym Heaven
Metroid Prime Hunters
Layton games
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Megaman Zx
Megaman Zero collection
Sonic Rush
Fire Emblem Heroes of Light and Shadow
Any gba games you like
And the still image cutscenes, and the VN dialogue screens, and the lack of being able to walk around the real world. Atmosphere is one of the most important things in a Persona game, and taking that away like they did in P3P kills it.
I assume he's referring to this:
Wew lad
>playing mgs3 on a 3ds
at least play that shit on a n3ds
Pretty sure it's locked at 20. But if you overclock, it's pretty good overall. If you could deal with Peace Walker, then you'll have no problem with this. And honestly, if you can deal with the frame rate, it's the best version of the game. The second screen is utilized really well, showing the map and allowing you to reach any one of the menus with touch screen controls. And it's the only version of the game with crouch walking, which helps so much.
Game Freak
Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum
Double penile penetration
I love handheld gaming so much. I spend so much more time on handhelds than on my big ass gaming pc. They're just so damn comfy. Now that I've hacked my 3DS and got a shitload of GBA games on there, I'm never gonna put the thing down.
But before I get started on that huge amount of games, I've committed myself to finishing Dragon Quest 8. I'm so terrible at finishing really long JRPGs, even though I love them so much. I'm 20 hours into this and I love it, so I'm determined to actually get through it.
I think ORAS might be a Jojo reference
Oh right, I never played anything Pokemon. Figured it was pokemon related, but I didn't recognize DPP
Thank you
Going to install CFW to my 3DS now.
I hope it goes as well as it did with the PSP
shit super late response.
anything really, bravely default seemed cool, monster hunt looks like it could hook me if the grind doesn't kill the mood.
Bravely Default and Second are great, also try Fantasy Life, it's the definition of comfy.
Only reason to own a handheld is for the weeaboo grindan games
And Mario Kart
Been really liking SMT4 it's my first game in the series. The map is fucking horrible though, and often times I feel like it simply does not tell me what to do/where to go at all. Are the other games like this?
No. SMT4A actually fixes that a lot. SMT4 kinda assumes you know about Tokyo and where all the parts are already, so if you're not japanese it's easy to get lost. It's annoying and some people get round it by referring to an actual map of toyko at times.